München, Germany - 23rd August 2007
By: Pandamao
Hi there, I'm a lady pelican and I want to fly where no other pelicans have flown before! I'm open-minded, cross-eyed and love to meet great hosts!!!!
My first host will be Emmicoa who has just joined toyvoyagers.
Posted Aug 23, 2007, 8:25 pm Last edited Aug 23, 2007, 8:28 pm by Pandamao
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Flying to, Australia - 25th August 2007
By: Pandamao
Oh dear, I'm exited. I wanted to spread my wings and take off but my host convinced me to use the German postal service instead. The envelope seemed to be nice, padded and spacious. So I'm off to Australia now!!
Posted Aug 24, 2007, 10:31 pm
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Western Australia, Australia - 7th September 2007
By: Emmicoa
Today I finally arrived in Beacon, Western Australia. My host was very puzzled by what could be in the package (it seemed to small to be an ebay purchase!) When she realised it was from Germany, she opened it in the shop to show everyone and they laughed at the thought of toys travelling the world
We were in a rush because it was school sports day today. I got to watch all kinds of races. There was long jump, running, flag relays, tunnel ball and leader ball.
When it was finishing it started to rain and now it is raining quite heavily. My host says I must have brought the rain with me!! Everyone is very happy that it is raining because they are having a drought here and really need the rain.
This is a picture of me sheltering under the front verandah watching the rain. As you can see there is a lot of red dirt and gum trees!

Posted Sep 7, 2007, 9:31 am Last edited Sep 25, 2007, 4:10 am by Emmicoa
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Western Australia, Australia - 8th September 2007
By: Emmicoa
Posted Sep 8, 2007, 8:18 am Last edited Sep 25, 2007, 4:11 am by Emmicoa
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Bushland, Australia - 10th September 2007
By: Emmicoa
Posted Sep 19, 2007, 1:28 pm Last edited Sep 19, 2007, 1:31 pm by Emmicoa
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Beacon Playgroup, Australia - 11th September 2007
By: Emmicoa
Today I went to playgroup. We had a great time stamping with all different colours of paint. I liked stamping the koala the best because it was just my size

Posted Sep 19, 2007, 1:39 pm
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Beacon Dinosaur Dig, Australia - 11th September 2007
By: Emmicoa
Newsflash - Dinosaur bones found in Beacon. Paleantologists dig today!!
I went to the dinosaur dig to help discover the dinosaur bones. This is the area we were searching. It was all roped off into grids to make sure we looked carefully and didn't miss anything
It was very hard work chipping away at the hard rocks to find the bones. Its a very exciting moment when someone finds something! Here you can see that I have found a bone. It looks like it might be a spine!!
The rocks are very hard so it takes a long time to get the bones out. I promise to take some more pictures soon. Hopefully we will find enough bones to recreate the dinosaurs skeleton 
Posted Sep 19, 2007, 1:49 pm Last edited Sep 19, 2007, 2:04 pm by Emmicoa
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Western Australia, Australia - 13th September 2007
By: Emmicoa
I have been studying and learning all about pelicans. How else will I be able to find out where the REAL pelicans live? I haven't been able to find any that look like me yet though
They look so majestic when they fly, it makes me want to fly too!
Posted Sep 19, 2007, 2:02 pm Last edited Sep 19, 2007, 2:03 pm by Emmicoa
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Perth, Western Australia, Australia - 15th September 2007
By: Emmicoa
Today we had a very long drive to Perth. I was disappointed that we didn't have time to stop and take pictures of everything My host has promised that when we go again she will stop and let me have my picture taken in lots of places. I can't wait to show you the tin dog and all the sheep!
Emmi said that if I was good I could go to Fun Zone with the kids. I sat very quietly after that because it sounded like a lot of fun! I got to go in the tunnels, and the slides and the ball pit. I could have played there all day!
Posted Sep 19, 2007, 2:12 pm
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Beacon, Western Australia, Australia - 21st September 2007
By: Emmicoa
Today I saw some sheep. Im sorry the picture isn't very good, we didn't want to scare them away

Posted Sep 22, 2007, 6:34 am
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Beacon, WA, Australia - 27th September 2007
By: Emmicoa
Today there was some excitment with the arrival of Jimmy D Shaun, Jimmy D & I enjoyed a quiet day relaxing outside in the sun

Posted Oct 15, 2007, 6:47 am Last edited Oct 15, 2007, 7:08 am by Emmicoa
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On the road, WA, Australia - 1st October 2007
By: Emmicoa
Today was very busy with lots of preparations for our long drive. Emmi is taking us to Perth for the school holidays, its about a three and a half hour drive to get there.
Once we hit the road I looked eagerly out the window. Gee the places around here sure have some funny names
Its a bit hard to see on such a small pic, but the sign says
Wongan Hills
Dowerin (all straight ahead)
Goodlands (turn right)
Posted Oct 15, 2007, 7:06 am Last edited Oct 15, 2007, 7:09 am by Emmicoa
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