Bruchsal, Germany - 26th September 2010
By: fam-united
So here is my first post. I thought, that you maybe like to get some ideas of what is interesting for me to do and see. But be sure, that these are only some hints for you, everything will be fine for us as long as it is the way, that children can read it.
If you have any problems, please contact my owner. She surely will help you.
Please try to add the longitude and latitude to your update, so the map shows the places I visited.
-Sit on a horse
-Cook with someone in Russia
-Collect recipes
-Ride the swanboats in Boston, MA
-Attend dragon festivals
-Attend dragon boat festivals
-Have my photo taken with someone dressed in Geisha-clothes
-Go on a fishingtrip
-Join a typically Polish holiday/party/dinner/game
-Eat pasta with a family from Italy
-Have my picture taken in front and inside of any store
-Visit churches
-Eat an icecream with my host in a warm country
-Go to an American Football game
-Join a family anywhere in the world for a boardgame
-Go to an icehockey match
-Watch the view from the top floor of a very high building
-Dance a traditional dance
-Go to a bookstore in Finland
-Have my picture taken with the flag of the country I am in, in as many countries/states as possible
-Have my picture taken with a policeman or anyone else in uniform
-Meet some girls in Harajuku fashion
-Meet a (local) famous person
-Go to a concert
-Read the newspaper in the countries I visit
-Read children books
-eat with chopsticks and try calligraphy in China
-To walk in the park Gaudi
-Spend with you one day in the institute / work / college / school
-Visit zoo / national park
-Touch sequoia and eucalyptus
-See the cherry blossoms and Fuji in Japan
-See the geyser or volcano
-Play football in Brazil or Argentina
-Take a picture with a person in national costume
-Play baseball in the U.S.A
-Get photos taken at the post office or/and mailbox
-Learn about flowers, trees and animals
To see:
-houses - not sightseeings
-Old houses in as many countries as possible
-Sagrada Familia in Barcelona
-The London eye
-Christmasmarket in Germany
-Chinese wall
-New York City
-Petronas twin towers, Kuala Lumpur
-The most beautiful sight in Denmark
-Leaning tower of Pisa
-Route 66
-Changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace
-The northern light
-Surfers on the beach
-Sydney opera
-Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco
-Cristo Redentor in Rio de Janeiro
-Machu Picchu
-Nile and Cairo
-Nature, nature, nature...
You maybe want to know, how to do the updates and thing with the photos. So here I want to try to help you:
There are two possibilities to upload the photos. You can resize your photos on your computer via irfanview or photoscape or something similiar. Then you can upload the photos to the toyvoyager site directly. But you also can upload the photos to flickr or something and then you have the possibility to write a text - add a photo - write text - add another photo and so on. If you do it the first way - uploading to toyvoyagers site directly- you can only write a text and add all photos at the end. I hope, you know, what I mean. It's not that easy to explain in another language , but I will try it again, if you didn't understand.
It is nice, if the photos aren't too small, but they also shouldn't be too large
Usually a toyvoyager stays for a month, but if you have any trip planned or even something else, of which you think, that it could be interesting, just let me know and the toyvoyager can stay with you a bit longer - as long as we stay in contact. I had toyvoyagers, that stayed at the same place for one year and we saw some great updates. One hint for the photos: The toyvoyager should be on each of them - only if you have to zoom (which should be seldom), then of course it would be too blurry with it. I usually hold the toyvoyager in armlenght in front of me and the camera close to me, so it isn't blurry. I try to take photos with more than an ear of the toyvoyager, if you know, what I mean - I saw many photos, which show only a small feathery edge of the toy
My travel plan:
arolissimo (Spain)
KCrawfish (USA)
Posted Sep 26, 2010, 6:27 pm
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Bruchsal, Germany - 26th September 2010
By: fam-united
Right now I'm helping my mum to prepare for school tomorrow. Then I will try to pack my package. I hope to start as soon as possible.
Posted Sep 26, 2010, 6:31 pm
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Madrid, Spain - 13th October 2010
By: arolissimo
Hi everyone
Finally I have done my first travel and I really like this because I’m visiting, Madrid, the capital of Spain.
I’m staying in a home with two young people, they are married and called Miriam and Arol, they haven’t children but they live with a friendly purple bear called Pepineaut.
When I’ve arrived Peipenaut opened my envelope and gave me so much hugs and introduced my new friends in Spain, another toy called Pericles.
In the second day I‘ve visited the Plaza Mayor, that is the major square of Madrid and one of the most important places of Spain. I love it because there are so many people playing, eating and taking pictures. When I see the people taking picture I wanted this too and my friends Arol and Miriam take me pictures in the Plaza Mayor with the people and with the paint of Don Quijote de la Mancha, the best spanish book, written by Miguel de Cervantes.
This is just my firts post. My plan is stay here one or two week more visitng more places and Madrid.
I coming soon.
Shir Khan
Posted Oct 17, 2010, 4:33 pm
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Madrid, Spain - 10th November 2010
By: arolissimo
Hi everyone
I'm here one more time
Yesterday I've visited the the Teatro Real, is the most important theater of Madrid (and maybe Spain) and I love it.
I can't take picture inside because we, the animals have some problems for access to the theater, but, here you have a picture of this famous and important place for clasic music
Posted Nov 21, 2010, 8:16 pm
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Madrid, Spain - 11th November 2010
By: arolissimo
In Madrid, Spain, have so much flores and trees with many colors. When I travel I like enjoy with this. Here I'm walking in the city with my friend @arolissimo
See you soon
Posted Nov 21, 2010, 8:21 pm Last edited Nov 21, 2010, 8:22 pm by arolissimo
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Madrid, Spain - 21st November 2010
By: arolissimo
For finish my travel in Spain I've visited the Royal Palace of Spain's Kings. Is so pretty, and big. I like the little castle and the music around (because here, close, have musicians with violins)
First I've visited the Royal Palace and after I've went to Cathedral of Madrid, is very nice, big and have staris dificult for a toy as me, but see the picture, I try and I can upstairs
And when I finally finished up the stairs, @arolissimo and his wife Miri gave me an ice cream
I really like this travel I and willl go to New Zeland... I like so much travel 
Posted Nov 21, 2010, 8:34 pm
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Bruchsal, Germany - 19th March 2011
By: fam-united
I'm back at home from my travel to Spain. I think, I will have a short rest here and start to plan my next travel at once. I like to go to far away places
Thank you arolissimo for taking me to those places in Spain and letting me stay with you.
Posted Mar 19, 2011, 10:32 am
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Bruchsal, Germany - 16th April 2011
By: fam-united
I'm saying good bye to my family today. With some little stuff I travel to the USA to visit Kcrawfish. If it is warmer than here? Right now it is so cold in the house, but they say, that it will be like summer soon. I'm excited to travel to such a far away place.
Posted Apr 16, 2011, 8:06 am
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Sacramento, California, USA - 26th April 2011
By: kcrawfish
Hi Mum and friends!
I arrived in California today on Miss Kate's birthday just in time to deliver the gifts. She loved the mango soap -- she said mango is her favorite fruit. She said the tag for Zoe was so special -- especially with her photo on it. But she seemed most pleased to have me!
I met Sapphire, Edelweiss, Aslan and DuDette. They are all very nice and welcoming.
I was so tired, but I was even more HUNGRY. So Miss Kate invited me to her birthday dinner. Exciting to eat American food for the first time!
Shir Khan
Posted Apr 28, 2011, 2:47 am Last edited Apr 28, 2011, 2:58 am by kcrawfish
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Davis, California, USA - 26th April 2011
By: kcrawfish
I couldn't wait to try American food, but does this look like American English to you?? Well, even if it does, it isn't! It's Thai! I think it means "delicious food for tiger kings."
Miss Kate's friend was very nice and let me try all the dishes. You can see I had some water with lemon, as I was dry from 10 days of travel. Then I had deep-fried sweet potatoes and papaya salad. We also shared Pad Thai, which had shrimp and tofu, and mango salad with fish. I have no complaints about any of it!
When I got home, I was hit by jet lag pretty bad. On German time, I had been up all night after all!
~Shir Khan
Posted Apr 28, 2011, 2:56 am
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Sacramento, California, USA - 3rd May 2011
By: kcrawfish
Mom dear,
Today we went to Capitol Park! Miss Kate tells me you have lots of student work to mark. I wish you could have come with us today because you deserve a rest. DuDette and Sapphire stayed home because they already visited Capitol Park. But I had fun quality time with Miss Kate today.
First, we saw the prickly plants, which were nice, but prickly! I also found some lovely California poppies. Miss Kate suggested we see the roses ... also prickly but very pretty, too. It took me a long time to find the roses on the map because I was sitting on the rose garden!!
I decided to pose with every different color I could find, starting with white. I liked especially the last one. I think its colors are most perfect for me, so I have two pictures with that rose. I'd like to pluck it and mail it to you, dear mommy!
There is a lovely peace theme in this rose garden.
Then we walked some and saw the Capitol building and a native California plant garden and a historical church, which -- according to Miss Kate -- is a nice example of Spanish Colonial architecture. And it has great free concerts.
That's all for now!
Shir Khan
Posted May 4, 2011, 2:31 am Last edited May 4, 2011, 3:19 am by kcrawfish
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Bodega Bay, California, USA - 9th May 2011
By: kcrawfish
Hi everyone!
What a surprise! Miss Kate said, "We're going to the coast for 2 nights!" She barely gave us enough time to pack our TV tags!
Here are some of my pictures on the road. The bunch of us figured out where we wanted to sit on the dash, and the first photo is of us going on a small highway across the marshy bay. Did you know the San Francisco bay is like any big estuary, but it's special because instead of just fanning out, it closes up some to a small one mile wide entrance to the sea? And that entrance is where the Golden Gate Bridge is. That seems to make this bay special. Anyway, we're going north and the Golden Gate is to our left. We could see it, but it was too far for photos.
We stopped in Marin County to have a picnic lunch. We found a shady spot with cows and eucalyptus trees.
Then we stopped at the teeny town of Valley Ford. Do you like the boogie board in the window? Why would a shark surf? It makes as much sense as a tiger surfing.
We also stopped at Bodega Bay, where Miss Kate said The Birds, a very scary movie, was filmed. But, Mom, how can birds be scary? I didn't ask Miss Kate because I didn't want to be rude. The Tides is a well known restaurant because of the movie. (Too bad we weren't hungry!) It was used for the cafe, gas station and dock scenes. (And Miss Kate said the farm in the movie where the farmer was killed by birds, well, that was in Valley Ford. Pretty cool.) There's also a cool store with both candy and kites. I guess a lot of tourists like to stop there. I know I did. This kite was my favorite.
We're back on the road! On Highway 1, that is! Here we were stopped at a stoplight that shouldn't be there except some of the highway fell into the ocean, so we had to share one lane with the other direction. The van in front had a cool shark sticker, but I don't know if you can see it. Miss Kate tells me there is such a thing as tiger sharks. I'm intrigued.
We took another pit stop at a little general store at Fort Ross. Isn't it funny such a mix of things? Fishing and snorkeling gear, wood, ice, DVDs to rent, a restaurant and post cards! Good post cards, too! You may get one.
More soon!
~Shir Khan
Posted May 12, 2011, 1:03 am Last edited May 12, 2011, 3:54 pm by kcrawfish
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