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Travelog for: Zina

Glazov, Russia - 17th February 2014

By: Val

Hello everybody! My name is Zina and I'm a little bear from Glazov, Russia. I'm ready to bet that you have never heard about it! So maybe you'll be interested to get to know something about this little town? I'm going to tell you anyway, so you just don't have choice  ;)
It's situated in Udmurtia, the Republic which has its own language, customs and traditions. Russia is a huge country and there are lots of different nationalities and languages here. The town I'm living in now is pretty smal and has only about 100 000 citizens. Pretty big one for Europe but nothing for Russia.  ;)
Here I am

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* Posted Feb 17, 2014, 11:24 am [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Glazov, Russia - 17th February 2014

By: Val

The day was not really eventfull today.
I've listened to the parrot singing, it seems that he can sing non stop all day long. By the way, his name is Petrushka.
I've also spent some time playing with the cat whose name is Barmaley. He was called after the cannibal from a fairy tale. He seems cruel from the first sight but in fact he is sooo kind and fluffy!
Then I talked to Stekkie who arrived here with my mum from Hamburg but originally he is from Belgium.
And as long as the weather was really good today (0 degrees), I ve decided to go to the balcony and make the photo in the snow :)
That's it for today.

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* Posted Feb 17, 2014, 3:52 pm Last edited Feb 17, 2014, 3:53 pm by Val [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Glazov, Russia - 1st March 2014

By: Val

Hey-hey, here I am again!  :)
It was a nice holiday here on the 1st of March. Actually it was during the whole week and Sunday was the last day of it. This holiday is called Maslenitsa. What is typical for it? Eating lots of pancakes!
On the last day a huge doll made out of straw is burned as a symbol of the beginning of spring and people are walking and having fun.
So, I woke up and had a wonderfull breakfast, a dish of pancakes for sure. Stekkie was also with me and he liked this Russian food a lot! After breakfast we chose and wrote a postcard to a girl from Belarus, whose address my mum got via postcrossing. After it we went to watch the burning doll. Wow, that was fun! Then we took a walk along the old district. There are actually two: the old one with bright low houses and the new one with high houses. We took couple of photos in front of houses and in the park. And then couple more on the main square, not actually on it but a bit aside, near the bridge. What is behind is the river but it's frozen and covered with snow.
Then we went to meet my mum's cousin but we'll talk about it a bit later. Enjoy the photos ;)

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* Posted Mar 10, 2014, 4:15 pm [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

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