Beijing, China - 16th July 2012
By: qball
Hello, everyone! My name is Qah. It is said Qah means monkey in an old language.
As a baby, I am curious about the whole world.
Is it the same way people live in different areas? What is the main food? What to do in leisure time ? What is the residential building like? And so on.
I hope I can answer these questions one day.
I am in China now. And I will start my adventure soon. To see the world, to grow up.
Posted Jul 17, 2012, 7:03 am Last edited Jul 17, 2012, 7:04 am by qball
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Beijing, China - 19th July 2012
By: qball
I find some postcards in a drawer. It is so amazing. Beautiful landscape, blooming flowers, and special buildings! All of these are attracting me so much.
Yes. It is the time to go out. Even just a walk on the street. It is full of green. And sunshine makes me so comfortable. 
Posted Jul 19, 2012, 6:13 am
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Beijing, China - 29th July 2012
By: qball
Hey! After 2 weeks preparation, I'm already on my way to Ukraine! I am not familiar with this country. I hope after this trip, I can tell my friends that I know Ukraine much!
And, some photos before depart:
Posted Aug 1, 2012, 6:11 am
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Kiev, Independence Square, Ukraine - 24th August 2012
By: Katusha
Hi, Mommy! Sorry for delaying, my host was busy a little - her studies at English school began. But now here I am! And I want to show you what we did on 24th August.
In the morning we went to the centre of city by the underground.
Underground's map (a little blurred, it was hard to photograph a-going).
When we arrived, we got to one of the oldest movie theatre in Kiev.
Funny shop window of Tea store.
We met very nice Book store. It was an exhibition of children art studio here. All exhibits were marvelous. We took a photo of some of them.
Then we got to main street of Kiev - Kreschatik. There were many people here. It was a big festival, because August 24 is an Independence Day of Ukraine - national holiday.
Little chess club.
Live statues.
Fun musicians.
Big map of dreams.
Finally we get to Independence Square, where was a main stage and big concert.
There was even some raicing perfomance here.
Then we went to the Friendship of Nations Arch. It is very big and looks very beautiful in the nigth, when it is illuminated of colour lights.
Here you can see wonderful panorama of Kiev and the Dnepr river.
Then we came back to the Independence Square and went down to the underground to go home.
So you see, it was very saturated day. Of course, we were tired, but despite everything it was very interesting day!
your Qah!
Posted Sep 17, 2012, 10:55 am
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Andriyivskyy Descent, Kiev, Ukraine - 3rd November 2012
By: Katusha
Posted Nov 5, 2012, 11:14 am Last edited Nov 5, 2012, 11:17 am by Katusha
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