Hexham, North East England - 6th May 2012
By: Snamoen
Yesterday I was adopted by Snamoen, she rescued me from the Toy Orphanage (also known as a charity shop). I was so happy when she picked me!
We had a very nice day, she showed me a few things around town. First we went to the park and walked around. I quickly grew tired though, and had to sit on one of the benches in the shade for a while.
Then I saw the War Memorial, it's so big! I also had my picture taken outside the Cathedral. We didn't have time to go inside it, but Mummy said that it's very nice, and that maybe when other TVs come to visit she'll take us all there.
When I got to my new home, I met my new sister Lorca. She's very excited because she's going on her first trip in a few days. I can't wait until I can start travelling!
Posted May 6, 2012, 6:33 pm Last edited May 11, 2012, 2:26 am by Snamoen
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Alkmaar, Netherlands - 18th May 2012
By: Cyn
Hi mom!!
Just want to let you know that i arrived safely in Alkmaar!!
Will update soon!!
Posted May 18, 2012, 12:32 pm Last edited May 18, 2012, 12:35 pm by Cyn
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Alkmaar, Netherlands - 18th May 2012
By: Cyn
Hi mom!
So like i told before i arrived safely in Holland!
There where 2 other TV's waiting for me, and they gave me a great welcome!
Hi guys! My name is Hamie, and i'm all the way from England!! What are your names?
The first one who hugged me is Mr.Flocki, a small and cute sheep!
And after Mr.Flocki, PinkyHH, the cute pink one, decided to say hi aswell!
I brought some candies with me, Cyn thanks you mom, she really likes them! Especially the lollypop!
PinkyHH and Mr.Flocki were very curious what was inside.. But i told them that they could have a candy if the liked to!
So mom, it was a nice welcome here, they are all very friendly!
Talk to you soon!
Posted May 19, 2012, 11:30 am Last edited May 19, 2012, 11:31 am by Cyn
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Alkmaar, Netherlands - 21st May 2012
By: Cyn
Posted May 21, 2012, 12:39 pm Last edited May 21, 2012, 12:39 pm by Cyn
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Alkmaar, Netherlands - 8th June 2012
By: Cyn
Hi mom!!
Sorry for not updating a while, but Cyn was very busy for her work, school and she had a trip for her work to Italy.. So she didn't had so much time!
Tomorrow we will go to Belgium, and i can come with her!
Miss you!
Posted Jun 8, 2012, 8:29 am
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Alkmaar, Netherlands - 15th June 2012
By: Cyn
Oh mom, the weather is terrible here!! It's raining all day long!!!
So we made some pictures inside today!!
We watched the Toyvoyagers website.. It's cool to see yourself there!
Do you know, i am in Holland now.. And here in Holland everyone likes the colour orange, because it's from the national soccer team..
Oh and mom.. I miss you.. So these are for you!
Miss you!!!
Posted Jun 15, 2012, 9:21 am
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Alkmaar, Netherlands - 17th June 2012
By: Cyn
Hi mom!!!
Today Mr.Flocki and I watched the match between Holland and Portugal.. Cyn likes the Dutch National Team, so we decided to support them!
Cyn likes the Dutch Team, but she has a crush on Ronaldo
Look mom, it's Ronaldo there!
It's going to start!! We are excited to!
Cyn´s crush again!
Here is the Dutch team, you can see Sneijder, Robben, Huntelaar, de Jong, van Persie, Willems, Vlaar, van der Wiel, Matthijsen, Stekelenburg and van der Vaart.
Let´s start playing!!!
The match was very interesting to watch, but.... Holland lost the match.. And they left the European Contest..
That wasn´t nice news don´t you think mom??
Bye for now!
Posted Jun 25, 2012, 3:03 pm
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Alkmaar, Netherlands - 18th June 2012
By: Cyn
Oh mom.. Cyn is so angry!!! She was so mad because of the football, she decided to delete all the orange stuff at home..
I hope she will be happy soon again!!
The next 1,5 week i won't be updating very much, Cyn is studying for her finals so she doesn't have very mucht time to update mom!
Posted Jun 25, 2012, 3:06 pm
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