Wismar, Germany - 25th July 2012
By: Ellic
Rico´s Travel:
1. Finland (Jyväskylä, Korpilathi)
2. Spain (Barcelona, Can Sala, Canoves)
3. United Kingdom (Potters Bar, Broxbourne)
4. Russia (Moskow)
5. Switzerland (Lichtensteig, St. Gallen)
6. Greece (Athens)
7. Follows
Posted Jun 3, 2013, 12:15 pm
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Jyväskylä, Finland - 27th July 2012
By: mmm105
Hello dad!
Today happened something really nice and exiting thing to me:
I arrived to Finland!!!
I'm now with my new host, my very first host, mmm105, in the city named Jyväskylä.
There were MANY other ToyVoyagers waiting for me. And they wanted to have a welcome party, how nice! So, we ate all the chocolate candies, what I got from home. I have to say, they were so yummy. All liked them.
And here is hostmom's own toy Kurnau, who is also my host here.
He said to me, that he will do his best that I will enjoy my time in Finland.
I feel so welcome here!
Rico the Tiger
Posted Jul 27, 2012, 3:47 pm Last edited Jul 27, 2012, 3:49 pm by mmm105
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Jyväskylä, Finland - 27th July 2012
By: mmm105
Hi dad!
I was walking outside, and I saw this funny sign there.
There's showing how far away this place is from different cities abroad.
It's looking cool, isn't it?
Posted Jul 28, 2012, 8:00 am
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Jyväskylä, Finland - 27th July 2012
By: mmm105
Hi dad!
I watched the Opening Seremony of the Olympic Games from TV.
It was a cool show!
Posted Jul 28, 2012, 9:16 pm
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Jyväskylä, Finland - 28th July 2012
By: mmm105
Hey dad!
I enjoyed the sunshine today.
I went to see the lake just next to hostmom's home. I think she is so lucky to live in this beautiful surroundings: lots of trees and a lake just next to her home.
It's so Finnish thing: there's so much forests and lakes in nature of Finland.
Posted Jul 28, 2012, 7:41 pm Last edited Jul 28, 2012, 7:42 pm by mmm105
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Jyväskylä, Finland - 30th July 2012
By: mmm105
Hello dad!
I said goodbye today to Niiskuneiti, Druri and TobiHH, who all will travel to Germany. And also to Honeymooners, who will travel to Japan.
I'm so happy for their journey and adventures can continue now, and they all will see new places. I wish their travel will be safe.
Posted Jul 30, 2012, 7:44 pm
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Korpilahti, Finland - 1st August 2012
By: mmm105
I visited in a new place today: Korpilahti.
It's located very near of Jyväskylä.
I was there, because there was a postcrossing meeting, and it's one of hostmom's hobby.
I had such a great time in the meeting, and I met new ToyVoyagers there!
Another host (Fendi) was there, too, and offcourse with all her toys
and toy-guests (PieksiHH, Nils and Kitsune).
We all toys have really fun time together!
When hostmom and other humans there wrote postcards,
we toys were eating their snacks, hih.
After eating we got thirsty, so we made coffee.
And then we played hide and seek! But it didn't go so well,
because the most of us was hiding under the glass.
After eating and playing I wrote a postcard.
Here are only some of the postcards what postcrossers wrote.
And here we toys are helping to mail those postcards.
It was really fun to join in the meeting!
Posted Aug 3, 2012, 6:57 pm
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Jyväskylä, Finland - 2nd August 2012
By: mmm105
Hello dad!
Today morning one of us left, but in the afternoon we got more company again because a new toy arrived.
Totoro. left here today. He goes to USA to his new host.
We said goodbye to him, and wished a safe and confortable journey.
And then the new toy Cody Otter beaver arrived here. He told very interesting stories about his travels. He has a travel memories notebook with him, and he showed it to us. It was nice!
Posted Aug 3, 2012, 7:03 pm
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Jyväskylä, Finland - 7th August 2012
By: mmm105
Hey dad!
Guess what? I ate together with Kurnau something really Finnish thing: karjalanpiirakka (a Karelian pie).
Kurnau told, that nowadays in the most familiar and common recipe is to make Karelian pies from a thin rye crust with a filling of rice. Butter, often mixed with boiled egg (egg butter or munavoi), is spread over the hot pies before eating.
And dad, I have to say: These are good!!! You really should try these some day!
After eating the hole Karelian pie, Kurnau asked if I would like to have a tea party. I wanted it, so Kurnau invited all others to come to drink some tea.
And we had a great tea party! We talked, and laughed to each other. It was really nice way to spend the afternoon.
Dad, just take a look at the pictures, and you will see how much fun time we all had.
Posted Aug 7, 2012, 3:31 pm
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Jyväskylä, Finland - 7th August 2012
By: mmm105
Hello dad!
Today three ToyVoyagers left. BarryO went back to his home in USA, Suomi-boy started his very first journey and he is travelling to USA together with BarryO, and the third toy who left here was Suomi-girl who is travelling to Germany.
I hope they have a safe journey, and they arrive soon to their destinations.
Posted Aug 7, 2012, 3:32 pm
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Jyväskylä, Finland - 8th August 2012
By: mmm105
Hi dad!
I'm so exited, because I just heard I will travel to Spain. And my journey starts TODAY!!!
I got the Spanish feeling from hostmom's T-shirt.
I tried to put it on, but it was too big for me...
Or what is your opinion, dad? Do I look great?
At least I felt very Spanish.
Before saying goodbyes, we all toys wanted to do something fun.
And because it's raining outside, we need to be inside.
Well, Kurnau had an idea for playing a violin. So, we did it, and it was really fun!
Then was my time to say goodbye to all. I had a great time in Finland, and I'm going to miss these nice toys...
They gave me a group hug and wished me a safe journey.
Bye bye!
Posted Aug 8, 2012, 10:01 am
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in the envelope, Jyväskylä, Finland - 8th August 2012
By: mmm105
I'm already in my envelope, and travelling to Spain!
It's so dark here! Hopefully I will arrive soon and safe to my next host.
Goodbye Finland!
Spain, I'm coming...
Rico the Tiger
Posted Aug 8, 2012, 10:07 am Last edited Aug 8, 2012, 10:08 am by mmm105
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Barcelona, Spain - 13th August 2012
By: SiniS
Hi dad!!!!!!!!!!
I’m in Barcelona!!! I have arrived today and I had a wonderful welcome.
R-My name is Rico the Tiger, I’m from Germany. I bring chocolates!!!
They give me a very big hug and introduce ourselves: the host here is Zero, the white ghost dog, the monkey is Ape Apina and the little bear is TezTez
After me, another TV has arrived!!!
Z- Hel-lo…
???-My name is Doña Felisa, I come from Austria and I bring sugared almonds!!!
Z-Ehh… mommy… she’s a girl…
-C’mon, Zero, don’t be shy!!!
Z- You’re welcome!!!!!!!!!
Then, we have joined what Doña Felisa and I have bring and then we have eaten it It has been delicious!!!!!!!!!

Posted Aug 26, 2012, 10:04 pm
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