HOME in Jyväskylä, Finland - 17th April 2012
By: mmm105
My name is Hipsu. I'm small and friendly little crocheting creature. I told my mom, that I would love to travel and see the World, so mommy made me this travelog. I'm so happy and exited about this hole thing. I'm very curious, and I would like to see how you are living, and what kind of place you are living in. If you are interested about hosting me, just let my mommy mmm105 know about it, please. Thank you!
As you can see from these photos, I'm very energetic and love to do lots of different things.
Here I'm taking photos...
...spending time with mommy's cat...
Mommy's cat is so funny, because he always put his head in a weird positions while relaxing.
I like reading...
...and listening to music...
...having my body in good condition...
...doing sudokus...
...writing postcards...
...eating and taste different foods...
...drawing and dreaming...
But that's not all I like to do. I like to try and learn new things, and I would be happy to being part of your daily life.

Posted Apr 17, 2012, 10:36 am Last edited Apr 18, 2012, 7:10 pm by mmm105
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HOME in Jyväskylä, Finland - 17th April 2012
By: mmm105
Posted Apr 17, 2012, 6:46 pm Last edited Apr 18, 2012, 7:10 pm by mmm105
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HOME in Jyväskylä, Finland - 18th April 2012
By: mmm105
I had a fun day today!
I was skiing!
Others were there, too.
And we got more company here. ToyVoyagers Finfin ladybug and PinkLady bunny.
It's nice to have more toys here!
...But I'm little bit jealous, because I would really want to start my own journey soon... hopefully someone would want to host me soon...
Posted Apr 18, 2012, 6:45 pm Last edited Apr 18, 2012, 7:09 pm by mmm105
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Jyväskylä, Finland - 24th April 2012
By: mmm105
Today we got company. A cute frog Telie arrived here from Luxembourg.
We all gave Telie a group hug as a welcome.
And here we all are: Ape Apina, PinkLady, me, Telie, Finfin, Sylvia, Mo, Porridge and Tokki
Telie showed us some pictures of Luxembourg. I think it is a beautiful country.
I'm so exited, because mommy told me that very soon it's my turn to start travelling. I will go to Luxembourg to visit Telie's mom, wow!
I told that to Telie, and we both smiled the rest of the day.
Posted Apr 24, 2012, 4:40 pm
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Jyväskylä, Finland - 24th April 2012
By: mmm105
It's so dark here! I'm already in my envelope, and I start my very first travel.
I aaaaaam goooooing to Luuuuuuxeeeeemboooouuurg!
Bye mommy! Bye Finland!
I'm going now. All adventures are waiting for me!
Love and kisses,
Posted Apr 24, 2012, 8:41 pm
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Waldbillig, Luxembourg - 27th April 2012
By: Lisianne
Hello mummy
I'm fine, I'm now in a small village in Luxembourg!
Many other TV's are also here and they gave me a warm welcome.
There is Mush I think you know him
ThomasHH , & Hippa
They told me that Luxembourg is like a shoe, mummy can you see it on the postcard, look good!
Fine I'm now in Waldbillig in the Müllerthal, (the valley of mills)
.......................... you will here from me bye your
a yes still this I'm on a farm,
but now I'm very, very tired from the long traveltime ...... Uaaahhh
Posted May 8, 2012, 5:36 pm Last edited May 13, 2012, 10:25 am by Lisianne
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Waldbillig, Luxembourg - 28th April 2012
By: Lisianne
The morning,
each day start with a walk, with Dooley,
the big, and I'm mean really big,
dog of hostmum.
But he is very friendly and I can even go with him alone.
Look isn't it great
In a tree we saw a nest from a bird, but there was nothing inside 
Posted May 11, 2012, 9:05 am
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Eifel, Germany - 29th April 2012
By: Lisianne
Hello mum,
I really like to be here, it's much more diff. than at home.
All this new things to see ....
This morning we visited Mersch, a small town 20 km. away from Waldbillig. There we saw the tower of an old church, the new one and a strange creature,
something like Nessy from Scotland!
Today we made also a short day trip to the german Eifel, the weather was not so bad so we could see a lot of nice views,
but have a look yourself!
Posted May 11, 2012, 8:50 am Last edited May 11, 2012, 8:53 am by Lisianne
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Kengert, Luxembourg - 30th April 2012
By: Lisianne
...this is something special,
what hostmum showed us today.
A rock in form of a mushroom, like a big mushroom.
Posted May 11, 2012, 9:16 am
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Simmer, Luxembourg - 1st May 2012
By: Lisianne
On this sunny day we drove in the valley of the 7 castles,
unfortunately we have not seen them all.
But which we don't found,
who knows in the middle of the forest. 
Posted May 11, 2012, 9:31 am
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Larochette, Luxembourg - 2nd May 2012
By: Lisianne
This two castles are the most closer to my hostmum's farm.
Larochette and Meysembourg, very beautiful to have a look!
For the small country that Luxembourg is they have an old castle nearby in every village, soooo much of them.
For the rest of the day it restart raining, and we had to stay inside!
Posted May 11, 2012, 9:37 am Last edited May 11, 2012, 9:42 am by Lisianne
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Waldbillig, Luxembourg - 3rd May 2012
By: Lisianne
Today our hostmum took Mush and ThomasHH alone with her in the city of Luxembourg. To show them the city, they go and leave us in the next days
For the other TV, she promised to go again in the next time!
So I helped on the farm today, that was nice too, with all the animals.
I've had a lot of pleasure.
Posted May 11, 2012, 9:50 am
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Waldbillig, Luxembourg - 5th May 2012
By: Lisianne
Stormy weather outside
and a hostmum with a flu in the bed. She's really ill
We made a lot of tea for her these days!
Hope she recovered fast!!!
Posted May 11, 2012, 9:55 am
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Waldbillig, Luxembourg - 6th May 2012
By: Lisianne
Hi mummy,
to pass the the time inside, hostmum is still ill, we wrote postcards, to our family. And we helped hostmum with her Postcrossing postcards.
I know that from home so I could help her very much!
Posted May 11, 2012, 10:01 am
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