in his envelope, Germany - 8th August 2008
By: olgamaus
I already found my first host. Newbie Träumerin will host me while she is sending care bare Lollipop to my Mum.
I hope I will arrive soon at Träumerin's home. We wrote a postcard to her.
My iterenary:
Träumerin - Germany
Blurchen - Austria
tea rose - England
Posted Aug 8, 2008, 5:35 pm Last edited Oct 1, 2008, 2:59 pm by olgamaus
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Uhingen, Germany - 11th August 2008
By: Träumerin
Peek-a-boo, hello there, i arrived in Uhingen!!!
There was a big hello for me from little Emily. She was so happy to see me.
She tells me, that there is also a boy, called Philipp, but i have to wait, since he comes from the kindergarten.
and two hamsters but they sleep at the day.
But I could say hello to one of the Turtles. She was a little bit wondering about me *g*
Now we will go for a walk, Jessi has to go to the Doctor, because one of the hamsters bites her terrible...
see you later...
Posted Aug 11, 2008, 9:56 am Last edited Aug 11, 2008, 11:12 am by Träumerin
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Uhingen, Germany - 13th August 2008
By: Träumerin
Hello everyone...
its really nice here!
Yesterday it rains all the day, but we had a lot of fun inside, because we make creative things.
This morning, I taste my first pretzel. It tastes very good.
Now we´ll drive to Göppingen, to Emilys Playgroup...
have a nice day!
Posted Aug 13, 2008, 7:39 am Last edited Aug 13, 2008, 7:40 am by Träumerin
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Uhingen, Germany - 20th August 2008
By: Träumerin
Hello Mummy!
its really nice here, one time we were at McDonalds *mjam*, another time there were the friends of Philipp and Emily, and we played a lot. Yesterday we went shopping and played "Minigolf" - a lot of fun!
But the Digicam of my family here is broken, and we can´t show any photos :-(
so please let me travel to another place now...
Perhaps I´ll come back to Uhingen another time...
Posted Aug 20, 2008, 6:06 am
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Petzenkirchen, Austria - 27th August 2008
By: Blurchen
After a short travel I arrived today in Petzenkirchen, which´s about 100 km west from Vienna. My new host Christina´s living there at her dads house during the summer.
I also brought some sweets, which I could give my new host. Christian was really happy about it and shared them with me and her boyfriend. =)
I´m looking forward to see more from Petzenkirchen and Austria! =)
Posted Aug 30, 2008, 3:09 pm
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Petzenkirchen, Austria - 1st September 2008
By: Blurchen
Today Christina had a free afternoon and it was such a nice day that she made a walk with us trough her hometown Petzenkirchen. It´s just a small town and there´s not much to see. But at least they got an old castle and a nice church. =)
Christina also told us the legend about the name of the town and the church.
Once there was a knight and he met a bear in the forest. He prayed to god that he´ll build a chapel on this place, when he can fight the bear. He could and so he built on that place a chapel. This chapel grow to the church of Petzenkirchen and also the town was named after this legend. “Petz”´s a name for a big bear and “Kirche” ´s the german word for church. So the town´s called “bear-church”, badly translated.
Posted Sep 19, 2008, 10:39 am
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Vienna, Austria - 3rd September 2008
By: Blurchen
Today we all have been at the reading from the german book author Ingrid Noll in the Thalia-Shop in Vienna. =)
I havn´t read any book from Ingrid Noll before, but my host Christina´s a fan from her and so she took us with her.
Ingrid Noll´s writing crime stories and just released her new book "Kuckuckskind". At the moment it´s only avaible as a hardcover-book, so Christina didn´t bought it, but she liked, what Ingrid Noll was reading from it.
After the reading we´ve been also waiting to get the books of Christina signed. There´ve been sooo many people that we couldn´t pose with Ingrid Noll, but at home Christina took time to show us her books and the signature she got from Ingrid Noll.
Posted Sep 19, 2008, 10:35 am
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Klosterneuburg, Austria - 18th September 2008
By: Blurchen
Today we made a short visit in Klosterneuburg, where the mum of my host lives. We havn´t got a lot of time, but we stopped for a short while to look at the Abby Klosterneuburg.
Posted Oct 18, 2008, 11:22 am
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Petzenkirchen, Austria - 19th September 2008
By: Blurchen
Today I´ll leave Petzenkirchen and ´ll hopefully soon reach my new home! =)
Posted Oct 18, 2008, 11:23 am
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Hampton, Middlesex, England - 2nd November 2008
By: tea_rose
Today we visited Garrick's Temple. It was built by David Garrick, a famous actor/manager, in 1756, to celebrate the life of Shakespeare.
We saw a life-size statue of William Shakespeare, which was commissioned by Garrick in 1758, for the temple, from the sculptor Roubiliac.
Unfortunately we couldn't take any photos inside, but we had a good look around and before we left, we bought some lavender as our contribution to the kind volunteers who manage the temple.
It was a sad day, as yesterday Garrick Villa, the beautiful house across the street where Garrick lived, had suffered very serious damage in a huge fire. The house had been improved by Robert Adam and Capability Brown had designed its garden, and a tunnel underneath the street linking it to the Temple. Thankfully no one was hurt in the fire, but it will be a tremendous shame if it cannot in time be restored.
Posted Nov 15, 2008, 12:48 pm Last edited Nov 15, 2008, 1:10 pm by tea_rose
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