Home, Nürtingen, Germany - 24th May 2014
By: Gallifrey
I'm Iggy. This is me in the picture below. I'm really nervous about my first trip around the world. I don't know where I'm going yet. Hopefully some place nice. I'm going to have an appointment for measuring and weighing soon. I'm very nervous. Yesterday I ate too much popcorn....I hope that didn't influence my weight too much....I have to stay in shape until the weighing is over.
Posted May 24, 2014, 2:16 pm Last edited May 24, 2014, 5:42 pm by Gallifrey
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Home, Nürtingen, Germany - 24th May 2014
By: Gallifrey
I've successfully survived weighing and measuring. My mum says I'm a healthy little guy with a good height and a normal BMI. I'm very proud. I've actually grown a lot during the last two months. I hope that doesn't mean that the puberty has started early. When do tigers normally enter puberty? I really don't want to speak in strange octaves and shave my face right now...the popcorn really wasn't such a good idea. I gained a gramm of weight! This calls for a healthy diet 
Posted May 24, 2014, 5:38 pm Last edited May 24, 2014, 5:42 pm by Gallifrey
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Hill behind the house, Nürtingen, Germany - 25th May 2014
By: Gallifrey
Today I went on a short walk up the hill behind my house. It was very steep and I first had to relax on a bench before I could take some pictures. The additional pounds I had yesterday during weighing are deifnitely gone now. I had a wondeful view over my village on top of the hill. It was very sunny and hot. We had a clear sky and could see all the way to the next bigger city. My mum showed me the castle ruin called "Hohenneuffen", which is only a few minutes away. I took a photo with it. I'm now pretrty exhausted and need to rest and eat. I'll update my Travellog later.
Posted May 25, 2014, 11:41 am Last edited May 25, 2014, 1:06 pm by Gallifrey
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Home, Nürtingen, Germany - 26th May 2014
By: Gallifrey
Wow, I'm going to the United States in a couple of days! How exciting! It's time for some preparation before my trip. Mummy still has to make my ID tag so I spent the day increasing my knowledge of this huge country. After looking the country up in an atlas I started improving my English vocabulary and cultural knowledge. Afterwards I started learning the National Anthem by heart. Mummy told me to stop singing because the windows started to crack...apparently I am not a talented singer
Mummy also told me that I need to go to get an immunization in order to be allowed to enter the US. When I saw the syringe I was very scared, but it wasn't so bad in the end. Now I'm fit to go!
Posted May 26, 2014, 4:35 pm
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Home, Nürtingen, Germany - 30th May 2014
By: Gallifrey
Wow, what an exciting day today! I'm starting my long journey to the USA today. Hopefully I'll arrive there in one piece. I packed all my bags and a bunch to eat but Mummy told me that the food and bags were way too much and wouldn't fit into my package. So I had to unpack again, which took a long time. Afterwards I snuggled into my box and now I am finally on my way! See you in the USA, I am so excited!
Posted May 30, 2014, 5:12 pm
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Fairforest South Carolina, Usa - 14th June 2014
By: godsavetheking1776
Hello Mother and all of my friends.
I am finally in the United States and I am in one piece. I had a really long flight and it was kinda scary but by the end of the flight I really enjoyed the trip on the airplane. When I arrived at my host family in Fairforest South Carolina I was meet by the family that I am staying with great fanfare. I really like meeting a bunny named Butterscotch and her brother Paul. Mom, they really are making me fill very welcome in there house. Mom,Did I tell you the food on the airplane was small and did not taste very good. I am so wishing I packed a little bit more food for my trip because I am so hungry. My host said that they will take me out to eat so I will go for now but I just want you to know that I am safe and happy in the USA.
Love Iggy
Posted Jan 15, 2015, 12:01 am Last edited Jan 15, 2015, 12:03 am by godsavetheking1776
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Spartanburg South Carolina, United States of America - 14th June 2014
By: godsavetheking1776
Hello Mummy and all of my friends.
I am so full that I can't even breath. My host family thought I needed to have a big meal after that long flight so they took me to a restaurant in Spartanburg SC to get me the national dish of America and it is a Hamburger. That is the national dish of the USA I can get that back home in Germany. Wow Ok I guess I thought I would travel to the Usa and have some super duper awesome food but my first meal was a Hamburger. Now don't get me wrong it was a very good hamburger and they even made it extra special by putting bacon and BBQ pork on it. I have never had BBQ pork on a Hamburger. Paul told me that BBQ was a southern food and In the south USA they make it wonderful. The host family even bought me a appetizer to share with everyone of fried mushrooms. yum I so think I need to take a nap now. I will post more tomorrow Mummy and friends.
Love and miss you
Posted Jan 15, 2015, 12:38 am
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