Hexham, England - 16th July 2012
By: Snamoen
Hi Mum,
Today I went to a house party! It was SO much fun!!
I arrived and HelgaHH invited me and some friends in.
The carpet in her Hostmum's house had been converted to a dance floor and the music playing was some of my favourite tunes, so I danced most of the night.
When I wasn't dancing, I was talking to other TVs, in particular HelgaHH - we have lots in common.
I was also dared to drink some... or rather, a lot...
Which might explain how I found myself like this when I woke up:
Oh well, it was a lot of fun! And when hostmum came back, she had no idea what we'd been up to. She was quite surprised to see me, of course. But she said because I've become such good friends with the other TVs she's hosting, and you're a good friend to her, that I can stay and go with her and the rest of the TVs on their holiday, yay!
Posted Jul 20, 2012, 4:01 am Last edited Jul 26, 2012, 6:22 pm by Snamoen
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Istanbul, Turkey - 20th July 2012
By: Snamoen
Hi Mum,
Today was SUCH an early start to the day! We all had to get up at 3am... Which is why I'm so tired now.
First we said bye to Niiskuneiti, who left today, she's going back home.
And then... a quick last minute check to make sure we hadn't forgotten anything. Once we were sure, it was time to be on our way!
I'm now on the cruise ship, we have just left Istanbul. Unfortunately we didn't really have time to take any pictures... but I promise to take some tomorrow
Posted Jul 20, 2012, 8:36 pm Last edited Jul 26, 2012, 6:18 pm by Snamoen
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At sea, Mediterranean sea - 24th July 2012
By: Snamoen
Posted Jul 24, 2012, 3:07 pm Last edited Jul 26, 2012, 6:35 pm by Snamoen
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Hexham, England - 30th July 2012
By: Snamoen
Hi Mum,
What a long day it's been! We left the ship at about 9am yesterday (Sunday) and have only just arrived back at hostmum's house now, at 1am on Monday. I'm soo tired...
But before I go to sleep, it's time to say goodbye to Flummi, who is travelling to Germany.
And now, bedtime!
Posted Aug 2, 2012, 4:12 pm
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Hexham, England - 2nd August 2012
By: Snamoen
Hi Mum,
Today was a sad day, as I had to say bye to HelgaHH. She had become quite a good friend of mine! But she's very excited about going to her new host in Finland, and I wished her all the best.
In other news, hostmum says that she has a big surprise planned for us tomorrow. I'm really excited and intrigued, I wonder what it could be...?
Posted Aug 2, 2012, 5:38 pm
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Hexham, England - 10th August 2012
By: Snamoen
Hi Mum,
Today I said bye to Sheela, who is travelling on to Sweden.
We posed for one final group picture.
And now she's on her way!
Posted Aug 13, 2012, 12:11 am
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