D012, B&G, Australia -
By: Lillebi
After some sleep, I am ok now. 
Posted Apr 4, 2011, 2:00 am Last edited Apr 4, 2011, 2:00 am by Lillebi
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Luberci, Russia - 29th December 2009
By: TaisAfinskaia
Hello everyone!
I`m Red Navel! And I`m very serious man. All these years I couldn`t understand why I was so downcast. But now I realize - my soul asked for travels! Of course I don`t like the idea to use tiny boxes and envelopes but if I have no choice... So the main my aim is to become more optimistic and not so cynical.
Posted Dec 29, 2009, 5:50 pm
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Luberci, Russia - 1st January 2010
By: TaisAfinskaia
Hello people!
We celebrated New 2010 year! Russian people celebrate New year as you celebrate Christmas - give presents to each other and decorate fir. We will celebrate Christmas on 7th of January and it will be holiday only for religious people.
You can see me with very small tree which is situated in Maria`s room. The big one is in the room for guests.
We had New year dinner and party.
Now we have 10 days of holidays and all people continue to celebrate and I`m waiting the post-office to be opened, because I`m going to Romania!
Hope you had great party guys.
Red Navel.
Posted Jan 1, 2010, 9:50 pm
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Moscow - Bucharest, Russia - Romania - 5th January 2010
By: TaisAfinskaia
I`m on my way to Bucharest! Wish me safe and fast trip!
See you soon.
Posted Jan 5, 2010, 6:47 pm
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Luberci, Russia - 17th April 2010
By: TaisAfinskaia
Hi guys!
I`m at home! The journey was really long, but I had very comfortable box, so it was not so awful.
Now I`m going to have a little rest, relax and search new friend somewhere abroad.
May be you are the one? 
Posted Apr 17, 2010, 10:05 am
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Luberci, Russia - 10th May 2010
By: TaisAfinskaia
Waiting for my new travels I spend my time drinking my beer and looking through toyvoyagers.com
So many interesting logs! Soon I`ll travel to Canada and will have as much fun as guys have!
But before I`m going to visit my village and check the garden.
See you next week.
Red Navel.
Posted May 10, 2010, 8:12 pm Last edited May 16, 2010, 3:39 pm by TaisAfinskaia
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Moscow, Russia - 16th May 2010
By: TaisAfinskaia
Today two new TVs arrived! And my friend Belka finally was here. We were afraid that she was lost, but she is alive! I had no chance to talk to her long about her Hong Kong journey, because she should go to Germany the same day.
I went to the post to accompany her and made the photo near very interesting building.
Quote: | The Lubyanka is the popular name for the headquarters of the KGB and affiliated prison on Lubyanka Square in Moscow. It is a large building with a facade of yellow brick, designed by Alexander V. Ivanov in 1897 and augmented by Aleksey Shchusev in 1940-1947.
The Lubyanka was originally built in 1898 as the Neo-Baroque headquarters of the All-Russia Insurance Company, noted for its beautiful parquet floors and pale green walls. Belying its massiveness, the edifice avoids an impression of heroic scale: isolated Palladian and Baroque details, such as the minute pediments over the corner bays and the central loggia, are lost in an endlessly-repeating classicizing palace facade, where three bands of cornices emphasize the horizontal lines. A clock is centered in the uppermost band of the facade.
Following the Bolshevik Revolution, the structure was seized by the government for the headquarters of the secret police, then called the Cheka. In Soviet Russian jokes it was referred to as the tallest building in Moscow, since Siberia could be seen from its basement. Another joke referred to the building as "Adult's World" as compared to "Children's World," the name of the popular toy store across the street. |
Not very positive building...
Posted May 16, 2010, 3:39 pm
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50 km from Moscow, Russia - 22nd May 2010
By: TaisAfinskaia
Hi guys!
Finally I had great week-end which I spent in my country-side with TV-friends.
I went there by my car. You can see my house, it is not a villa, but big enough for me.
At my village I can sit in my chair, reading magazines and not caring about my look
In the evening I had a potato-supper with some whiskey and then a pleasant time with my friends.
It is a pity that week-end is so short!
Posted May 24, 2010, 7:18 am
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Moscow - Calgary, Russia - Canada - 28th May 2010
By: TaisAfinskaia
Hi guys!
I`m on my way to Canada! I`m so happy!
I use my favorite travel-box, which I used during my journey to Romania and back.
Before my trip I was chosing the postcard for Marco who will be my host. I couldn`t make up my mind so long that my cat came to me to help. I hope we made right choice
Look for my updates in a couple of weeks
Red Navel.
Posted May 30, 2010, 8:17 pm
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