Alkmaar, Netherlands - 15th April 2012
By: Cyn
Hellow!! My name is MuhMuh, cause i allways make the Muhhh sound!!!
My mom adopted me last weekend and decided to make me a toyvoyager!!! Pretty cool huh??
My mom asked me what i wanted for my life missions, and it was so hard choosing for me!!
I hope to travel soon, and see a lot of our nice planet!!
Love MuhMuh!
Posted Apr 16, 2012, 2:40 pm
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Alkmaar, Netherlands - 16th April 2012
By: Cyn
Hi again!
Mom told me that my brother BlueBunny is going to travel. Since Miffie and I are new at the house, we wanted to give BlueBunny something special.
We decided to make him a scarf, we don't if it will be cold on his trip, but we don't want him to be cold or even worse, sick!
We made him a nice orange scarf, because our country Holland is always orange with football, and Miffie loves football. I hate football, but hey.. i'm a girl right?
I told Miffie that i want to help him by making a new one!! Cause he likes the scarf so much!
We will give our surprise tomorrow to BlueBunny, please don't tell him ok?
Love Miffie
Posted Apr 16, 2012, 2:43 pm
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Alkmaar, Netherlands - 17th April 2012
By: Cyn
Posted Apr 17, 2012, 9:01 am Last edited Apr 17, 2012, 9:01 am by Cyn
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Alkmaar, Netherlands - 19th April 2012
By: Cyn
Posted Apr 20, 2012, 10:25 am Last edited Apr 20, 2012, 10:25 am by Cyn
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company cafeteria, Takamatsu, Japan - 11th May 2012
By: hanachan
My host hanachan works for a company in Takamatsu and I visit there today.
I'm going to have a lunch at the staff cafeteria with her.
This is Bento-style lunch
Itadakimasu : Japanese say before the meal, close in meaning "I have a meal with thanks"
Posted May 19, 2012, 7:01 pm
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annular solar eclipse, Japan - 21st May 2012
By: hanachan
annular solar eclipse
Unfortunately it is cloudy here. The sun went behind the thick clouds. So let's see it on TV!
Posted May 23, 2012, 12:30 pm
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Naruto, Tokushima pref., Japan - 23rd June 2012
By: hanachan
Otsuka Museum of Art
The world's first collection of Ceramic-Board Reproduction of Masterpaintings.
These are not original paintings. They are ceramic works using a special manufacturing technique. Visitors can see over 1000 full-size ceramic reproductions of major works of art, including the Sistine Chapel, Scrovegni Chapel, triclinium of the Villa of the Mysteries... The works are transfer-printed from photographs before being fired and retouched.
Modern Art gallery is also wonderful. This Reproduction of Klimt's masterpiece is hanachan's favorites.

Posted Jun 28, 2012, 1:30 pm Last edited Jun 28, 2012, 1:31 pm by hanachan
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Itsukushima Shrine, Miyajima, Japan - 22nd July 2012
By: hanachan
Miyajima is an island located off the coast of Hiroshima.
We visited Itsukushima Shrine, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
If it was low tide, we could get closer to the Shrine Gate.
Itsukushima Shrine
Posted Jul 28, 2012, 3:59 am
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Kintai Bridge, Iwakuni, Japan - 22nd July 2012
By: hanachan
This old wooden arch bridge was built in 17th century.
Kintai Bridge
Posted Jul 28, 2012, 4:23 am Last edited Jul 28, 2012, 4:27 am by hanachan
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in Marine Liner, Seto Inland Sea, Japan - 5th August 2012
By: hanachan
This train is running on the Bridge across the Seto Inland Sea. 
Posted Aug 11, 2012, 10:02 am
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