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Travelog for: Carlisle

Mexico City, Mexico, Mexico - 28th January 2010

By: Pixiedustlady

Updating my Google Map!

* Posted Jan 30, 2010, 4:11 pm [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Mexico City, Mexico - 29th January 2010

By: Els

Hello Mom!!

I have arrived in Mexico City.  :D
The weather is hot and the sun shines all the time. People are very friendly and I think I'll have fun here.


For my first trip Els took me to the city


I had such great time walking along the streets and pedestrian bridges.


I visited the "Monument of the Revolution" and I could notice it is in maintenance because this year will be the Bicentennial of Mexican Independence and the city has to look beautiful for that day (16th September).


I love Mexico because is a Colorful country.... I enjoyed a fresh cucumber cocktail.... MMM .... Yummi!


"Cactus" is the typical plant in Mexico... I like them very much.


It was a great day!!!

* Posted Jan 30, 2010, 6:27 am Last edited Jan 30, 2010, 6:54 am by Els [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Palace of Fine Arts, Mexico - 6th February 2010

By: Els

We went to visit the the Palace of fine Arts.
It is the premier opera house of Mexico City. The theatre is used for classical music, opera and dance, notably the "Baile Folklórico".
I think is a beatiful place. isn't it?


I also visit the "Latin-American Tower" (597 ft; 45 stories) and history makes it one of the city's most important landmarks. As an important note is that the tower can be briefly seen from inside a helicopter during the beginning of Romeo + Juliet movie.


I really loved the urban gallery in Mexico... Im still thinking Mexico is a colorful country.


Im excited bcs Els said we are going to the downtown tomorrow. So, wish me luck mom. Kiss to you  ;)

* Posted Feb 10, 2010, 3:40 am [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Richlands, NC, USA - 21st October 2010

By: Pixiedustlady

I have not been updated in forever.... My host has waited and waited for me to come home from Mexico.... my current host swears she mailed me off (months ago!) but my mom has replaced me with another Carlisle so I can continue my journey.  I am off to a REAL FARM in the United Kingdom!!! I cant wait to see all the animals and see the English countryside!!! My mom made a Halloween goodie bag for me to give to my new host!! I cant wait to get on the plane tomorrow!

* Posted Oct 21, 2010, 10:21 pm [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Consett, County Durham, United Kingdom - 30th October 2010

By: lotti02

Hi Mom!!!

I have arrived in the north of England after my long journey across the Atlantic ocean ... it's a nice sunny day here, but the leaves are falling from the trees and soon it will be very cold. Maybe I'll build a snow-horse while I'm here! :)

I miss you lots and lots already, but will keep you informed about my adventures over here with my host, Lotti. I have enclosed a photograph of me looking out of the window at my new surroundings - looks like a great place to do some frolicking!

See you soon,

Carlisle xx


* Posted Oct 30, 2010, 2:10 pm [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Consett, County Durham, United Kingdom - 31st October 2010

By: lotti02

Today is Halloween, and I have been helping Lotti and her boyfriend to carve their Jack-o'-lanterns ... we had lots of fun, and I think they look really good!

C x


* Posted Oct 31, 2010, 8:10 pm Last edited Oct 31, 2010, 8:11 pm by lotti02 [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Oxford, England - 8th November 2010

By: lotti02

Lotti took me on a trip to central/southern England to visit her relatives, and on November 8th we had a nice look around the beautiful city of Oxford with her brother ...

The first photo is me with the Radcliffe Camera, a building which once housed the Science Library of Oxford, and was named after the man who built it, John Radcliffe, in 1737. The second is me pretending to walk across Hertford Bridge, which is affectionately known as 'The Bridge of Sighs' because it resembles the famous bridge in Venice.


* Posted Nov 18, 2010, 9:11 pm Last edited Nov 18, 2010, 9:28 pm by lotti02 [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Stratford Upon Avon, England - 9th November 2010

By: lotti02

On November 9th, Lotti took me to a place she'd never been before - Stratford-upon-Avon in Warwickshire. The town is most famous for being the home-town of the great writer, William Shakespeare, and here I am outside his birthplace, which has now been made into a museum about his life and works.


* Posted Nov 18, 2010, 9:33 pm [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Consett, United Kingdom - 1st December 2010

By: lotti02

Hi Mom!!

So sorry I haven't been in contact for a while - we've had lots of snow here in the UK and it has been messing with Lotti's internet!

Here are a few photos of the snow ... the first is me standing on about a metre of the white stuff - it's a good thing that I'm not too heavy, or I would've disappeared! The second is me watching Lotti's puppy, Alfie, playing in the snow ... I don't get too close to him, because he likes to play rough and I may get accidentally eaten!  :o

I promise I'll update further soon. Miss you! xx


* Posted Dec 17, 2010, 9:32 pm Last edited Dec 17, 2010, 9:39 pm by lotti02 [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Consett, United Kingdom - 16th December 2010

By: lotti02

Today I had great fun helping Lotti to put up and decorate her Christmas tree ... we think it's looks cool!


Here's a photo of me admiring the finished tree, and also me with my very own decoration - this 'C' bauble is one that Lotti made herself, and it usually stands for 'Charlotte' (Lotti's full name) ... but this year she's decided that it stands for 'Carlisle' - yay!!


* Posted Dec 17, 2010, 9:37 pm Last edited Dec 17, 2010, 9:40 pm by lotti02 [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Consett, United Kingdom - 22nd December 2010

By: lotti02

Lotti loves to bake, and at Christmas-time she always enjoys making mince pies. This year she even used her own home-made mincemeat, but decided to try to make them from filo pastry instead of the usual shortcrust stuff.

Here are photos of the raw ingredients, followed by the pies assembled and ready for baking, and finally all cooked, decorated and ready for eating - and they were soooooooo yummy! (promise I didn't eat ALL of them!)


* Posted Dec 23, 2010, 2:29 pm Last edited Dec 23, 2010, 2:31 pm by lotti02 [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Richlands, NC, USA - 18th February 2011

By: Pixiedustlady

I am now home.  I have not been updated since December but I am still alive and kicking!! If anyone wants to host me, please email my owner!! I am looking to spend the summer with a new host!!

* Posted Feb 19, 2011, 1:40 am [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Richlands, NC, USA - 26th October 2011

By: Pixiedustlady

I have not travelled in a long time.  Today my host tells me I am going to visit Germany!!! I am excited to meet my new host who lives in Bochum!! I have my bags packed and I am ready to leave in the morning!!!

* Posted Oct 26, 2011, 9:17 pm [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Bochum, Germany - 13th November 2011

By: Tiffy

Hey there!!!

Finally I arrived save in Bochum!
It was a long journey and I'm soooo glad that I'm out of the envelope now!

As I arrived I got a really warm welcome by Bubo,
who's currently staying at Tiffy's.
And I think it's really cool, to have another TV here... so we can talk a lot about our adventures and can share some experiences!

This is Bubo... opening my envelope to let me out!

And well... here I am!
For the first time I saw Bubo and my new host Tiffy! And she looks friendly... =) So I think I'll have a good time here! =)


So this is me, with my new Buddy Bubo! =) And I brought some Halloween Candy... well, my Mum said the candy is for Tiffy... uhhh by the way... I should say a huge Thank you from Tiffy, to you, mummy! =)
But I think.. Bubo and me are going to eat them, when Tiffy's not at home... *evil laughter* xD Sorry for that... ^^ but candies are awesome!

So... I think, that I'll have a great time here...
Tiffy told me, that the Christmas market in Bochum is going to start next week... so I'm quite sure, that we'll behold it!

Lots of Love
x x x

Carlisle! =)

* Posted Nov 13, 2011, 6:35 pm [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Bochum, Germany - 17th November 2011

By: Tiffy

Hey Mummy!!!

On Thursday (17th Nov) we, Tiffy, Bubo, me and some friends of Tiffy went to the Christmarket of Bochum!
This was really cool!
The whole town looks like christmas now! And this market is really wonderful... on every corner are different types of smells!
It's really wonderful! I love the german christmas time already! =) Everywhere are beautiful decorated booths and christmas lights!
It looked really good in the darkness!
There was also a light sign which welcomed Bubo and me in Bochum! Take a look!

On this market are lots of booths... were you can buy warm drinks, like hot wine punch, cocoa, egg punch and all that stuff!
To get warm, Buboand me drank an egg punch... this was really tasteful and Tiffy told us, that this would be the best egg punch of the bochum christmas market.
I don't now what's in there... I guess some eggs and alcohol.. but I don't know more xD

After our egg punch Bubo and me decided that we needed something to eat!
So we went to a booth which was selling a sort of a bread...
I think it was with sour cream or something familiar... and onions and bacon! And it was baked in a oven of stone with real fire.

This looked really beautiful... it's the bank of Bochum in the city.
And even this building is draped in christmas lights!

On our walk through all the booths, we found a very funny hot wine punch booth!
It looked like a classic roundabout, were you can sit and drink your warm drinks. And the funny thing about it... it's slowly spinning!
Im sure this could be a problem for the people who drank too much of this hot wine... HAHAHAHA!
Unfortunately we didn't drank a hot wine there! Boooooh!!! xD
I so wanted to sit in this roundabout!

I found a booth there which reminded me of you, Mummy!
And so I had to take a photo of this!
There were so much candies! I couldn't trust my eyes!
And lots of different types of tastes!
Vanilla, mint, coconut... there is also a taste which is tastes like the hot wine punch! Can you believe it? Those germans are crazy! xDD hahaha...

And in the end... we saw the highlight of the christmas market!
Mummy!! Can you believe, that I saw Santa in his flying sleigh with his reindeers!!!!??? Even Rudolph, the one with the red nose was there!
And Santa flew over the market place!!!
Unfortunately we weren't sooo close to Santa, so the photo isn't that good, but Tiffy promised to go with us there again and take a better photo! It was kinda strange to see santa flying in november... all the stories about Santa, say, that he is only riding his sleigh on christmas eve... and here in Bochum he does this every day of the market! I'm sure that there's something not right! xD
I marked Santa in the photo so that you can see him!

Lots of love


x x x


Tiffy forgot to upload a photo of me and BuboCarlisle in front of another booth which is looking like a christmas pyramid!
This was soooo huge and beautiful!!! =)
Take a look!


* Posted Nov 19, 2011, 6:57 pm Last edited Nov 20, 2011, 3:01 pm by Tiffy [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

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