Neu-Isenburg, Germany - 3rd February 2012
By: Eustachia
Ahoy! me buckos!
Me name be Brownbeard and this is me first travelog. I be a pirate-lion, as you can see on me great hat! Don't laugh about it, i'm very proud o' it! I got it from a master pirate! A very good bucko o' me. Maybe i'll tell you some day about him.
But today i wanna show you how i became a TV.
I was on a trip in t' Neu-Isenburg-Center and met a freaky guy named Woozy. Harhar he looks very funny, so we talked a bit and became very quick good buckos.. err.. friends, in your language. Sorry for me pirate dialect
We took t' escalator downstairs and he was talkin' and talkin'.. i do not remember what it was..
..but thar was this little waterspout fountain. Let's jump into it!
That looks funny!
I asked Woozy t' jump into t' water but he won't... well, i think he's a bit afraid o' water. But don't let him know what i told you
So we sat down and talked about me dream t' get me own corsair, visit t' see, explore t' whole world and t' find a lot o' treaayes.
He told me i should become a ToyVoyager, so maybe me dream can come true. And he was talkin' about many different waterbodies.. What? Many Waterbodies? Okay me bucko, i'm in!
So, here i am! Ready for many excitin' adventures!
Bye Bye Neu-Isenburg-Center and Ahoy! ToyVoyagers!
I'm shovin' off
Posted Feb 18, 2012, 9:48 pm
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Beverungen, 1a Pension, Germany - 16th February 2012
By: Eustachia
We port Hesse and arrived at our Hotel in Beverungen, North Rhine-Westphalia.
This hotel named 1a Pension be very special, because downstairs be a store for beds, coverlets, pillows and stuff. And they sell special electric slatted frames. And in t' hotel upstairs, you can sleep in this beds and test them at night. Hehe, cool!
And here we are. This be our room.
A decribtion how t' use t' bed and.. haha, what's that? Hotelslip-on shoes. Funny! And somegummi bears. Yumme!
Oh, thar it is. T' magical remote control
Okay me buckos, be you ready? I'm goin' t' turn it on!
Hahaha, that was fun! And now it's time t' relax. I was surfin' at t' internet, Misslucy had a little readin' and Tamina read a journal.
I should check out t' ToyVoyager site
Aww look thar, me bucko Woozy and me.. That was t' day we met. A great day! Aye!
Now it's time t' go t' bed..
Good night Misslucy. Good night Tamina. Good night me buckos out thar

Posted Feb 24, 2012, 10:00 pm Last edited Feb 24, 2012, 10:21 pm by Eustachia
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Homberg Efze, Germany - 17th February 2012
By: Eustachia
We arrived in Homberg Efze and had enough time t' make a quick detour t' t' "Hohenburg". Arrr!
T' enter at one's own risk..
Har har. That means in pirate english: Only t' brave ones enter this buildin'. There must be a treaaye!
Okay, let's go inside!
But first o' all.. a group photograph
Woooow.. i smell some treasure trove
Hmm.. if we climb up this tower? Maybe... you'll see!
This be t' well. Maybe they hid their precious thin's down thar..
Woooaaaa.. i be t' mighty horror pirate with branch-hair.. Harhar, just kiddin'.
This be t' view over Homberg Efze.
Time for another group photograph
Misslucy: "Hey Brownbeard! Come with me, maybe we'll find a treasure!"
Brownbeard: "Huh? Treaaye? What? Where? Wah!"
But Tamina told us, that this be only a herb treaayes!
Misslucy: "But theeere! In the back!"
Misslucy: "Brownbeard! I found something!"
Hey, Misslucy. I think you'll become a great pirate. You got t' right intuition!
Misslucy: "It is locked! There MUST be a treasure!"
Oh nooo, only a floodlight
Okay, me buckos.. i found another potential treaaye hoard!
OhAhoy!! Just a floodlight, too.
We sat down t' wall and enjoyed t' nice view!
But look at this information board. They talk about an armory (Waffenkammer)! There must be somethin' valuable...
I'm goin' t' find it next time! Now we had t' move on.
Okay, let's take a final picture with t' tower in t' aftground...
Oops. Okay okay, now i sit down and keep still! I swear!
Harhar, what t' hell... This wind be so rough. Sorry me buckos.
Let's try it again!
Aye, we got it.. But i swear.. one second after takin' this photo i felt down a third time. Harharhar
Woow, look here. There stands that at christmas time t' tower be decorated like a candle! I have t' see that!
That was a great day!
I'm shovin' off
Posted Feb 25, 2012, 12:49 pm Last edited Feb 25, 2012, 1:16 pm by Eustachia
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Biedenkopf, Germany - 23rd February 2012
By: Eustachia
Ahoy! me buckos!
Today i was on tour with Misslucy and Rishu in Biedenkopf. Eustachia met a little fluffy cock thar and he came along with us.
His name be Mr. Quakedi and i think he be a very nice guy. A bit crazy, but i loves crazy guys. Harhar
So let's welcome him. Wow, he be really cuddly!
Then we talked a bit about bein' a ToyVoyager and about our adventures we already had. Hopefully he will find a host very soon.
After that, he wanted t' show us t' castle Biedenkopf. Okay.. let's go! Castle? Arrr, you know what i'm thinkin'...
First of all a group photograph!
Let us enter this castle and find t' treaaye!
C'mon me buckos, remain defiant!
We wanted t' visit t' museum, but unfortunately it be closed until 31th march.
Don't give me that shit! Let's enter it!
Look, i'm at t' courtyard and t' treaaye be only a few meters far away...
But nooo, these white-bread guys don't want t' enter t' museum while it be closed..
As t' museum was closed we couldn't climb up t' castle, so we have t' take some pictures from downstairs. Boooorin'!
Next time i will force this castle!
On our way t' Haiger we passed a wood with a great mesterious look. I had t' take a picture o' that! Wooow, so cool!
I'm shovin' off
Posted Feb 25, 2012, 1:12 pm Last edited Feb 25, 2012, 2:49 pm by Eustachia
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Essen, Germany - 4th March 2012
By: La_Kate_Boheme
I spent t' evenin' in Essen today. It's a city which belongs t' t' Ruhr Area, just like Dortmund. I watched a musical called "Elisabeth" thar in t' Colosseum theatre. This show be about Elisabeth, t' empress o' Austria and queen o' Hungary. But it's NOT like t' kitschy Sissi movies with Rome Schneider. It's about her real life... About her bein' bullied from Sophie (t' mother o' t' emperor Franz Joseph), her depressions, t' suicide o' her son Rudolf and finally her own death.. A special thin' be that thar's a person representin' t' role o' t' death who follows Elisabeth in several times o' her life. She has somethin' like a love affair with him.
So as you can see, it's not a good-mood-musical, it's kinda depressin' and thought-provokin'
It's me host's favourite musical at t' moment because it has so profound. However. This musical be on tour and it was only 4 weeks in Essen. This evenin' was t' last show here in Essen and it was very emotional and kind o' sad for t' cast and t' fans. I think t' cast was great and I really like t' musical!! They will definitely be missed here.
Well, this picture was made on t' way t' Essen. It rained
In t' past t' theatre was a industrial buildin' which belonged t' t' "Krupp" concern. It was built in 1900 and was not destroyed in World War II, in contrast t' other buildin's o' t' Krupp concern. In 1995 and 1996 it was converted t' a musical theatre.
You can still see remainin' o' t' industrial time in t' foyer. I think it looks great!! It's a mix o' t' old steel constructions and mondern stuff.
Do you see t' large windows and t' steel? It's typical for industrial buildin's.. I think t' buildin' tells so many stories and has so much history in it. Awesome!
This is the theatre hall itself:
Well, I was not t' only TV thar.
Tiffy, a bucko o' Kate, took Bubo - a TV which she be currently hostin' - t' t' theatre. He's very nice and we talked a lot about toyvoyagin' and travels.
Of course HolgiHH was involved, too!!
Last but not least this be t' cast list and t' ticket:
It's late now and I need some sleep.
I'm shovin' off
Posted Mar 5, 2012, 1:22 am Last edited Mar 5, 2012, 9:16 am by La_Kate_Boheme
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