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Travelog for: Bella Blue

Ramrod Key, Florida, USA - 16th January 2014

By: Sunny

I was just released! I'd like to travel the world and have some fun. See those palm trees? That's my backyard. I was born here on a tropical island in the Florida Keys.

Wanna host me? Let's do this!!


* Posted Jan 16, 2014, 6:01 pm Last edited Jan 16, 2014, 6:01 pm by Sunny [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Ramrod Key, Florida, USA - 24th January 2014

By: Sunny

I'm leaving today for a visit to Germany, my first trip out of my home country.

I am so excited!

Wish me luck,


* Posted Jan 24, 2014, 3:02 pm [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Denkendorf, Germany - 8th February 2014

By: blubb

Hi Mum,

I safely arrived in Germany. It is not so warm here as at home, but there is no snow. My host told me that they have a very gentle winter with no snow. Maybe there will be some in the next days???

I got a warm welcome here. There is Birdy a lovely little girl and Brownie the bear and and Om Nom. They all said "Hello" to me and gave me a big hug. I think I like it here Mum!  :D

Bella Blue

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* Posted Feb 10, 2014, 6:43 am [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Home, Germany - 10th February 2014

By: blubb

Hi Mum,

Today we decided to bake fresh buns for breakfast. I helped host mum to bring them into the oven, to get them out and then - because we want to eat 30 minutes later - we brought the baking sheet outside so that it could cool down.
It was very delicious. I had some German Pork Sausage and I tried a shrimp bun. It was so yummie!

Bye for now,
Bella Blue

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* Posted Feb 12, 2014, 1:13 pm [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Stuttgart, Germany - 13th February 2014

By: blubb

Hi Mommy,

Today host mum took me to work. She is working with a famous car manufacturer here in the headquarters. Wow. In one of the pictures you will see the manufacturer. It is Mercedes-Benz.  I explored her office and after work we went to the Autobahn (interstate) and then we saw a big colorful rainbow. The weather was very awful and windy but the rainbow was nice.

Rainy wishes,
Bella Blue


* Posted Feb 14, 2014, 12:50 pm [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Stuttgart, Germany - 15th February 2014

By: blubb

Hi Mom,

Today the weather was absolutely awful only rain and 40 degrees but my host told me, that we go out tonight. Exciting!!!!

Together with host mum and their mum we drove to Liederhalle that is the name of one of the convention center in Stuttgart. We went to a concert!!! It was Queen!! I had no idea who this is, but host mum told me about then. I've learned a lot about Queen and especially about Freddie Mercury and their live and songs. The songs were great. Everybody stand up and were singing and waving. In the pictures you don't see me because it was very dark but I was there sitting in the gallery in the first row.

I can't get the songs out of my head....
We will, we will roooock yooou  B)

Have fun,
Bella Blue

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* Posted Feb 17, 2014, 12:22 pm [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Zizishausen, Germany - 25th February 2014

By: blubb

Hi Mum,

Today we had beautiful weather. The birds where singing and it looks like spring here. Host mum hopes, that there will be no snow more and she wants to have spring.

Today we drove to a beautiful valley. It is small but host mum likes it. We made a few pictures, but we did not have time to go for a walk because we had some nice food in the trunk and we were hungry and the food should go into the fridge.
The river is called Neckar and here the river is small but after a few miles later the river will grow wider and shipping is possible. I saw a nice old factory and Blubb says that is a factory from the 19th century.

After that, we ate our food. It was Sushi. Yammie.

Bye for now,
Bella Blue

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* Posted Feb 26, 2014, 1:33 pm [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Host's Home, Germany - 27th February 2014

By: blubb

Hi Mummy,

Today I learned how to bake a German "Red-Wine-Chocolate-Cake". I helped my host to bring the cake out of the Bundt Cake. It was not so easy, but then the cake was there.
Blubb gave me a so that I can strew some powdered sugar on it. The cake was delicious. Blubb made an Latte Macciatto for her piece of cake and when she set the table, I sneaked a little bit from her coffee. Look at my own piece of cake!!

Love ya,
Bella Blue


* Posted Feb 28, 2014, 11:59 am [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Denkendorf, Germany - 8th March 2014

By: blubb

Hi Mum,

Today I was very excited because host mum went to her mailbox and brought a little package with her. She told me that it is maybe another guest. We shaked the little box and we heard some strange noises....We were a little bit scared, but we were curious so we opened it. It was Hemming a little wolf. We gave him a warm welcome and checked out his equipment. He traveled with his can, his cereals and his sleeping bag. That is so great!
Even the cat said "Hello" to Hemming!

Wish you a nice day,
Bella Blue

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* Posted Mar 10, 2014, 6:02 pm [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Denkendorf, Germany - 20th March 2014

By: blubb

Hi Mum,

Today we started into spring and the weather was great outside. The first time with short sleeves!! We had 24 degrees (75 degress F) and that's amazing for the end of March.

Because of the weather, host mum decided to colorate wool by herself. She showed me and Hemming how it's gonna work. It was exciting. After she colorated the wool she put it into microwave to fix the color on the wool and then, she brought it outside for drying. Look at those colors!

Have a nice weekend,
Bella Blue

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* Posted Mar 21, 2014, 11:55 am [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

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