Remscheid, at home, Germany - 29th January 2011
By: olgamaus
Mummy brought a sweet delicacy from an Asian supermarket for me, have a look. It seemed to be made just for me
Posted Jan 29, 2011, 6:24 pm
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Remscheid, at home, Germany - 13th June 2011
By: olgamaus
Mummy told me that I have an invitation from Australia. Wow!!!
My first host knows hot to knit, but has never had handknitted socks, so Mummy decided to teach me how to knit socks. I'm working hard now to finish a lovely pair of socks for my host.
I hope I will finish them soon so that I could start my exciting trip.
Posted Jun 14, 2011, 9:34 am
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Gisborne, Australia - 14th June 2011
By: fleursmum
Hi Fimbo Fimble - those socks look great!! Looking forward to seeing you in Australia! 
Posted Jun 14, 2011, 9:45 am
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travelling to, Australia - 15th June 2011
By: olgamaus
In the early morning I left my home with my Mummy. In her lunch break she brought me to the post office. Now I am on my way to Australia.
I hope my journey will not last too long. It seems to be amazing to leave home in summer and arrive in Australia in winter
Posted Jun 15, 2011, 2:50 pm
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Gisborne, Australia - 24th June 2011
By: fleursmum
Hi Mummy,
Today I arrived in Australia - Sue Picked me up from the post office and we came to her house. It was good to get out of the box and have a stretch!! Sue loved her socks - we did a great job on them Mummy!!
Guess what there was a big surprise for me when I got here - I met Florrie Fimble and Baby Pom Fimble!!! WOW! They are coming on some of my travels here with me Mummy isn't that great? And Sue said they are coming home with me when I head back to Germany!! Yahoo! How is that for great news?? Now I am a little tired, it is a long way from Germany to Australia so I am going to rest now - will write more soon Bye for now. Love from Fimbo_Fimble
Posted Jun 24, 2011, 10:03 am Last edited Jun 24, 2011, 10:05 am by fleursmum
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Gisborne, Australia - 26th June 2011
By: fleursmum
Hi Mummy,
I am rested and feeling good. This morning I helped Sue make some double choc muffins - they smelled good!! Even Syd came to have a look when they came out of the oven!!
Love from Fimbo_Fimble
Posted Jun 26, 2011, 3:42 am Last edited Jun 26, 2011, 3:43 am by fleursmum
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Gisborne, Australia - 26th June 2011
By: fleursmum
Hi Mummy - later this morning Florrie and I went out to the garden with Sue - we sat in the parsley plants - they looked pretty big to us but Sue said they were just little ones, then we helped plant some brocolini plants
Love Fimbo_Fimble
Posted Jun 26, 2011, 8:49 am Last edited Jun 26, 2011, 8:51 am by fleursmum
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Gisborne, Australia - 26th June 2011
By: fleursmum
Hi again Mummy,
Hey guess what Sue had for lunch - green stuff!! Baby Pom and I helped spread it on the rice crackers. We knew it was avocado we were just joking!
Lots of love from Fimbo_Fimble
Posted Jun 26, 2011, 8:59 am Last edited Jun 26, 2011, 9:01 am by fleursmum
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Gisborne, Australia - 27th June 2011
By: fleursmum
Hi Mummy,
This morning Sue took me out to look at the frost but I didn't think it was too bad 
Posted Jun 27, 2011, 11:00 am
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Gisborne, Australia - 27th June 2011
By: fleursmum
Hi Mummy
Later in the morning Florrie, Baby Pom and I helped Sue put some buttons on a jumper she had knitted - I balanced the buttons on my feet - clever huh!! 
Posted Jun 27, 2011, 11:03 am
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Gisborne, Australia - 27th June 2011
By: fleursmum
Hi Mummy
We had a surprise this afternoon - Sue rushed outside with me and told me to be quiet and look at the kangaroo over by the trees - what a strange looking animal - it is hard to see in the photo but it is by the last tree in the row
Love Fimbo_Fimble
Posted Jun 27, 2011, 11:05 am
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Gisborne, Australia - 28th June 2011
By: fleursmum
Hi Mummy,
Today I went to work with Sue - we covered some books and I got to sit in the sun for a while. It doesn't look sunny in the photo but there was sun coming in the window I promise!
Love from Fimbo_Fimble
Posted Jun 28, 2011, 10:50 am Last edited Jun 28, 2011, 10:52 am by fleursmum
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