Home, Germany - 28th April 2012
By: Eustachia
Hello everybody!
My name is Purple Tentacle. Some of you maybe knows me from the adventure game "Day of the Tentacle". Yeah, you're right, i'm a star!
So, for all those who doesn't know my story, here it is:
I was created as a pet by the mad scientist Dr. Fred Edison. But one day i drunk toxic sludge from a river behind Dr. Fred's laboratory. The sludge caused me to grow a pair of flipper-like arms.
That was the moment of my life! It made me feel great! Smarter! More aggressive! I felt like I could... like I could... like I could... TAKE ON THE WORLD!!!
This is my intention and no one can stop me! Muahahaha.
See you soon, guys! That's for sure!
One day i will take on your home, too
Purple Tentacle
Posted Jun 17, 2012, 10:02 am
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Laubach-Münster, Germany - 10th May 2012
By: Eustachia
Hello world!
Today i got a very important quest. I have to teach three other TVs how to fight with a bow.
So first, we went to the fields nearby our house. Okay, there is our target...
Well, my little weak friends. As all of you know, i will take on the world. So i need to improve my skill of archery. And i think it's no bad idea to teach you how to fight, too.
Our first lesson is how to fight with a bow.
Pay attention on every word i say!
This is our bow. It is a horseman's bow.
And these are the arrows.
It is very important to choose the right arrows. They should not be too heavy. And there are differences between wood arrow or carbon arrow.
I prefer this one. I love this spearhead! Muahahaha
If you got the right method how to shoot, then you will score right in the middle of the target.
Can you guys see it?
So let's begin! In germany, we say as salutation: All into gold!
The little ratgirl Gypsy starts first.
But she didn't score.
Next one is Wacky-Z.. hmm, i think he'll be better than Gypsy..
He didn't scored, too. But hey. His arrows are close to the target!
Well, that wasn't a bad performance!
Okay, Cilly! You will rock it! I believe in you.
She didn't score, but her arrows are also close to the target.
Don't be sad, all you need to do is to practice practice practice!
And now i will show you how to do it right!
So, did i score?
Damned! It's not that easy!
But hey, i shot the shack! Muahahaha
The other arrows were not bad, at least close to the target.
So my friends. As you can see, we have to practice! Then one day we score with every shot! We have to practice, practice, practice aaaand PRACTICE!
Cilly, Wacky-Z and Gypsy chorus: Yes, we will!
..and one day i'll be the best archer in the world.. muahahaha
Okay my little friends. If you want to practice some more, come with me! I need to train my skill of archery!
And as you can see... i'm getting better!
After some more shots we enjoyed the sun...
..and relaxed a bit. Phew, archery is very exhausting!
Purple Tentacle
Posted Jun 17, 2012, 10:48 am
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Marburg, Germany - 11th May 2012
By: Eustachia
Hello world!
Today we did a little roadtrip with my mommy Eustachia.
First we drove to Marburg.
And Eustachia bought some new stuff at an archery store for me.
Unfortunately we had no time to take on the city. Maybe next time
Then we continued our travel to Frankenberg, and Biedenkopf...
Posted Jun 17, 2012, 10:53 am
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Laubach-Münster, Germany - 15th May 2012
By: Eustachia
Today we said goodbye to Gypsy
Bye bye my little ratgirl. Take care! And don't forget to practice archery!

Posted Jun 17, 2012, 11:15 am
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Home, Germany - 28th May 2012
By: Eustachia
Today i said goodbye to my good friend Wacky-Z. How dare, that he's going to leave us.
Bye bye Wacky! I'll miss you. You're such a great fella.
And he promised to me, that one day we'll take on the world

Posted Jun 17, 2012, 11:37 am
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Düsseldorf, Germany - 15th July 2012
By: Shilo
Hello world and hi Mum.
Today begins my US domination tour. First step on this tour was the Airport in Düsseldorf. First of all I had to decide which plane to occupy, so I lead my companions to the windows to have a look at all the available planes. To have a better look we climbed up the seats.
On our flight to London it was so cloudy that I couldn’t have a look over Britain, which I will dominate one day too. But first come’s America.
Then we arrived at T5 in London. Here we had to wait 4 hours. That is a very long time, so I decided to take over the terminal.
Here I want to show you the friendly bear we meet in front of my new Harrods shop. He promised me he will have a look over the terminal when I will leave.
Then it was time to choose the Airplane for our next flight to San Francisco. It wasn’t easy because there were a lot of cool looking Airplanes which could be of my liking.
I chose a 747-400 Airplane. It is very huge and I think it will fit for me.
The stewardess seems to know how important I am, so she brought 2 cans of coke for me and my friends.
While I was controlling our flight route, I saw that we were flying above Greenland. So I took a look out of the window. There is really much ice before the land. I think I should need warm clothes, when I go to dominate it one day.
To keep the others busy, I had the idea to watch the movie “The Lorax”
Then after a long flight from over 10 hours, we reached San Francisco. Here I am standing at the union square. I think it looks nice here, but today I am too tired from the flight to start my domination tour. So San Francisco, you got one more day in freedom.
But now it is time to sleep.
Good night
Posted Jul 22, 2012, 6:20 am
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San francisco, America - 16th July 2012
By: Shilo
Good morning world and mum.
After a long sleep I am ready to take over San Francisco today. But before I could start, my friends and I had breakfast and after that we went down to the union square again. I think from this heart I had a great view over the square. I declare this square is mine now.
Before we could go on, we decided to buy some water for today. It is hart to bring a city under your control without something to drink for you and your companions. On our way to the supermarket I saw this interesting looking house. I shortly thought about making it to my new commando central, but then I put the thought aside.
Then it was time to move on, so we took my new Cable Car to Fishermen’s wharf. Unfortunately the other people on the car didn’t want to make enough space for me to take some picture of our ride. But I will show you a picture of my wonderful Cable car later.
We went down at the Lombard Street. It is a cool street because it has a lot of very tight turns. But I think I don’t want a house on this street. It took too long to drive down the street, with all the other cars, who want to drive the street down.
To see more of my new city, we decided to walk the rest of the way to Fishermen’s wharf. On the way we went up a small hill and had a look at Alcatraz. It is a really impressive prison.
Later we saw this old fire truck. You could buy a ticket and have a ride on it over the Golden gate bridge, but we didn’t want the ride.
Finally we arrived at Fishermen’s wharf. Here we saw a lot of shops and people, but it was too full for me. So we went down the pier to have a look over the bay.
Oh look behind me you can see the Golden gate bridge, which I will take over tomorrow.
We also saw these sea lions relaxing in the sun. I asked them to help me with my plan, to take over this city, but they were too lazy for it.
Then we went down the pier again and arrived at my new marine station. Here I had two big ships. The first one is an old paddle wheel steamer. On the ship I can show you some of my new old-timer cars.
The other ship is an old sailing ship. I like this the most, especially this bell which I could use to call together all my companions.
Here I can show you some things which were loaded into the bottom of the ship and the cabins for the crew.
I like my new fleet, but I think I need more ships in the future. But now it is time to hide back to the hotel. The day was long and my companions and I were tired from this conquering expedition. But before I forget it, here is the picture of my wonderful new Cable Car.
Tomorrow my domination tour will go on and I will take over the Golden gate bridge.
Posted Jul 23, 2012, 6:48 am
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San Francisco, America - 17th July 2012
By: Shilo
Good morning World and Mum.
Today is our second and last day here in San Francisco, because tomorrow we will travel on to the Yosemite National Park. So I have to hurry to dominate the rest of this city, because of that I have planned a lot for today.
After our breakfast, I started my tour at Fishermen’s wharf again. From there we planned to walk to the Golden Gate Bridge. I am planning to relabel the bridge, but I am not sure which name I should give it at the moment. What do you think about Purple Gate Bridge? Or Purple Tentacle Bridge? I am not sure at the moment, but I will think about it on our way.
We walked along the beach of the bay. Isn’t the view great from here? I could see Alcatraz out there.
After a long way from an hour we are very close to the bridge. I am so excited about it and the weather is so unbelievable nice today.
On the bottom of the bridge we arrived at an old Fort. Fort Point was build 1794 and was completed just before the American Civil War, to defend San Francisco Bay against hostile warships. The fort is now protected as Fort Point National Historic Site, a United States National Historic Site administered by the National Park Service as a unit of the Golden Gate National Recreation Area.
I think I will make this fort to my new military base. But before I am sure about it I had a look around the fort with the others.
I also guided the others to the top of the fort, from where we had a great view over the bay.
Yeah I think it will be a great military base for me. Because of that I had to show the others how they had to use the cannons.
Now that everything is settled at the fort we could move on to the bridge. But wait beneath the fort we found these interesting looking sign. A friendly old man, told us about the story behind this sign. Hopper is a true San Francisco hero. He is one of the many Golden gate bridge’s iron workers that not only risk their life each day maintaining this beautiful bridge, but volunteer to save the lives of lost souls attempting to end their lives jumping off the bridge. He saved 30 people in the time he was working at the bridge.
When he noticed that waterfront joggers have a ritual of touching the fence at the dead-end of the sidewalk next to Fort Point, he had the bridge's sign painter make a sign with two handprints on it, and another sign with two dog paws, because one woman had her dog touch the fence.
Now everybody is touching this sign. Hmm do you think a tentacle sign would look better than these hands? I think I will put it onto my “to do list”. But for the moment we also touched the sign, before we went the way back to climb up to the bridge.
Now I am finally standing on the Golden gate bridge. I am very happy about it and the view over San Francisco is so beautiful. And I finally decided how to rename the bridge, now it will be called the “Purple Gate Bridge” What do you think about the name? I think it sounds great.
After the bridge we walked on to the National cemetery. I planned to show my comrades really strong fighters and heroes. It was very impressive to see all this mass of graves. We saw graves from people who fought in more than one war and survived them. And we saw a grave from a person who got the Medal of Honor.
I finally found my new head quarter here in San Francisco. It will be the Palace of fine arts. It is the perfect place for me, because I think the Greek looking architecture suites me really good. Don’t you think so?
Today was really productive because I completed my mission to dominate San Francisco. Now the whole city is mine. Can you hear me San Francisco?! You are MINE!!!
This was the first place in California which belongs to me now. I am very excited to see the next stop on my domination tour through America tomorrow.
So good night and see you tomorrow.
Posted Jul 25, 2012, 4:54 am
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Yosemite National Park, America - 18th July 2012
By: Shilo
Good morning World and Mum.
Today my domination tour will move on to the Yosemite National Park. There we will stay two days, before we will travel on to Death Valley.
Here I can show you my great domination car. I think it is really cool, only if it were purple it would be cooler.
Because I wanted to rest on the way to the park, I decided to sit on the backseat. It is really comfortable, if you have your own driver because you are so important like me.
On our way to the park, we saw this pretty lake and this cool view when we were making some breaks. I think it was a great idea to take over California. But unfortunately it was so hot outside that we didn’t left the car for too long, so I can’t show you more pictures of my new territory.
After approx. four hours we finally arrived at the Park. The first thing we saw here was a forest from burned trees and bushes. It was really strange to see something like this.
We took the chance and climbed down a small hill, to have a first view over my new park.
Unfortunately we had to climb up the hill again, but I didn’t show any weakness to be a good guide for the others.
After a while we arrived at Curry Village. Here you can see our cabin for the next two days. It is small but I think it will fit for me the next two days. In front of the cabin stands a bear box. There we had to put all our food and shower stuff in, so that the bears won’t get them.
Because I wanted to use the remaining daylight to get a better impression from my new park, I had the idea to use the time to walk to the Mirror Lake, to see the Sunset there. On our way we walked along the Visitor Centre.
It was a long walk, but it was nice because we had a nice view around us. It was a great idea from me to walk all the way to the lake, instead of taking the shuttle bus.
Then we arrived at the Lake, just right for the Sunrise. Unfortunately there wasn’t much water at the lake, so we haven’t the feeling of a mirror. That was really sad, because I wanted to see my beautiful face reflecting into the water. But as compensation we saw a nice Sunset.
Next to the Lake we saw these cool towers. I think they were made to homage me.
After the sun set of, it was quickly getting dark. And because the others were afraid of bears and mountain lions and I wanted to help them to feel comfortable, we quickly went back to Curry Village.
It was a long day and I am really tired. So good night and see you tomorrow.

Posted Jul 30, 2012, 1:36 pm
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Yosemite National Park, America - 19th July 2012
By: Shilo
Good Morning World and Mum.
When I stood up this morning I saw that the weather was a little bit rainy today. But some rain doesn’t disturb me on my domination tour, so I decided to lead the others to the Mariposa Grove first. This grove is very cool because there we could see the giant sequoias. These Trees were as strong as I am because they don’t die from age, after thousands of years they easily fall over because they get too heavy.
And not only were the trees themselves giant, their fir cone were also very huge.
In the Forest we found this cool rock. Unfortunately I have no flag to place it on top the rock, to declare this grove as mine. But this whole park will be mine, so it is ok. I will return one day to place a flag here.
From the Forest we drove to Glacier point. When we arrived there the rain had stopped and the sun came out. Even the weather seems to be on my side now. Because the sun shines now my view over the park from the viewpoint was even better. When I look around I am sure that it was a great idea to take over this National Park.
Glacier point lies 7214ft / 2199m over the sea-level. It was very windy so high above and we had to be very careful that we don’t get blown away. Because of that I showed the others a place behind some rocks, where we could hide and get some break.
After our short break it was time for us, to move on to the Tunnel View. This view is really fantastic.
In the evening we planned to walk to the Yosemite Falls. On our way we stopped at this lake, because I wanted to show the others what a great swimmer I am. But the water was too cold for the others, so the others went only with their feed into the water, while I swam around.
After a while we moved on, but then we stopped because we saw this Mule deer. I took a picture with it to show you what great animals live here in my new park.
And near the Mule deer we saw a real Black Bear. Unfortunately my big friend was hurt, so the Park Rangers had to come to help him. They haven’t heard from my great skills, so they didn’t give me the chance to come closer to the bear as all the others.
It took a while but finally we arrived at the Yosemite Falls. It looks like a giant shower for a very important person like I am.
Because the river bed was mostly desiccated from the hot weather, we I lead the others through it to come nearer to the waterfall. It wasn’t easy to make our way through the rocks, but we made it. My companions were really strong and brave on this way, I am very proud of them.
On our way back to Curry Village we decided to take the bus again, so that the others could rest a little bit.
Tomorrow we will move on to the Death Valley. It will take a while before we will get there. So we had to stand up very early. As a good leader it is very important to look that your companions get enough sleep, because of that we went to bed early.
So good night everybody
Posted Aug 3, 2012, 10:57 pm Last edited Aug 3, 2012, 10:58 pm by Shilo
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