Bochum, Germany - 28th April 2012
By: La_Kate_Boheme
Hello world,
it is my last day at home today, I'm gonna start my first adventure, finally!! I'm soo looking forward to spend some time in different places all over the world. I hope everything will go well.
Well, I enjoyed my last day here in Bochum and went to the city center. There was a festival called "Maiabend Fest" (May evening festival).
It's an old traditional festival which is several hundreds of years old. The background of this festival is that back then - a few hundred years ago - young people cut down a tree in a district in Bochum called "Harpen" and carried it to the city center. Since this time, this procedure is beeing held every year.
There is a parade every year where the Maischützen (there's no english word for it) walk from Harpen to the city center, drinking lots of alcohol and making music.
In the city center itself is a big festival with many beer stalls, food stands, a medieval market and a stage with live music. I really like it!
Here you can see me and some scottish members of the parade. To be honest, I have absolutely no idea why there were scottish people But I love scottish music and bagpipes
I saw some police at the festival, they kept an eye on everything and they did a great job. The other TV's and me got the chance to take a photo on a police car One of the policemen turned a LED display on which shows "STOP", especially for our photo It is mirror-inverted so that the car drivers can read it when they look in their rearview mirror when the police is behind them.
Well, back at home it was time to say goodbye to Brownbeard, Bussi, Marawarpina and my best friend Lexie.
I'm gonna miss Lexie and my mum so much!! It's hard to say goodbye but I'm looking forward to my life as a ToyVoyager and to meet many other TV's and people!!
Oh, Lexie starts her first adventure today as well. I'm curious if I'll meet her somewhere out there in the world.
Well, we hugged and squeezed us for a last time before we both left our home.
That's it for today. I'll make my next update when I arrive in Remscheid.
Posted Apr 29, 2012, 9:50 pm
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Remscheid, at home, Germany - 5th May 2012
By: olgamaus
Hi Mummy,
today we bought food for the pets on the farmers market. My host is keeping three ferrets, they eat lots of meat, mostly poultry.
We bought stomachs, a neck and hearts from turkey and chicken wings and necks.
Everything had to be hackled and packed into servings, than it was packed into the freezer.
Katja told me that the ferrets liked their food raw - yuck! But they are predators, so it ok for them.
Posted May 9, 2012, 8:37 am
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Solingen-Graefrath, Germany - 20th May 2012
By: olgamaus
Hi Mummy,
we visited an exhibtion for "garden and living" today in the neighbour city Solingen. It was taking place in the palace garden of Schloss Gruenewald.
You could see the most interesting things around gardening. Flowers of course, decorating items, barbeques, all sorts of fire places, exclusive furniture for balcony and patio, also handmade jewelry, intesting food, spices, cheese, handmade clothings ....
There was also a bird of prey demonstration.
I must admit that the predators at home are dangerous enough, so I don't need more of them!
Katja told me that those birds would be more interested in mice and rats, but not in turtles
This is a garden decoration with coloured glass.
Those branches with leaves made of glass were at least 2,5 m tall.
We bought marine salt from Camargue with herbs and a piece of honey soap.
On our way back to the car we came across this rape field. The wooded box in the foreground is a bee home (that's where rapeseed honey is made ).
Posted May 21, 2012, 9:03 pm
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travelling to, Canada - 1st June 2012
By: olgamaus
Hi Mummy,
today I left Remscheid, also Mini-Woof. We both packed our things and took off to our new destinations.
For me it's Canada!
Posted Jun 3, 2012, 10:28 am
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Calgary, Canada - 15th June 2012
By: smaug
Hi Mum,
I am in Canada ! Today I felt a lot of activity around my travelling quarters...
...and, as they were opened from the outside, I jumped out and found a crowd of TVs welcoming me in Calgary : they are Sweetsy, Melek, Greeny delMonte, Elisa, and Tatanka all coming from Germany like me , Cherry Lola from the US, Commodore Quack from Wales and sammino, a stay-at-home TV who introduced himself as my host here in Calgary. They were all very impressed with the gifts I brought with me and, of course, we spent the evening chatting and occasionally eating chocolate .
Posted Jun 18, 2012, 3:54 am
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