San Diego, California, USA - 11th January 2009
By: judygreeneyes
My first photos are at home in San Diego, California. I live with my mom and dad, one brother, and 2 friendly dogs (Moishe and Noodgie). In these pictures I was playng with the dogs and celebrating Chanukah by lighting candles. I also have a picnic with my friend Pinky, who is a stay-at-home toy for now.
Posted Jan 11, 2009, 7:01 pm Last edited Jan 11, 2009, 7:03 pm by judygreeneyes
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Poway, CA, USA - 1st February 2009
By: judygreeneyes
I've gone to visit friends in Poway, California! There are lots of real horses in Poway. I hope I get to meet one!! 
Posted Feb 2, 2009, 1:48 am Last edited Feb 2, 2009, 1:51 am by judygreeneyes
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Bruchsal, Germany - 27th July 2009
By: fam-united
Wow, I can tell you, Petra had some crazy last weeks at her school. She is so happy, that there are only 2 more days and then summer break starts.
I'm sure, you aren't really surprised, that it is raining once more and very windy.

Posted Aug 9, 2009, 11:22 am
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Bruchsal, Germany - 2nd August 2009
By: fam-united
Another thunderstorm! It is unbelievable, how often we have lightning and thunder.

Posted Aug 9, 2009, 11:26 am
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Untergrombach, Germany - 5th August 2009
By: fam-united
Today we drove to the Michaelsberg in Untergrombach. Untergrombach is one of Bruchsal's suburbs with about 6000 inhabitants.
3500 to 2600 BC there were frist human signs on the Michaelsberg, which gave this culture the name "Michaelsberger Kulturkreis"
1502 AD Joss Fritz from Untergrombach planned the "Bundschuhaufstand" during the time of Peasant's Wars.
The chapel is on top of the Michaelsberg.
In the far (right side) you see some houses, which belong to Bruchsal.
Bruchsal and also Untergrombach are located at the edge to the Kraichgau. Here you see the Rhine Valley. If the weather is sunny, you can see the Palatinate Forest in the far.
I learned something about "Magerrasen" (neglected grassland), which is typical for the Michaelsberg. Behind the sign you see so-called "Steinriegel" (field clearance cairn), made by people working on their fields a long long time ago. They threw the big stones from their fields to the border of the neighbour's field, so that in the middle all stones were accumulated. Many animals and flowers love this gaunt places and that's why a few weeks ago, people cleaned the Steinriegel from all the earth, that came between the stone during the many many years and from all the other plants, that love to grow in earth.
The nature reserve sign, they shortly added some rules.
Posted Aug 9, 2009, 11:33 am
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Bruchsal, Germany - 5th August 2009
By: fam-united
Then it was time for Tito, Spooky, Galo, Nanu the cub, Coco, Kari, Tasmanian Devil, Scotty and Friendship Bear and me to say good bye to Precious.
By the way: Here you see 9 toyvoyagers, 2 still have to be registered, but I think, you can count them.
Posted Aug 9, 2009, 11:36 am
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somewhere on our way home, Germany - 14th August 2009
By: fam-united
On our way home we stopped at a field, where you can pick flowers and throw the money in a box. We bought some gladioli.

Posted Sep 19, 2009, 4:08 pm
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