Maple Ridge, BC, Canada - 5th April 2011
By: AbbyB
Hello! My name is Wallace and I am a stay-at-home ToyVoyager. I have known Abby for most of her life, so long in fact, that neither of us remember my original name. I chose the name Wallace because I think it makes me sound more dignified.
I have been sitting on Abby's bookshelf for years, and I thought it was about time to dust myself off and see more of the world. However, I am very attached to Abby and would not like to leave her. Instead, I will be an ambassador to Abby's home, welcoming each new ToyVoyager that visits. I also share Abby's favourite hobby of baking! I will be showing the world where I live, because it is a very beautiful place. I hope you enjoy my travelog.
Posted Apr 5, 2011, 9:35 am
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Maple Ridge, BC, Canada - 29th April 2011
By: AbbyB
We got up at three in the morning to watch part of the Royal wedding!
Posted May 20, 2011, 8:40 pm
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Maple Ridge, BC, Canada - 2nd May 2011
By: AbbyB
There is an election in Canada today. I watched the results.
Posted May 20, 2011, 8:41 pm
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