Home, Germany - 27th July 2012
By: Susie's
Currently I'm still at home and hanging out with my friend Susie who is 25 year old and much loved teddybear.
Mickey is also around.
But the best thing to at this time of the day is: to watch the sunset.
Since it is getting dark I have to go to bed soon.
Good night everyone.
Posted Jul 27, 2012, 8:17 pm
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Home, Germany - 28th July 2012
By: Susie's
Today I went with my mom to see where see works.
Since we had to get up so early, first thing mom needed in the morning was a good cup of coffee.
At her office I even answered the phone once.
I got a bit bored there so I played hide and seek.
After work we went groceries shopping. Unfortunately we can not do much more today because it's raining and doesn't show signs of stopping. :-(
Posted Jul 28, 2012, 3:09 pm
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River Main, Germany - 29th July 2012
By: Susie's
Since the weather was much better today, we went for a bike ride along the river Main.
I even got to ride the ferry! Twice!
That was so cool!
And now I'm relaxing on the balcony. :-)
Posted Jul 29, 2012, 5:51 pm Last edited Jul 29, 2012, 6:05 pm by Susie's
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Shopping mall, Germany - 4th August 2012
By: Susie's
Today Mom made me do girl stuff. I had to go go shopping with her! ALL DAY! *roll eyes*
We were at a Mall calles Loop 5. Loop because the building itself has a loop shape and 5 because it is right next to the Autobahn(highway) 5. Since it also close to the airport it has all kinds of airplane decoration inside. The Loop 5 is the biggest mall in the area.
Posted Aug 4, 2012, 8:37 pm
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Frankfurt, Germany - 5th August 2012
By: Susie's
Since I was such a good boy yesterday and was so patient with Mom and her shopping I got a reward today.
We went to Frankfurt and I got to ride the tramways, the bus, the subway and a train. We also went to see a freight depot (were they load giant containers on trains) but since today was sunday noone was at work and nothing was going on but i was still an interesting place. Besides that we were at the main station of Frankfurt and I got to see different types of trains(the white and red one is highspeed ICE train).
And after that we even went to a fair that right by the river Main (that's why it's called Mainfest). With lot's of carousels and all kinds of other rides, popcorn and tons of sweets everywhere.
Today was so much fun.
And now we are back at home and I should start to get my stuff together because by the end of this week I will start my first journey and head out towards Sweden. :-)
Posted Aug 5, 2012, 8:30 pm
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Home , Germany - 8th August 2012
By: Susie's
I will start my first journey tomorrow! Tomorrow!
I am soooooo excited! But Mom tells I'm a bit too excited and that I need to come down.
She said I ate row pasta for breakfast, that I kept running around in circles all day, that I ran to my envelope every half hour to make sure I packed all my stuff and that I asked her about a 100 times what day is today and what day is tomorrow and if I'm really leaving tomorrow (can't remember half of that stuff).
Did I mention that I go to Sweden?
I hope that I won't be for too long in that envelope.
But now I have to go to bed and try to get some sleep.
Posted Aug 8, 2012, 8:53 pm
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Home, Germany - 9th August 2012
By: Susie's
Alright! Today is the day! I left my home in Germany.
Everyone said goodbye to me and gave me hugs.
Goodbye Mom! I'll miss you.
But now I'm going to Swden!
Posted Aug 9, 2012, 8:24 pm
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Uppsala City, Sweden - 13th August 2012
By: Fisi
Muuum, mum mum mum mum!
I´m here! I´m alive! And I finally got out of my bag. Aaah I´m so excited! Sorry for all the !!! but can you believe it? I am in Sweden. The mailman or how they are called just pushed me into the mail slot, but I was too fat. So I hung outside and no one came. Finally I met Fisi, she wanted to go out when she saw me hanging outside. Back in, hush hush. Klöver was really waiting behind the door. And we are looking forward to eat the nice chocolate, they look so cute. Fisi says thank you
Now it´s dinner time, have a good evening mummy and don´t miss me too much, I´m fine here
Posted Aug 13, 2012, 6:50 pm Last edited Aug 15, 2012, 9:05 pm by Fisi
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Uppsala , Sweden - 15th August 2012
By: Fisi
Hej hej,
I begin to talk swedish here And I´m soon a great handyman! As Klöver told us before, her mum is renovating the kitchen. So the last two days we went to Ikea, to paintstores and we choose a new wallpaper for the little corner. It´s all yellow, like me. My hostmum will have a Postauto kitchen
So basically we sat in the cellar or the kitchen and sanded, painted and fixed things. Today we made a new box for candles out of crap, Klöver and me helped a lot, that´s why it´s all yellow now
My front wheels hurt now from all the work.
After we enjoyed a beer on the balcony and hostmum promised me, that we leave town over the weekend. I also met Valentine, the donkey. Fisi bought him free from a fleamarket last saturday and put him into the freezer for three days because of the fleas. Or was it mites? He´s a funny guy and we had a great guys evening.
But now I´m really tired and have to go to sleep.
Posted Aug 15, 2012, 8:52 pm Last edited Aug 15, 2012, 9:00 pm by Fisi
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Uppsala och Långalma, Sweden - 19th August 2012
By: Fisi
Hi mom!
Here I am. Sorry that we don´t make a lot of funny pics. Actually we went out after all the work but didn´t made any pics. Friday night, here we came. Or so. Hostdad´s brother is a DJ and we went to visit him at work. Unfortunately he works only after 11pm which was a bit late for me. However, I had some drinks and on saturday morning they went to the fleamarket without me... my world was still spinning. Sorry mum! but you know how it is if you get away from your mum for the first time
Later that day we left for the summerhouse. While shopping we saw a sign saying "American car show". We were quite late and when we came there everyone was leaving. But the great thing was: All the wonderful cars were leaving! We didnt pay any entry fee, just sat at the street and watched all the beauties drive away. Mum, I fell in love with a red corvette stingray. She was sooooo beautiful, I almost got driven over because I fell down from my little standing point. Before my accident I managed to take a bad pic. And some others. But it was too dangerous for me, I´m so little and the big boys and girls made burnouts and showed off.
After we went out to the summerhouse, there it is very nice and quiet, in the middle of the forest. I´ve seen a fox, a deer and an owl. I liked the owl very much. In the end just some pics from the summerhouse. I hope we go out there again Fisi also promised to show me around Uppsala this week.
Have a good monday!
Posted Aug 19, 2012, 9:12 pm
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Uppsala Slott, Sweden - 21st August 2012
By: Fisi
Mum, I ate all the chocolate you sent alone I´m a bad Poschtauto. I´m very sorry. Fisi said that chocolate helps against everything. So I sat around, eating chocolate and thinking of Corvette. Mum, can I see her again? Please! *Begging*
And of course the weather was always nice, but not today when we wanted to make a little citytrip. So we just drove up to the slott, then it began to rain and we went home again.
The big dark church you see in the back is the highest in Scandinavia!
So long, miss you a little
Posted Aug 21, 2012, 3:06 pm
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Uppsala , sweden - 23rd August 2012
By: Fisi
Hi mum,
Just wanted to say hello
Today Sheela arrived. So we have a little welcome party right now. It was raining the hole day, we did nothing. Fisi wants to go to town with us tomorrow and buy a new bag for Klöver and then Klöver will start her journey next monday. I will miss her, she is really cool. But on the other hand I know, that you have someone nice around again and maybe don´t miss me too much.
Have a good night mum
Posted Aug 23, 2012, 8:53 pm Last edited Aug 23, 2012, 8:55 pm by Fisi
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Viks Slott, Sweden - 24th August 2012
By: Fisi
Hallo Mama
Today it rained again In the evening we went out to buy things for the bees and decided, to have a picnic. But it rained while we drove. In the end we were happy and could eat without heavy rain. It was a nice and quiet evening with my new friends. here some impressions for you.
Wish you a good weekend.
Posted Aug 24, 2012, 7:56 pm Last edited Aug 27, 2012, 11:26 am by Fisi
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Sommarstuga, Söderö, Sweden - 26th August 2012
By: Fisi
Tüüüü daaaa doooooo!
It rained. It´s raining. It will rain. *sigh* The grillparty on saturday was inside, the grill outside and wet. We couldn´t make honey on sunday, because it was raining. So only a few pics.
The orange monster with us at the waterpump is Gullan, hostdad´s mum´s cat. The waterpump is the only watersource in the summerhouse. Good that it rained the hole weekend, we put the dirty dishes just outside and waited
After a 20min walk in the forest we had over a half kilo mushrooms and that gave us a great dinner on sunday!
That´s it for now.. Hope the weather will get better somewhen.
Posted Aug 28, 2012, 10:37 am
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Uppsala, Home, Sweden - 27th August 2012
By: Fisi
Today was exciting. We wrote a card for you! And Klöver is now on her way to visit you. I hope she will not tell you all the embarassing little secrets fromt the last week.
And maybe she will have better weather with you. In the south *giggles* But I really liked it with Klöver, it was fun, we three swiss here in Sweden. Now only two swiss left. But we love each other *nods* ääää hostmum says I shoulndt talk that much. So here you have a rainbow, may it bring luck to everyone. (at least something beautiful out of all the rain)
Valentine helped Klöver in the bag. Tell us fast when she arrived that we know she´s safe.
Många hälsningar
Posted Aug 28, 2012, 10:47 am
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