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Travelog for: Cloudy

Essen, Germany - 24th September 2008

By: BlackCat

Hello Everybody,

my name is Cloudy and I am a little icebear. My mum BlackCat decided to send me just to Newbies of this site, to make them comfortable with the site and to give them the chance to make themselves good hosts. I hope I will help lots of Newbies here and travel around the world.

I will add some photos of myself later.

Have a nice day,

* Posted Sep 24, 2008, 6:09 pm [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Essen-Huttrop, Germany - 25th September 2008

By: BlackCat

Hello everybody,

here are the first pics of me.

That's the look on the highway which is called "A 40" in Essen. It is a highway which is going through the Ruhr area. There is always a lot of traffic and at the rush hours there is always a traffic jam.

That is me in front of the water tower in Huttrop. It was half rebuilt after the second world war and now there is the "Tafel" - a social activity, where people without money can get food really cheap.

So, that was all in Essen-Huttrop - we went to Steele after that and I will show you the photos of it in the next Update.


* Posted Sep 25, 2008, 7:21 pm [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Essen-Steele, Germany - 25th September 2008

By: BlackCat

Hello again,

after Huttrop we went to Steele :)!
Steele is a part of Essen which was an own town for a long time. It became a part of Essen in 1929.

That's me with the emblem of Steele.


An old house in Steele. I have read something about it, but I can't find the informations about it :(! Sorry.

A painting at a toy shop. Isn't it nice?

So, that was our day in Steele.


* Posted Sep 25, 2008, 7:28 pm [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Essen, Germany - 25th September 2008

By: BlackCat

Hello :),

when we came home we have to say Goodbye to Hurley.
He will travel on to olgamaus now and he was really excited.

I wish him a good travel :)!
Byebye Hurley,



* Posted Sep 25, 2008, 7:30 pm [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Essen, Germany - 26th September 2008

By: BlackCat

Hello everybody,

today we made the welcome photos for Hueso and Dieuwerke. I said Goodbye at the same time because I will travel to my first host on Monday and I decided to go into my envelope already.

So Goodbye everybody!





* Posted Sep 29, 2008, 4:44 pm [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Kellinghusen, Germany - 30th September 2008

By: babyamy

Hey mum,

I just want to tell you that I'm fine. Today I arrived at Katrin's house and we shot a small pic for you. Now we are going to town because Katrin has a date with a doctor, maybe afterwards we can take some photos from the town...


Well, we didn't take any photos, it was raining the whole time, so we decided to go home and go to bed early.

* Posted Sep 30, 2008, 4:38 pm Last edited Sep 30, 2008, 8:38 pm by babyamy [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Museum der Arbeit, Hamburg, Deutschland - 1st October 2008

By: babyamy

Today was a very long and exciting day. Katrin and I took the 7.55 a.m. train to Hamburg were she is working.
Here we are at the train station.


During the ride on the train she told me that she is studying Information and Library Sciences and this term is her practical term. Usually she is working in the library of the "Museum der Arbeit" in Hamburg but for this week she is working with a group which prepares the next special exhibition. The topic is the company "Tempo" which has produced special cars. The time was running very fast and here we are at Hamburg. We opened the window and took a photo in front of the "Jungerfernstieg" with a view over the river Alster. The second photo showes one of the museums of art, which is next to the train station.


We're at Hamburg Central Station, see all the people leaving the train and go to work or school or university. Katrin told me, that it's the same view every morning!


The train has been a bit late, we had to run to get the "S-Bahn". Here I got a nice place to see a bit of Hamburg.


Ten minutes later we arrived at Hamburg-Barmbek. Although we are a bit late we took a photo from the big Globetrotter building next to the station. Maybe I can go there later to get some nice things for my further travel...


On the way to the museum we discovered the poster of the upcoming exhibition. Here you can see the typical Tempo car with its three wheels:


Finally we arrieved at the museum. This is the yard with some of the big objects. I wanted to see them from nearer but Katrin had to go to the daily meeting and we decided to visit them during lunch time.


After the meeting, Katrin had to go on cutting papers and put objects like letters and maps and postcards on it. I made my own trip around the workshop. I had a look at the objects which are already finished and finally helped Katrin cutting the papers.


Lunch time! We are visiting TRUDE the drill, which was used to build the tunnel under the river Elbe. It's so huge when you are standing in front of it!

Unfortunately it started to rain so we hurried to go inside. Katrin needed a cup of coffee to warm herself and I enjoyed the warmth, too. Seems like I experienced the typical Hamburg weather: grey sky and rain.

The last hours we spent in the exhibition hall to see how the things are going on there. We had a first look at the objects which are already there and I spend  the whole time climbing from one object to the next one.

Me on the Tempo Matador

Some time later we were leaving and on the ride home Katrin and I were reading.


Now I'm very tired and I'm happy that Katrin told me that I'll spend the day home tomorrow.

* Posted Oct 1, 2008, 8:46 pm Last edited Oct 1, 2008, 8:50 pm by babyamy [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Kellinghusen, Germany - 2nd October 2008

By: babyamy

Today was a lazy day. Katrin went to Hamburg alone and I slept nearly the whole day. Yesterday was too much trouble for a little ice bear like me. But now Katrin is back home and she told me that we are going to visit her boyfriend in Schwerin tomorrow. We'll spend there the whole weekend, so we packed a huge suitcase for both of us. Luckily I'll travel in the small bag.  ;)



* Posted Oct 2, 2008, 6:35 pm [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Hamburg / Schwerin, Germany - 3rd October 2008

By: babyamy

Hamburg, Central Station: Katrin and I are on our way to Schwerin. Yes, we are going to travel by train again and, as always, the train is delayed. Now we have more than 30 minutes to discover the station.


When I was sitting on this funny guy, a homeless man came to me asked me if I'm going to bite him. I was a bit scared and hurried to crawl back into to safe bag.


There was a store with many toys. I felt a bit sorry for them because they had to sit there and can't see so many exciting things as I can. ;)


Finally we wanted to go to the train but we had to find the right track first, because it changed two times before the train arrived.


Now we are on the way to Schwerin. Katrin sat me on her book on the table and let me have a look out of the window. The first ten minutes were the most interesting ones because we were passing the "Speicherstadt" (you can see it on the picture) and the Hamburg Harbour. Outside the city there were just fields and I decided to sleep a bit.


In Schwerin it was raining the whole afternoon but in the evening the sun broke trough the sky and I saw a beautiful sunset.


Later I made a tour arund the living room and ended up in this pot.  :D


Now I'm waiting for tomorrow with hopefully better weather, because I want to see the beautiful castle and the colorful houses and the big lake Katrin talked about and the big church I saw from the window.

* Posted Oct 3, 2008, 6:08 pm [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Schwerin, Germany - 4th October 2008

By: babyamy

Today we were visiting the Schwerin castle. It was very cloudy outside  but the sun was shining, too, at least for the time we were outside.

This was the first view of the castle:

The way to the castle took us about ten minutes and Katrin and her boyfriend showed me a small harbour were I met this nice swan.

There also was a playground, but it was too windy to take some fun photos and I wanted to see the castle!

Here I am. The castle is build on an island. In the castle the gouvernment of the state Mecklenburg-Vorpommern is situated. But we didn't enter, we had a nice walk around it.

This is the view from the island back to the city. On the left is the theater, on the right the museum.

In the "love grotto" I discouvered an empty nest from which I had a nice view over the Schweriner lake.

This is the back of the castle, actually I was on the Swan Island and a lot of ducks were running around. I was scared of them because they were running so fast.

This is a statue of a thinker. Can you see were I have hidden myself?  ;)

This is in front of the museum. We were trying how to take the best photo but it started to rain very heavily so we decided to go back home on the fastest way.

* Posted Oct 4, 2008, 6:17 pm [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Schwerin / Hamburg / Kellinghusen, Germany - 5th October 2008

By: babyamy

This day was more or less fine and I wanted to see more of Schwerin. This funny guy was the first one I met:

Here are the first colorful house I wanted to see:

View over the "Pfaffenteich"

The cathedral of Schwerin. We couldn't take a better photo because it is so huge.

I met Oudry the rhinozeros. It is a symbol of Schwerin. This statue is an advertisement of the "Bundesgartenschau" (flower show) which is in Schwerin next year.

Another colorful house

This is in front of a nice wine store in a small street called "Münzstraße". There a a lot of small shops and it looks very nice.

Our trip back home was a bit like hell. All trains were delayed because of the rain and when we arrived in Hamburg, we missed the train home because it leaves from another station. We had to go there by subway but it we passed by an interesting station called "Reeperbahn"

I think, I've heard about this famous street of Hamburg but Katrin was in a very bad mood and she didn't want to leave the subway to take some photos outside. Her mood was like this guy:

Hours later we finally arrived back home and there was a big surprise: Another TV has more or less expected arrived! This is Stutz and I took her to my slepping place to tell her everything about my weekend.

* Posted Oct 5, 2008, 9:01 pm Last edited Oct 5, 2008, 9:02 pm by babyamy [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Katrin's home, Germany - 7th October 2008

By: babyamy

This evening Stutz and I helped Katrin to pack some packages. She has sold some books and cassettes on Ebay and now the money has arrived on her bank account. Here Stutz is closing the first envelope and I fill the second one. The work is done much faster when we help Katrin because she is very tired after her long working day and now we are going to bed quickly.


* Posted Oct 7, 2008, 8:56 pm [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Hamburg, Germany - 8th October 2008

By: babyamy

Katrin took me to her job. She is working a few hours every week in an office on her campus. Before we arrived there she showed me the big IBM building.

Autumn is coming. ;)

Katrin's desk in the office. She is very happy that she has her own room.

The view from the window. The blue building in the background is the part of the university where Katrin's classes take place.

* Posted Oct 8, 2008, 7:45 pm [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Katrin's home, Germany - 9th October 2008

By: babyamy

Post has arrived! Since Katrin has started with postcrossing, every few days a postcard arrives. Today she was very happy, there was a postcard from Hungary and letters from her penpals.

And there was another bigger letter from England. When we opened it, we could welcome another guest: it's Mousy Mouse from Taiwan!

The sun was shining outside and Katrin showed us the neighbourhood.

Now Stutz an Mousy Mouse are talking a lot about the places they have already visited. Since they are both from Taiwan, they enjoy to speak theier own language again. I decided to take some time for myself an start to read a good book. I chose "Jim Knopf und Lukas der Lokomotivführer" by Michael Ende.

* Posted Oct 9, 2008, 4:50 pm [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

still Katrin's home, Germany - 12th October 2008

By: babyamy

I wouldn't say that my weekend was boring but I finished the book much faster than I expected. I spend some time exploring Katrin's room.

This box was great. Katrin got a lot of samples of the new softener of Lenor to give them to her friends. Well, as you can see she still has a lot of them I enjoyed playing there.

Meeting Johnny Depp and rocking the candle holder

Finally I met "The Smile". It told me that it was a lucky charm when Katrin was dancing on championships a few years ago.

Now Stutz and Mousy Mouse are back home and I want to hear everything about their weekend.

* Posted Oct 12, 2008, 7:49 pm [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

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