Alkmaar, Netherlands - 16th June 2012
By: Cyn
Hi guys!!
My name is Knirrie and i'm a new TV!! Mom bought me 1,5 month ago and today she decided to make me a toyvoyager!!
I'm not very big, and also not heavy.
I found 5 life missions, and i hope i will complete them all!
Are you going to help me?
Posted Jun 16, 2012, 9:31 am
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Alkmaar, Netherlands - 27th July 2012
By: Cyn
Yeah!! Im on my way to Germany now!!
Hope to see you soon!
Posted Jul 27, 2012, 8:44 am
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Paderborn, Germany - 1st August 2012
By: mcdaniels
Hello Mummy,
today morning I arrived at Paderborn, Germany. I was very warmly welcomed by many stuffed animals, especially by three other ToyVoyagers, named Konsta, Walt Duck and Störte. After a few hugs we sat together and talked about our TV-life. I think we'll have a lot of fun together!
I was also taken with Mademoiselle Poupoule, because in colour we go well together
In the evening Konsta and me went for a walk and Konsta showed me all his favourite places in Neuenbeken which is hostmum's homevillage and belongs to Paderborn. I was very happy to walk after sitting in the dark envelope for a few days.
We saw lots of pretty flowers, sat on a bench, looked at a nice sunset sitting on an old tree and at last we saw the full moon...very romantic
And now we'll go to sleep. Good night, Mum, and all the best,
yours Knirrie
Posted Aug 1, 2012, 10:12 pm
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Paderborn, Germany - 7th August 2012
By: mcdaniels
Dear Mum,
last Sunday Konsta and me went to Paderborn city and visited "Libori", a big secular and worldly festival. What a fairground! Fantastic! And imagine, Mummy, we drove with a Ferris wheel! Wow!
Every year the Libori-festival ends with a big fireworks. Unfortunately the pictures aren't really good, but the fireworks was super!
And Konsta and me took a picture in front of a heart with the words "I love you"... ...
Perhaps I've fallen in love a little bit
Yours Knirrie
Posted Aug 7, 2012, 9:29 pm
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Paderborn, Germany - 9th August 2012
By: mcdaniels
Hi Mum,
imagine, today evening I completed one of my life missions: I ate a sausage! And the best was: it was a vegetarian sausage with no pork at all! Fantastic!!!
Konsta and me ate it together and the sausage became shorter and shorter and shorter and shorter and...oh 
Posted Aug 9, 2012, 9:14 pm
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Paderborn, Germany - 21st August 2012
By: mcdaniels
Hi Mum,
unfortunately hostmum had some problems with the internet, but here I am again!
On Sunday the 12th we had a very nice day: Konsta, hostmum, hostdad, the old dog ladies and me started with a great breakfast. And look, Mummy, what Konsta created for me: a butter heart
Then we explored the garden: apple trees, lots of flowers (some of them in pink!), tomatoes and so on...and I discovered a pink raspberry!
In the early afternoon we drove to Paderborn city by bike for playing miniature golf. It was fantastic to help hostmum and hostdad putting the little balls into the holes
And for cooling off: a big ice cream! Yes, it was a very nice day!
Best wishes,
yours Knirrie
Posted Aug 21, 2012, 8:34 pm
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Paderborn, Germany - 22nd August 2012
By: mcdaniels
Hi Mum,
yesterday Konsta and me went into the garden and blew at a faded dandelion...and then we could wish something. I hope Konsta wished the same as I did... 
Posted Aug 22, 2012, 5:32 pm
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Paderborn, Germany - 24th August 2012
By: mcdaniels
Hi Mum,
yesterday a small parcel arrived. Störte, Walt Duck, Konsta and me were very courious about the contents, because we could here whispering in it.
Störte took heart and opened it with a knife and two little monkeys came to light!
After welcoming them, Joesy and 3*Euro showed us all the little things they've collected on their journeys so far, wow!
And then we sat together and talked about our TV-experiences for hours and hours...
I'm sure we'll have a nice time together!
Yours Knirrie
Posted Aug 24, 2012, 3:38 pm
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Paderborn, Germany - 25th August 2012
By: mcdaniels
Hello Mum,
yesterday we had to say good-bye to Störte who started to his next journey, a secret mission!
And in the evening we went to hostmum's parents for watching football on TV. After fortifying ourselves with pizza and ice cream the match began: Dortmund against Bremen. Dortmund is hostmum's and her mother's native town, so we all shouted for Dortmund and Dortmund won!
Best wishes, yours Knirrie
Posted Aug 25, 2012, 4:27 pm
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Paderborn, Germany - 27th August 2012
By: mcdaniels
Hi Mum,
imagine, Joesy has learned how to drive a tractor! And then she drove and drove and drove...After a time we all felt dizzy and only 3*Euro continued watching her, because Joesy is his girl.
Best wishes, yours Knirrie
Posted Aug 27, 2012, 8:30 pm
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Paderborn, Germany - 27th August 2012
By: mcdaniels
And now we had to say goodbye to Walt Duck who started to his new host.
In the evening Konsta, Joesy, 3*Euro and me went to an open-air theatre, watching "The murderer of women" was very thrilling and I was thankful having Konsta next to me...
Yours Knirrie
Posted Aug 27, 2012, 8:56 pm
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Paderborn, Germany - 1st September 2012
By: mcdaniels
Hi Mum,
yesterday it was hostmum's birthday. In the early morning Konsta, Joesy, 3*Euro and me surprised her with a nice birthday song and I think she was very delighted at our quartet
Unfortunately she had to go to work, but in the afternoon we had a birthday teatime in the garden of hostmum's parents. We were allowed to eat as much cake as we could, wow!
And in the evening we had a party at home with chocolate for the TVs, candlelight and a table fireworks: you had to light a fuse, then a firefountain lighted eight candles and the melody "happy birthday" rang out...very special
Bye, yours Knirrie
Posted Sep 1, 2012, 9:36 pm
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Paderborn, Germany - 3rd September 2012
By: mcdaniels
Hi Mum,
yesterday we drove to Paderborn city by bus. First Konsta showed us the cathedral and the "window of the three hares", a part of the cathedral and landmark of Paderborn: three hares and only three ears , but every hare has got two ears!
Then we went to hostmum's favourite café for drinking coffee and tea with some of her friends on the occcasion of her birthday. We got to know Willibald the turtle who was given to hostmum as a present. Welcome, Willibald!
All the best, yours Knirrie
Posted Sep 3, 2012, 4:57 pm
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Paderborn, Germany - 9th September 2012
By: mcdaniels
Hi mum,
yesterday we had a romantic evening watching a very beautiful sunset
Best wishes, yours Knirrie
Posted Sep 9, 2012, 8:49 pm
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Paderborn, Germany - 12th September 2012
By: mcdaniels
Hi mum,
today morning Joesy and me went to a hairdressing salon. Next week we'll go on holiday, so it was VERY important to get a haircut. The boys stayed at home...typically male...
After washing our hair and cutting with the aid of hair slides we had to sit under a gigantic hairdryer.
Our new hairstyle is fantastic, isn't it?
Posted Sep 12, 2012, 9:20 pm
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