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Meet other cats.

Go parachuting.

Have a yummy fish dinner!

Play hide n' seek in the woods.

Go fishing.

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Travelog for: Mr. Furrington

San Diego, United States - 27th October 2011

By: Xadrian

Meow! My name is Mr. Furrington and I am a highly stressed kitty! Instead of going to school, I've decided to take a bit of a vacation!


Now I just need to find a nice host to show me a fun time so I can get unstressed!

Here is a photo of one of my favorite trees!


* Posted Oct 29, 2011, 3:39 am [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

In Transit to the United Kingdom, United States - 29th October 2011

By: Xadrian

Meow! My mentor has found a host and now I am heading to the United Kingdom for some fun! Bye bye!

* Posted Oct 29, 2011, 3:40 am [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Pentney, Norfolk, England - 8th November 2011

By: LittleBlogFrog

Hi Mum,

You'll be pleased to know I've arrived safely in the UK and I'm now in the Norfolk


Blinchick was here to greet me as well as my host...


...who said thankyou very much for the postcard by the way :)

Well, just wanted you to know Im here and that Blinchick and I are already making


I shall post again soon,
Mr Furrington x

* Posted Nov 9, 2011, 10:39 am [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

East Walton, Norfolk, England - 11th November 2011

By: LittleBlogFrog

Hi Mum,

Operation Christmas Child

Last week Blinchick and my host went shopping for a project called Operation
Christmas Child
. They told me it was an appeal where you fill an empty shoe
box with gifts and the shoeboxes are collected locally and sent across the world
to children who are less fortunate than us and would otherwise probably get no
presents this christmas.

I thought it sounded like a great idea so my host, her boyfriend, Blinchick and I
packed our boxes together this evening. First we had to wrap the box and its lid
in pretty christmas paper and then we had to fill the box with items from different
categories including hygiene, educational and toys.

This is my hosts shoebox:


There was a little mermaid pen, a cuddly toy dalmation, a notebook, toothpaste
and toothbrush, erasers, chalk, crayons, a flannel, hairbands and sweeties
in our box amongst other things.

The boxes have to be labelled with who we have made the box for, we chose a
little girl between the age of 5-9 years old.


Time to put a lid on it!


My hosts boyfriend made a shoebox up too, he decided to do one for a little boy :)


Well I better go mum,
til next time,

Mr Furrington

* Posted Nov 13, 2011, 4:48 pm Last edited Nov 13, 2011, 4:51 pm by LittleBlogFrog [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Pentney, Norfolk, England - 15th November 2011

By: LittleBlogFrog

Hi Mum,

Baking Cherry & Coconut cakes

Its starting to get quite cold outside now, my host said that they had been lucky
before I arrived and still had sunny weather despite heading into Winter but now
it is starting to get a bit chilly here - there is still sun but it is very cold too!

So we spent this morning indoors and did a bit of baking. We found a recipe for
Coconut & Cherry cakes that my host has never cooked before and thought we
would give it a try (she says she isnt a good cook though so Blinchick and I were
ready to lend a helping hand)

First we got our ingredients out and opened our recipe book to the page we needed.


They suggested we put the cake cases in the baking trays first so they were
ready for when the mixture was...



The first ingredients into the mixing bowl were caster sugar and butter....


..followed by two eggs, flour and then the coconut and cherries..


Time for spooning out the cake mixture!



..then we had to wait for them to cook...
...and wait..
...and wait..


..and here they are..


We were planning to ice them but with the cakes texture and the flavours inside
we decided to leave them as they are.

Well I better go, its tasting time!

Mr Furrington x

* Posted Nov 15, 2011, 2:52 pm [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Norwich, Norfolk, England - 19th November 2011

By: LittleBlogFrog

Hi Mum,

At the Movies

Tonight we went to see 'Breaking Dawn' at the movies. We travelled to Norwich
to the Odeon cinema to watch it. Here I am outside the building..


Our verdict? We loved the film :D

My host apologises for not being able to take me out much this week but hopes
to post some 'out and about' photos very soon.

Mr Furrington x

* Posted Nov 20, 2011, 11:02 am [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

East Walton, Norfolk, England - 20th November 2011

By: LittleBlogFrog

Hi Mum,

Countryside Walk

If there is one thing I've found out about Norfolk so far its that there is alot of country-
side to see. This afternoon my host, her boyfriend, Blinchick and I decided to go for a
nice walk around the countryside in the village of East Walton.




As you can see here, the sun hadnt hit this part of the fields yet so the grass looked a
bit of the frosty side....  can you see all the mole hills mum? I think they have been very
busy digging around this area.





...Our little bit of November sun...



...stopping for a rest...



We then walked into an area that was all misty and foggy.. but through that we could see
something walking towards us..


..some cows :) They let us get a bit closer...



...Then it was time for us to say goodbye and wander back through the gate and home
again.... maybe next time we go for a walk we might have snow, fingers crossed!



Mr Furrington

* Posted Nov 21, 2011, 10:18 am [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Pentney, Norfolk, England - 25th November 2011

By: LittleBlogFrog


Well Mum, yesterday we ventured over to the local town of Kings Lynn as the towns
christmas lights were being switched on. My host hoped to get some photos to
show you of this however unfortunately everybody else seemed to have the same
plan to go to see them too and it was far too crowded so we had to leave and
without photos in the end. My host was a bit disappointed but she has something
special and christmassy planned for the first week of December so watch this space.

'Press Out and Make' Christmas Book

Anyway, while my host was shopping today she found a christmas 'press out and
make' book so tonight we have been getting into the christmas spirit with


We decided to make the rocking reindeer first..


''I've got the reindeer head!''


...putting the parts together...


Blinchick pressed out the elves...


..Ready to rock?



We then decided to make a more difficult one, the gingerbread house!


We pushed out the pieces again...


''I've got the gingerbread couple!''


..time to build the house for them..


...and put the roof and chimney on!


..I think the gingerbread couple liked the house we made for them, im sure they
would have invited us in if we could fit through the front door :s


Have a wonderful weekend,
Mr Furrington x

* Posted Nov 25, 2011, 9:04 pm Last edited Nov 25, 2011, 9:17 pm by LittleBlogFrog [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Sandringham & Castle Acre, Norfolk, England - 27th November 2011

By: LittleBlogFrog


Sandringham Christmas Fair

Today we visited Sandringham for their christmas craft fair. They were lots of hand
made goods from small delicate pieces of jewellery to large heavy wooden furniture.
This photo was taken in the area they were selling wooden chairs and sculptures -
the bird pictured below was being carved from wood during a demonstration they


Castle Acre - Castle Ruins

In the afternoon we headed to the village of Castle Acre to see the remains of the
castle there. This sign shows a drawing of how the area originally looked.


Alot of the buildings outer walls are still in tact and due to the moat-like ditches around
the castle itself there are lots of bridges to cross.





We climbed to the top of one of the hills for the view..



This is the main bridge up to the castle ruins...




Signs give indications on age and what parts of the building they originally were ..


This is a sketch of what the main building looked like many many years ago..


This is what remains of that building now...





..I couldnt resist having a climb during our visit!


Well that was how I spent my day :)

I shall update again soon, hope you are well.
Mr Furrington x

* Posted Nov 27, 2011, 8:15 pm [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

East Walton, Norfolk, England - 29th November 2011

By: LittleBlogFrog


Putting Up The Christmas Tree (no. 1)

Me again. Tonight we decided we couldnt wait any longer and Blinchick and I helped
my host and her boyfriend put up their christmas tree at his house...

So we got the tree and all the decorations out of their boxes...



First we started putting all the branches of the tree together..


I was on hand to test out the lights... ''yep, they all seem okay to me!''


The lights went on first, followed by the decorations... I really like this one..


My host and her boyfriend even have personalised decorations!


All done, what do you think? Can you see me in the tree?


Speak soon Mum
Mr Furrington x

* Posted Nov 30, 2011, 9:21 am Last edited Nov 30, 2011, 9:22 am by LittleBlogFrog [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Pentney, Norfolk, England - 5th December 2011

By: LittleBlogFrog


Putting Up The Christmas Tree (No. 2)

So today we decided to put up the christmas tree in the family home which is a bit bigger
than the christmas tree we put up at my hosts boyfriends house.

So out came our tree..... which took quite a long time to put together!


Then the boxes of decorations ...




..and lights...


Mum, my host thought she was funny and hung me and Blinchick on the tree!


...we said that the baubles would be better for the tree and not us!


...look its santa!




.....and the finished tree!


Speak soon, Im off to see something very christmassy this week so will update again soon.

Mr Furrington x

* Posted Dec 8, 2011, 11:47 am [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Fakenham Christmas Tree Festival, England - 7th December 2011

By: LittleBlogFrog

Hello again,

Christmas Tree Festival

Tonight we ventured over to a little place called Fakenham for their Christmas Tree
Festival which is held in the church there.

Here we are walking to the church, they had lots pretty christmas street lights....I
spotted the sign to show us the way to the church!


The christmas tree festival is made up of 75 christmas trees, each decorated by a
charity or organisation. It is free entry to go and see them however you can bring a bag
of change and donate money as they all have a collection bucket beneath each tree for each

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7029/6476175361_180a7a3d5e.jpg http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7024/6476177967_ef996b038b.jpg


This is a tree that the charity Barnados decorated ..


We put some money in their charity bucket ....


The last trees we saw were these which werent charity trees but prayer trees. The public
were invited to write on a star and attach it to one of these trees :)


Well, Im definitely in the christmas mood now :)
I hope you received the post I sent you mum!

Mr Furrington

* Posted Dec 8, 2011, 12:04 pm Last edited Dec 8, 2011, 12:05 pm by LittleBlogFrog [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Narborough, Norfolk, England - 16th December 2011

By: LittleBlogFrog

Hi Mum,

Im sorry for not updating this past week, Ive been spending some time indoors as the
weather here has been quite rainy and very cold, so cold in fact that it is snowing outside
as I type this! Unfortunately the ground is too wet for it to settle so there is no playing in
the snow for us just yet though :(

Advent Calendar

So mum, my host has an advent calendar that we are using in our countdown to Christmas.


..She said that Blinchick and I could open todays door! Number 16.


...mmmm chocolate!


...It was only a very small piece of chocolate.. but luckily for us our host was a bit behind
on her advent calendar and we opened the doors she has missed for her too... which
meant we had four chocolates to share!


I hope Blinchick will let me have the little star shaped one  :)

Til next time,
Mr Furrington x

* Posted Dec 16, 2011, 12:24 pm [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Pentney, Norfolk, England - 23rd December 2011

By: LittleBlogFrog


Christmas Cards & Presents

My host told me some post had arrived..  It was a christmas card...


..I read the inside of the card...


... mum, it was from you! Thankyou very much :)

We havent been out much lately unfortunately.. its been very cold and rainy :(  ..
according to the weather report we are unlikely to get snow for christmas too BUT I
wont let that stop me from enjoying Christmas.. we are almost there now!

...My hosts family has been receiving lots of christmas cards...here are a few...


...the presents are slowly piling up under the tree too. Fimbo_Fimble, Blinchick & I
have been a little bit sneaky and have been sitting under the tree looking at all the
presents and trying to guess what they are!


..this present is for my host.. I wonder what it could be..


..this present hasnt been wrapped though! Its a sweet hamper for my hosts brother
who is coming up to Norfolk on Christmas Day.. I hope he shares his sweets with
us too!  ;)


Well Mum, I'll post again soon.
Wishing you a very merry christmas!

Love Mr Furrington x

* Posted Dec 23, 2011, 4:44 pm [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Pentney & East Walton, Norfolk, England - 25th December 2011

By: LittleBlogFrog

Hello & Merry Christmas!

Christmas Day

Its Christmas...!

We opened presents at home, watched christmas films on tv and then sat down for
a yummy roast dinner - I helped to pull some christmas crackers! Here is what we
got inside them.. a chocolate bar that squirts water, a whoopie cushion and a little
santa tile puzzle :)


After lunch my host and I went to see her boyfriend at his home in East Walton.
We had lots more presents to open there! I helped :)


My host is a big fan of Tim Burton, look what her boyfriend bought her!


Well I better go mum but I hope you had a lovely day :)

* Posted Dec 27, 2011, 10:46 am [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

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