at home , Switzerland - 31st October 2012
By: Jasper
Hi together,
Today is Halloween and I have worked hard the last few days. Pumpkin carving was not so easy. And my costume for tonight, I had to make yet. I'll show you, but not tell anyone, it's a surprise.
Trick or treat can come, let's go
Posted Oct 31, 2012, 3:35 pm
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Trieb, Lichtenfels, Germany - 11th November 2012
By: Ravyna
Hey Mummy!
Last week I arrived safely here in Germany. After a day rest, yesterday Ravyna and her grandparents took me with them to collect sloes. If you don’t know these berries you can read here about it: blackthorn. At the end we had this big pail full of sloes!
Today we made liqueur and syrup of them. For the liqueur we bust a few of the berries and put some white rock sugar and cinnamon in it. Finally I poured grain schnapps over it. Now it has to rest for four to six weeks.
Posted Nov 12, 2012, 10:41 am
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Trieb, Germany - 18th November 2012
By: Ravyna
The weather was bad the last few days and I had enough of the coldness and darkness, so I went into the sauna! That was so good, pure relaxation…
Posted Nov 19, 2012, 12:55 pm
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Trieb, Germany - 19th November 2012
By: Ravyna
You won’t believe how sunny it was today.
We went out in the garden and gave the birds some sunflower seeds, because it’s difficult for them to find food on their own now. There are so many birds here, especially titmice.
Then I was sitting in the birdhouse in the sun and after a while some bold ones came to me. Can you see them?
Bye for now,
Posted Nov 19, 2012, 1:01 pm
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Lichtenfels, Germany - 24th November 2012
By: Ravyna
We’ve been in Lichtenfels today, at a friend of Ravyna. There I met another plush toy, a pink horse. We talked a bit and I told her something about ToyVoyagers, but her mother wouldn’t allow her to travel, too.
Afterwards we went in town and I made a sightseeing picture of the town hall. In the Irish Pub we had some Strongbow Cider.
See you,
Posted Nov 25, 2012, 5:29 pm Last edited Nov 25, 2012, 8:14 pm by Ravyna
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Hamburg, Germany - 2nd December 2012
By: Ravyna
This weekend I’ve spent in the north of Germany! Thursday Ravyna surprised me with the news, that we are going to go to Hamburg. Friday early in the morning we started and had to drive nearly 600 km.
But it was really nice there! Amongst others, I saw the big town hall, a new underground station, were we got some sweets and of course maaaany Christmas markets. One day Ravyna forgot her camera, so there are only a few pictures.
Posted Dec 7, 2012, 4:45 pm Last edited Dec 7, 2012, 4:45 pm by Ravyna
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Trieb, Germany - 12th December 2012
By: Ravyna
Today it snowed the whole day, so we went outside to take some winter pictures. Remember the birdhouse?
I fell in the snow, but of course that didn’t matter to me, because I’m a real moose!! 
Posted Dec 17, 2012, 1:19 pm
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Trieb, Germany - 17th December 2012
By: Ravyna
Today I left Ravyna; mummy found a new host for me. I hope I’ll arrive soon in Paderborn, because it’s going to be very cold in the envelope…
See you
Posted Dec 17, 2012, 1:21 pm
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Paderborn, Germany - 18th December 2012
By: mcdaniels
Hi mum,
fortunately the postman was very fast, so I had to sit only one day and one night in my envelope!!
Crawling out of it I saw a lot of curious faces and was welcomed very warmly. Especially the TVs [/tv]Konsta, Knirrie, Lille and Störte[tv] made me feel at home immediately.
I showed them my sweets and then we spent the evening sitting in the Advent wreath, eating yummy chocolate and talking about TV-experiences. Tomorrow I'll look closely at hostmum's flat...
Oh, by the way, reaching my second host I've completed my first life mission!!!
Best wishes, Yuma
Posted Dec 18, 2012, 5:16 pm
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Paderborn, Germany - 20th December 2012
By: mcdaniels
Dear mum,
yesterday morning I started exploring hostparent's flat: first I said hello to the old dog ladies. Sally, almost 17 and very cool, and Trixi, 15 and very shy.
Then I looked around hoping to find another moose...perhaps up there on the shelves? No, that was a reindeer, sitting there and eating some carrots. A very nice reindeer, but no moose. But there on the floor, that was a moose!!! No! It was only Konsta making a joke
But at last I found Knut the moose!!! He told me he would like travelling as a TV as well, but unfortunately he is too big. I was very happy to see him at home, so I completed another life mission!
In the evening Störte, Konsta, Knirrie, Lille and me watched a football match on TV: Dortmund against Hannover. Dortmund is hostmum's favourite team so we all shouted for Dortmund and Dortmund won hands down!
Love you, mummy,
yours Yuma
Posted Dec 20, 2012, 4:32 pm
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Paderborn, Germany - 26th December 2012
By: mcdaniels
Merry Christmas, mummy!!!
On Christmas Eve we all went to hostdad's daughter. After a yummy dinner the giving out of Christmas presents began: we sat next to the Christmas tree and unwrapped presents. We got to know Elvis, the singing little Christmas tree, a very nice guy. And we played some games: "nine men's morris" and "4 will win". Lille and me against Knirrie and Konsta. After watching "The Lion King 2" on TV we went into church (unfortunately I have no photo from it).
Yesterday we drove to hostmum's parents. We sang some Christmas songs and performed two songs by piano and trumpet! After that we needed a refreshment: some chocolat! And we got to know a very nice giraffe who lives there on the piano.
Lille and me visited the crib and found a good place between the other animals. We went very well with ox, donkey and the sheeps, didn't we?
Best wishes, yours Yuma
Posted Dec 26, 2012, 10:04 pm
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