Waldbillig, Luxembourg - 17th April 2012
By: Lisianne
My mum ask me a few weeks ago if I want to travel the world.
I say YES but am I not to small?
It seems no,
and so I'm nearby ready to go!
But where?
Did anybody know ???
Since today I have my ID , I be checked and ... what now!!!
Here you can see me few weeks ago when mum's first TV's come in our house to be host. They tell me so much about travel that I want to try it on my own 
Posted Apr 17, 2012, 7:59 pm Last edited Apr 27, 2012, 5:40 am by Lisianne
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Waldbillig, Luxembourg - 17th April 2012
By: Lisianne
Did this cute TV really took a picture from me my big sister and my little brother???
Posted Apr 17, 2012, 8:06 pm Last edited Apr 17, 2012, 8:42 pm by Lisianne
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Echternach, Luxembourg - 18th April 2012
By: Lisianne
Today we went quick to Echternach in the park, when we were there it start raining
This is the only picture I could take!
Posted Apr 20, 2012, 9:20 am
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Waldbillig, Luxembourg - 18th April 2012
By: Lisianne
back in Waldbillig it continue to rain,
so we decide to complete a part of my friend Mush's life mission
we played Monopoly ... and let him win 
Posted Apr 20, 2012, 9:23 am
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Waldbillig, Luxembourg - 19th April 2012
By: Lisianne
Today is the day,
I'm going to travel.
My mum told me that my parcel is ready ...
... I have to say good bye to all my friends
to Telie, Mush, ThomasHH and also to my best friend Horizon!
I jump in my envelope, and up we go 
Posted Apr 26, 2012, 1:20 pm
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Tampere, Finland - 24th April 2012
By: emmakko
Hi mum!
I just want to tell you that I have arrived safely! The weather hasn't been so beautiful today so I have spent this day by relaxing inside the house. It's a bit quiet here as my host is studying for her Russian exam.
Kasurinen asked me to tell you that he will come soon!

Posted Apr 27, 2012, 1:01 pm
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Hämeenlinna, Finland - 28th April 2012
By: emmakko
I'm now in Hämeenlinna, a small town where my host's parents and sister live. This is my first Friday in Finland and I just heard that for many Finns Friday is the "sauna day". They think it's relaxing to sit in a small, hot room and throw water to hot stones. I had thought that I would just lie on the sofa and watch Finnish tv-programmes while the crazy Finns are bathing in the sauna, but I was so wrong...
Mum, help me!!!
"the heart of the sauna":

Posted May 6, 2012, 1:25 pm
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Hämeenlinna, Finland - 26th May 2012
By: emmakko
The final of the Eurovision song contest will be held this night. My host mum and her sister bought sweets and made small flags because they think it's interesting to watch the contest. My country is not participating at all and Finland is not participating in the final so we made other flags.
We're ready!

Posted May 28, 2012, 3:47 pm
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Tampere, Finland - 31st May 2012
By: emmakko
Hi again!
Today we visited Tampere because we had heard that someone is waiting for us there!
Welcome to Finland, Suny!
As you can see, we have already become friends. We thought we are so small that we need only one seat, and we also decided that we are so small that we don't need to buy a ticket

Posted Jun 3, 2012, 3:08 pm
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