Okinawa, Japan - 24th September 2008
By: JaymeC
My name is Squirt and I'm a sweet little turtle from the island of Okinawa, Japan. I love reading things like the Almanac and what not and learning lots of neat facts about the world around me. There's always so much to learn and I'm so very new to learning it all! I hope my new hosts can teach me a lot about where they live so when I come home I can do so with a filled up brain... can you fill up a brain?
Posted Sep 24, 2008, 5:39 am
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Johannesburg, South Africa - 2nd December 2008
By: MrsC
I have arrived! I’d hardly been here five minutes before I was thrown into the kitchen and made to slave over a hot stove! Okay, I was here for five minutes and I fell asleep…and I OFFERED to help the others in the kitchen…
Tomorrow is the last day of school. Fi had decided to give the children's teachers a platter of home baked biscuits as an end of year gift. Nice, but she only started baking once the children were in bed! The TVs got roped in to help - to speed things up, but all the posing for photos actually slowed things down We ended up going to bed at 4 in the morning!
First up: Pistachio and cranberry biscotti (if you want any recipes just ask Fi)
Looking good, but a bit too big...
That's better!
Pop them on a baking tray and in the oven they go!
Shall we mix the next batch while that bakes? Good idea!
Okay, we need butter...
Chopped nuts... Fi wouldn't let us help here; she said the knife was too sharp and dangerous. Someone made a wise crack about turtle fin soup that I thought was in poor taste (oops, that was an accidental pun).
Oooooohhhh! Treacle sugar! The bears went nuts for it – it was okay, but I prefer fishy to sweet.
Now that it is all mixed up we need to add the nuts and chocolate chips... it is very hard working with all the bears and their grumbling tummies, which in turn made them grumbly too. Bears really like the sweet stuff!
Tada! The first batch of choc chip cookies!
The biscotti comes out the oven and the choc chips go in...
The loaves get sliced...another big sharp knife! I'll tuck my fins away.
...and put back on the baking tray... biscotti means 'twice baked biscuit'.
The choc chips are done! The smell! My tummy is EATING itself....good grief, now I sound like a bear.
The biscotti are done! There is a hole in my stomach...I think I am digesting my own was a long trip from Okinawa after all.
Fi says she usually uses the ends of the loaves as 'testers'. She gave us one to taste (heavenly - what a relief for my poor starved tummy) it got passed around and we all had a nibble...
All gone! Next up: gingerbread! Ooohhh...molasses! Uh – yuk. Bear thing obviously.
The dough was all mixed up and the counter cleared, ready for rolling. Can you make out the time on the clock behind us? 23.20! We'd better get moving.
Good grief! What a lot of cookie cutters! And these in this jar are JUST the Christmas ones...
They tried to get Fi to use these bear shaped ones but she said no... Turtle power! I wonder if she has a turtle shaped one?
Rolling out the dough was such hard work we had to take it in turns. My fins are still shaking.
Oh my hat! It has just gone mid-night and Fi is starting on takes almost an hour to make... yaWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWn
I can't keep my eyes open any more...I need to sleep now... fudge is setting, gingerbread is decorated...what more?
Ah, trays! Fudge is still to warm - Fi says she will get up early to sort it out she hasn't even gone to sleep yet and it is four in the morning! I bet she will have a mid morning nap! I like a mid morning nap myself…
All this talk of napping...Bed time!
Posted Jan 16, 2009, 11:26 pm
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Sweat shop, South Africa - 10th December 2008
By: MrsC
You know, Fi really takes advantage of us....
baking, tree puffing and now KNITTING! Honestly...
I didn't even know I COULD knit!
Posted Jan 19, 2009, 8:10 pm
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Dining room, South Africa - 12th December 2008
By: MrsC
She's at it AGAIN...or rather WE are at it again...
We are not really even that sure of what we are making...
Posted Jan 19, 2009, 8:18 pm
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Still at it, South Africa - 13th December 2008
By: MrsC
Oh! They are mice, Christmas mice! They are gifts for fi's friends - they each get a bowl of tree decorations....
...and what would Christmas be without gingerbread men...and ladies?
Posted Jan 19, 2009, 8:29 pm Last edited Jan 19, 2009, 8:32 pm by MrsC
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Olivedale, South Africa - 20th December 2008
By: MrsC
We went to Fi's sister for supper as the children had been swimming there all afternoon.
This is a traditional way of cooking food. It is called a 'potjie' which means 'small pot'. Usually it is placed on a fire but a Cadac gas cooker works just as well. The food is layered in the pot, with the longest cooking ingredients (meat usually) at the bottom and the quickest cooking at the top.
In the rural areas this is the only way to cook when you have no electricity. These post range in size from tiny to ridiculously enormous (a friend of Fi's has one so huge it takes three strapping men to lift it!)
Hmmm! Smells delicious! Lamb and rice...
Posted Jan 20, 2009, 7:42 am
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Stuck inside, South Africa - 26th December 2008
By: MrsC
It has been raining....again... look at that miserable sky...

Posted Jan 26, 2009, 9:51 pm
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Window ledge, South Africa - 30th December 2008
By: MrsC
And make up for all the horrid rain... Mother Nature gave us this sky....BEAUTIFUL!
Posted Jan 26, 2009, 10:36 pm
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