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Travelog for: Topple

Luberci, Russia - 17th April 2010

By: TaisAfinskaia

Today is the most great day of my life. I was released.
I met several TVs and listen to their stories. I told Maria that I would love to be TV too! And she agreed - wow!
So here I`m. I`m a strange guy and hope will have strange life.
I can teach people Russian language, because if you press my left hand I`ll speak Russian :)
I`m cute :)


* Posted Apr 17, 2010, 10:25 am [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Moscow - Kellinghusen, Russia - Germany - 24th April 2010

By: TaisAfinskaia

Hello everyone!
Good news: I was allowed to join the ETVT! I`m so excited and happy!
I`m already on my way to Germany, hope there will not be troubles with airplanes because of the volcano. Fingers crossed!  :cyclops:


* Posted Apr 24, 2010, 3:14 pm [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Kellinghusen, Germany - 28th April 2010

By: babyamy

I have already arrived in Germany! I met another TV, his name is Muumipeikko. He is from Finland and he already told me, that I will visit his mum sometime this year, too. But now I'm at Katrin's house and she is already excited because at the weekend is the World wide TV release day and Katrin has croucheted five creatures she calls "Zipfelchen". We made a big group photo:

* Posted Apr 28, 2010, 8:07 pm [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

library, Hamburg, Germany - 3rd May 2010

By: babyamy

Katrin took me with her to the State and University Libary of Hamburg. She is working here one day per week in the department of old books. "Old" means here that the books have been printed before 1850.
Here are some of them:

Katrin was working on a handwritten catalogue. The letters are not very easy to read...

I had a look around the office. This is a collection of the Brockhouse Encyclopedia printed in 1812. Some of the books are already broken. :(

These books got special covers made of acid free cardboard. It shall protect the original cover. Some old books are even in a whole box made of acid free cardboard.

* Posted May 3, 2010, 9:19 pm [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Kellinghusen, Germany - 6th May 2010

By: babyamy

Hey mum, did you hear the scream of joy? Katrin got her new "toy" today, it's a gps-tracker for geocaching. Seems like we'll spend some time "treasure-hunting" during the weekend. ;)

* Posted May 10, 2010, 8:11 pm [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Schwerin, Germany - 8th May 2010

By: babyamy

I'm spending this weekend in Schwerin. It's the capital of the state Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, the state in the north-east of Germany.

At first we had a look at the little harbour of Schwerin. The weather was not the best, that's why there are not many ships there.

Then we walked over to the lake in the city center called "Pfaffenteich". From here you have a nice view to the city center with cathedral on the left and the "Paulskirche" (Paul's church) on the right.

We also visited Katrin's favourite place: the Schwerin castle.

The castle garden was very colourful because of all the bloomy flowers.

This is the entry of the grotto next to the castle. Katrin has released one of her wild TVs here last weekend. It is gone now, hopefully we'll hear from it soon.

* Posted May 10, 2010, 8:14 pm Last edited May 10, 2010, 8:15 pm by babyamy [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Kellinghusen, Germany - 19th May 2010

By: babyamy

Muumipeikko and I were playing with this magic dice, when suddenly a shadow appeared above heads.

It was Lupus-Tigger (he wants to be called Tigger only) who arrived today. He was very happy to be out of the narrow envelope, that he gave us a big hug.

* Posted May 19, 2010, 8:59 pm [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Kellinghusen, Germany - 25th May 2010

By: babyamy

Today an envelope from a pen pal from the US arrived. While Katrin enjoyed reading the letter, I prefer presenting you the amazing stamps!

* Posted May 31, 2010, 8:34 pm [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Kellinghusen, Germany - 1st June 2010

By: babyamy

When Katrin came home today, she was a bit disappointed because she had to fill out more than 50 forms for getting all the book she needs for her thesis. It took a while, but finally she was done and had some time for us.
Tigger reminded Muumipeikko and me, that he is not just a fun guy but that he also has an earnest mission. Tigger told us that we should find out some information about the disease Lupus. I grabbed a pen and together with Tigger I started to fill out one of the empty forms Katrin had still on her desk. Muumipeikko had a different plan.

He has been spending more time with Katrin and knows that there is a faster way to get a special book. He opens the website of the Hamburg University library and asks the little chatbot Stella (upper right corner, a really nice search engine who appears on every page and wants to help you) where he can find book about Lupus.

Stella's answer was a link to the online catalogue. Then we stared at the display and didn't understand anything because all the results had complicated titles. Katrin looked over them and decided, that it would probably be easier to look for Lupus at Wikipedia. To get some main facts about the disease it would be a good source. ;)

* Posted Jun 6, 2010, 8:09 pm [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Kellinghusen, Germany - 7th June 2010

By: babyamy

Today was finally a warm summer day, the temperature was about 25°C. I couldn't stay inside the house, I just had to enjoy the sun.

I walked around the backyard and looked for something to eat. The red currants are still green. :(

Later we three TVs took a last group photo as trio because I will leave them tomorrow. My next host lives in Germany, too, and the journey will be really short then.

* Posted Jun 7, 2010, 8:09 pm [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Sülfeld, Germany - 11th June 2010

By: RikeH

Hi Mum,

I arrived in Sülfeld – where RikeH and Dicker Kumpel are living. Dicker Kumpel gave me a warm welcome.


Then he introduced me to the other guests here. All seems to be very nice and friendly.


The journey was short, but I wanted to go outside and see some flowers. So here we go. This is a flower which is important for Madeira – it is really funny. Like a bird.


I talked a lot with this nice guy. He told me a lot about the life in Germany – really interesting.


There are nice flowers on the balcony..



… and a frog.


I am sure that I will have a great time here, Mum.

Yours Topple

* Posted Jun 13, 2010, 8:35 pm [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Sülfeld, Germany - 13th June 2010

By: RikeH

Hi Mum,

It is the World Championship in Soccer at the moment. This evening Germany plays versus Australia.
We decided to watch it in the TV. 

Here you see us on our chair, before the games started. Nori wasn't very interested and looked into the wrong direction...


We went onto another chair – closer to the TV. It started really well for Germany – with a first goal. We all sat there, I am so big that you maybe cannot see all of the others.



But here I am alone. RikeH took the photo when it was time for the second goal for Germany


Germany won 4 :0. So RikeH's boy-friend was very happy!

We celebrated it back on our chair – and this time Nori celebrated it with us.


Ole ole ole ola!!!!


* Posted Jun 13, 2010, 9:40 pm [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Malchow, Germany - 18th June 2010

By: RikeH

Hi Mum,

Dicker Kumpel had his birthday this week.


We decided to celebrate it – and made a nice trip this week-end. We drove to Malchow. The first place we visited was a nice big forest where a family of Barbary Apes are living. It was fun to watch them.


This is the townhall of Malchow.


I had a nice view over the Fleesensee. A really nice place.




* Posted Jun 20, 2010, 10:25 pm Last edited Jun 20, 2010, 10:37 pm by RikeH [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Malchow, Germany - 19th June 2010

By: RikeH

Hi Mum,

on Saturday we played in the garden of the Hotel. There was a nice pavilion with music.


You can see our hotel in the background.


Look – there is a nice little river in the garden – I put my feet into it – it was pretty cold.


After playing in the garden, we all relaxed in this great chair – next to the Fleesensee.



* Posted Jun 21, 2010, 8:42 pm [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Malchow, Germany - 20th June 2010

By: RikeH

Hi Mum,

look – we had nice flowers in our room.


But we had to leave. Before we drove back to Sülfeld we decided to work on one of Captain Caramel's Life Missions and we made a nice trip with a boat. Here you see me on the boat.



It was too cold outside, so we decided to go into the boat.


It was nice to see the nature outside – and sit in the warm room.

In another small city called Plau am See we made a short walk and saw the town hall.


Here you see me in front of our boat.


It was a great trip!


* Posted Jun 24, 2010, 8:55 pm [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

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