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Travelog for: Bolmur

Wilstermarsch, Germany - 3rd December 2013

By: Miss-Cynical

Hello - my name is Bolmur and I'm new to ToyVoyagers.

I'm a very small polar bear and I will be released for Christmas - I hope so much somebody finds me and takes me with him/her!


In the meantime I'm having a good time here at my mentor's home and the nearby region.

Today we visited Wilster - here I am with my fellow TV Smilla at the back of the old townhall.
This half-timber house was built in 1585.


Then we visited "Kasenort" but we couldn't see much, because it was so foggy today! It was cold as well - Smilla was freezing all day, but I don't care, I like the cold! And snow! And ice!

Usually here you can see the river "Stör" behind me:


And this is at the small river "Wilsterau" - you can't see much here either due to the mist:


It was a nice trip and I'm a bit tired, so I will go to sleep right away.


Good night!

* Posted Dec 2, 2013, 11:18 pm Last edited Dec 2, 2013, 11:23 pm by Miss-Cynical [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Home, Germany - 3rd December 2013

By: Miss-Cynical

Today I welcomed another TV at our house: duckling Nathalie!

Here she is - with me and all the other TVs:


She's really nice and I welcomed her with a hug:


We had a great party with chocolate, cookies and gummybears until it was dark.



Unfortunately there's a huge storm over Schleswig-Holstein right now, it's very windy and we are not allowed to go outside.

So it'll take a few more days until I can show Nathalie the river Stör and the meadows nearby. She will love it! And I've seen other ducks there!

Good night for today!

* Posted Dec 5, 2013, 9:42 pm [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

at home, Germany - 11th December 2013

By: Miss-Cynical

It's time for my Christmas Wild Release!

I'm going on my big journey, today I will be released and I hope somebody finds me and takes me with her/him!

I had to say good-bye to other TVs in the house, which was a bit sad, but I'm off to new adventures and this is nice too!


Bye-bye Tigerlily!


Tschüss Smilla, my friend!


Adios, sweet Nathalie!


Mum had a plastic bag for me and prepared a letter for the person who finds me. It describes who I am, what ToyVoyagers are in general and what to do.


So I crawled into the bag and waved good-bye to my friends.


I'm on my way to Itzehoe, where I will be released.

Bye-bye all!

* Posted Dec 11, 2013, 6:22 pm [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Itzehoe, Germany - 11th December 2013

By: Miss-Cynical

Here I am in my bag and ready to be released.

Mum took me to the "Book Booth" in Itzehoe. That's a former telephone box that is now a library for free books.

I hope someone will find me here!

Keep your fingers crossed!

Bye-Bye, mum!



* Posted Dec 11, 2013, 6:24 pm [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

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