Münster, Germany - 20th November 2011
By: indrarado
hello world!
right know i'm sitting at home making plans for my world tour. if you are able to offer me a place to stay for a few weeks please let me know! i would really like to see the most famous or special buildings in your hometown. and i'm interested in the places you find most beautiful.
see you!
Posted Nov 20, 2011, 4:29 pm
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Wyomissing, PA Visit with Santa, USA - 17th December 2011
By: Boris Kitty
I arrived safe and sound at my hosts house and met with Boris and his humans, Human1 and Human2.
I got here just in time to go along with Boris' human2 to help with One By One Cat Rescue's photos with Santa Claus at the Petsmart. I went with my new pal Edgar who is dressed as Edgar Claus to help out. We watched the donation collection bin carefully while Santa sat with the dogs and kitties.
Then we had our chance to sit with Santa and tell him what we would like for Christmas. We both whispered in Santa's ears at the same time. I do hope he heard us correctly.
It was fun sitting on Santa's lap.
Posted Dec 24, 2011, 12:15 am Last edited Apr 12, 2012, 2:45 pm by Boris Kitty
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Exton, PA, USA - 10th February 2012
By: Boris Kitty
I went along with Boris' human2 and Edgar to the office, but we did not work. We had fun!
Edgar got these WAY COOL trading cards from TokiPoki.com for Valentine's Day so we filled some out for Human2's co-workers.
He even gave me one too! Everyone here is so nice.
Posted Feb 13, 2012, 2:38 am
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Exton, PA, USA - 14th February 2012
By: Boris Kitty
Today is Valentine's Day.
A day of love.
A day when many humans give each other flowers to say I like you.
I went with Boris' Human2 and Edgar daKitty to the office and we were surprised by a new friend...
This is Flora and we are very happy to meet her!
We got to know each other while Human2 spent the day doing work things.
Posted Feb 21, 2012, 8:42 pm
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Exton, PA, USA - 15th February 2012
By: Boris Kitty
We spent the night at the office (don't worry we were having a sleep over with our new friends).
We woke up when every one came back into to start their day.
The best thing we did today is we got to sit and watch the birds at the bird feeder.
Here is a nice little Chickadee that came by to have lunch with us!
There were a lot more but the humans scared them away!
After lunch we were all put to work by Human2. She wanted us to help her sort and box a bunch of dog toys that were being donated by her company to dogs at shelters. I think this is a very nice thing to do as many of these dogs have never had a toy or know what it is like to play with some one that loves them.
Here we are gathering all the toys.
Once we had them all gathered up we had to sort them by size into boxes to go out to the shelters and rescue groups that are waiting for the donations.
We had to be very careful that we did not fall into the boxes because the dogs would love to put the bitey on us too!
It felt so good to help out all those animals in need. I was very proud to be a part of DogToys.com's donation efforts.
Posted Feb 21, 2012, 8:43 pm
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