Essen, Germany - 24th September 2008
By: BlackCat
Hello Everybody,
my name is Cloudy and I am a little icebear. My mum BlackCat decided to send me just to Newbies of this site, to make them comfortable with the site and to give them the chance to make themselves good hosts. I hope I will help lots of Newbies here and travel around the world.
I will add some photos of myself later.
Have a nice day,
Posted Sep 24, 2008, 6:09 pm
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Essen-Huttrop, Germany - 25th September 2008
By: BlackCat
Hello everybody,
here are the first pics of me.
That's the look on the highway which is called "A 40" in Essen. It is a highway which is going through the Ruhr area. There is always a lot of traffic and at the rush hours there is always a traffic jam.
That is me in front of the water tower in Huttrop. It was half rebuilt after the second world war and now there is the "Tafel" - a social activity, where people without money can get food really cheap.
So, that was all in Essen-Huttrop - we went to Steele after that and I will show you the photos of it in the next Update.
Posted Sep 25, 2008, 7:21 pm
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Essen, Germany - 25th September 2008
By: BlackCat
Hello ,
when we came home we have to say Goodbye to Hurley.
He will travel on to olgamaus now and he was really excited.
I wish him a good travel !
Byebye Hurley,

Posted Sep 25, 2008, 7:30 pm
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Essen, Germany - 26th September 2008
By: BlackCat
Hello everybody,
today we made the welcome photos for Hueso and Dieuwerke. I said Goodbye at the same time because I will travel to my first host on Monday and I decided to go into my envelope already.
So Goodbye everybody!

Posted Sep 29, 2008, 4:44 pm
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Kellinghusen, Germany - 30th September 2008
By: babyamy
Hey mum,
I just want to tell you that I'm fine. Today I arrived at Katrin's house and we shot a small pic for you. Now we are going to town because Katrin has a date with a doctor, maybe afterwards we can take some photos from the town...
Well, we didn't take any photos, it was raining the whole time, so we decided to go home and go to bed early.
Posted Sep 30, 2008, 4:38 pm Last edited Sep 30, 2008, 8:38 pm by babyamy
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Museum der Arbeit, Hamburg, Deutschland - 1st October 2008
By: babyamy
Posted Oct 1, 2008, 8:46 pm Last edited Oct 1, 2008, 8:50 pm by babyamy
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Kellinghusen, Germany - 2nd October 2008
By: babyamy
Today was a lazy day. Katrin went to Hamburg alone and I slept nearly the whole day. Yesterday was too much trouble for a little ice bear like me. But now Katrin is back home and she told me that we are going to visit her boyfriend in Schwerin tomorrow. We'll spend there the whole weekend, so we packed a huge suitcase for both of us. Luckily I'll travel in the small bag.

Posted Oct 2, 2008, 6:35 pm
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Schwerin / Hamburg / Kellinghusen, Germany - 5th October 2008
By: babyamy
Posted Oct 5, 2008, 9:01 pm Last edited Oct 5, 2008, 9:02 pm by babyamy
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Katrin's home, Germany - 7th October 2008
By: babyamy
This evening Stutz and I helped Katrin to pack some packages. She has sold some books and cassettes on Ebay and now the money has arrived on her bank account. Here Stutz is closing the first envelope and I fill the second one. The work is done much faster when we help Katrin because she is very tired after her long working day and now we are going to bed quickly.

Posted Oct 7, 2008, 8:56 pm
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still Katrin's home, Germany - 12th October 2008
By: babyamy
I wouldn't say that my weekend was boring but I finished the book much faster than I expected. I spend some time exploring Katrin's room.
This box was great. Katrin got a lot of samples of the new softener of Lenor to give them to her friends. Well, as you can see she still has a lot of them I enjoyed playing there.
Meeting Johnny Depp and rocking the candle holder
Finally I met "The Smile". It told me that it was a lucky charm when Katrin was dancing on championships a few years ago.
Now Stutz and Mousy Mouse are back home and I want to hear everything about their weekend.
Posted Oct 12, 2008, 7:49 pm
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