San Francisco, California, U.S.A. - 3rd September 2011
By: LittleCableCars
Hi there,
My name is Jeremy and I became a ToyVoyager today!!
TVs Airi, Robby and Quentin Ducky have been telling me all about their exciting adventures traveling the world, whereas my friend The Squirrel advises me to become a ToyVoyager host/greeter.
What do you think, should I travel?
Nice to meet you,
Your pal,
Posted Sep 3, 2011, 10:40 pm Last edited Sep 4, 2011, 8:36 am by LittleCableCars
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San Francisco Zoo, California, U.S.A. - 8th September 2011
By: LittleCableCars
Hi, I went out on a ToyVoyager outing to see if I would like it. I like it!!
First, Robby, Airi, Quentin Ducky and I looked at the zoo map to get our bearings. Going to the zoo is one of Quentin Ducky’s life missions. Then we took more buses and streetcars than I could count. It was worth it because we saw a lot of neat animals including a real live tiger! We encountered an uncaged peacock up close and personal. Cool, I want to go there again.
Bye for now,
Posted Sep 9, 2011, 3:29 am Last edited Sep 9, 2011, 3:55 am by LittleCableCars
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Vallejo, California, U.S.A. - 25th September 2011
By: LittleCableCars
Airi, Robby, Quentin Ducky and I took the ferry to Vallejo, California on a nice warm day.
We saw four bridges and I was the lucky one to be on camera when we went under the Richmond-San Rafael Bridge; that was fun! The last photo shows the Golden Gate Bridge off in the distance.
Your pal,
Posted Sep 25, 2011, 7:36 pm
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San Francisco, California, U.S.A. - 26th September 2011
By: LittleCableCars
We took a walk today and came upon a crowd of people. When we got closer, we noticed they were lining up for something. What is that giant object looming over the warehouses?
Your pal,
P.S. The other TVs have more photos.
Posted Sep 27, 2011, 1:56 am Last edited Sep 27, 2011, 2:03 am by LittleCableCars
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San Francisco, California, U.S.A. - 29th September 2011
By: LittleCableCars
One by one my ToyVoyager friends said goodbye to me: two kissed me on the cheek!, one flapped a wing at me, one shook my paw, ah, so nice. I will write to them.
I’m going to Disneyland ! ! ! !
See ya there,
Your pal,
Posted Sep 30, 2011, 1:39 am Last edited Sep 30, 2011, 1:46 am by LittleCableCars
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San Jose, California, United States of America - 1st October 2011
By: amb167
Hi Mom!!
I arrived in San Jose today, safe and sound Maggie got back from a long day out and found me waiting patiently in the mailbox. First thing that I saw when she opened my envelope were 3 dinosaurs with big sharp teeth, eek! I wanted to climb back inside and come home, but I slowly walked out and discovered that all the dino's are really friendly! They all welcomed me and gave me a big group hug. I brought out the postcard you sent, Mom. Everyone loved it, especially Spiker
After we all got acquainted I told Maggie that I was a bit hungry from the trip, and so her mom made us noodles and garlic bread. It was yummy! Then Maggie said it was time for bed, and introduced me to her friend. He's a white tiger too! Maggie says I can sleep on the shelf next to him tonight, and that he will watch out for me and make me feel safe since I'm just a cub and this is my first time away from home.
I really really like it here, Mom! But I miss you and will write to you soon. Love, Jeremy <3
Posted Oct 2, 2011, 6:54 am
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San Jose, California, United States of America - 2nd October 2011
By: amb167
Hi, Mom! Today was really exciting! Maggie took me and the dino TV's to a wildlife festival at Alum Rock park. If you look at the pink sign at the park entrance you will see a mountain lion warning! On our walk to the festival we passed a really nice creek that Maggie says usually is much higher, but since it is the end of summer it was pretty low. At the festival there were lots of booths set up where we learned interesting and useful things. There were firefighters and smokey the bear too! Maggie correctly answered a question about caring for our environment and won a fancy sticker sheet. One was a white tiger, like me! I met a really big turtle who let me have a ride on his shell Then me and Toothy made a coaster holder with wood and nails. After that we met some very nice snakes and learned a few fun facts about them. The snake people had a alligator head on display and Spiker decided to compare teeth After the festival we sat down for a yummy picnic, it was so delicious and really hit the spot. Before we left Maggie took us to the playground. They have a funny spider that you can climb on and hang off of and a concrete bird for kids to climb. It was a great day
Love you Mom!
Always, Jeremy
Posted Oct 4, 2011, 5:19 am Last edited Oct 4, 2011, 5:20 am by amb167
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San Jose, California, United States of America - 6th October 2011
By: amb167
Hi, Mom. Unfortunately Maggie's family got some sad news, so they've been pretty busy and out of the house a lot taking care of things. But I wanted you to know that I wasn't forgotten. Me and the other TV's have been keeping busy. Maggie taught Aurora and I how to play Uno Don't tell Aurora, but I'm much better than she is, hehe. I let her win sometimes though 
Posted Oct 16, 2011, 5:16 pm
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San Jose, California, United States of America - 11th October 2011
By: amb167
Hello again! Today Spiker is leaving us. We are all sad to see him go, but I had a nice visit with him and I am excited that he gets to go on his first journey. He is off to Germany to visit BlackCat. Aurora and I rode with him to the post office. We told him we wished him safe travels, and helped him into his envelope and made sure he would be comfortable on his journey. Goodbye Spiker, and good luck!!
Posted Oct 16, 2011, 5:21 pm
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San Jose, CA, United States - 11th October 2011
By: amb167
Happy Veterans Day and 11-11-11, Mom!!!! What an exciting and lucky day!! Maggie and the girls her mom watches had the day off of school. Since it was yucky weather outside we all made crafts indoors instead. Since Thanksgiving is coming up, we made salt dough ornaments to give to people we are thankful for. We used 1 part salt, 1 part water, and 2 parts flour. Then the girls mixed it all up with their hands (what a mess!), rolled it out, and used cookie cutters to cut out fun shapes. After we baked them for a few hours to harden and let them cool, they were ready for paint. Here we all are with Maggie's finished batch. Didn't they turn out cute?! The girls are so excited to give them out next week!
Posted Nov 15, 2011, 12:18 am
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San Jose, California, United States of America - 14th October 2011
By: amb167
Hi Mom! Today was exciting, but a little crazy. We all went out to dinner and Maggie was going to take pictures of me, but all of a sudden her friends mom had an emergency! Her friends dad was boiling water and got locked out of the house! YIKES!!!! So the mom had to rush home, leaving Maggies mom alone at the restaurant with all of the kids. So things were a bit crazy and she didn't manage to get a good photo of me. But I had some very yummy salad
After we got home we checked the mail and guess what we found... A NEW TOY VOYAGER!!! We opened the package right up and out came NiliHH the hippo. We we starting to worry that she might not make it in time for the big Disneyland trip, so we were all so very glad to see her. But it was very late and we had all had a long day. So Maggie tucked us all in safe and snug and told us we could chat more in the morning.
Sweet dreams Mom!
Love, Jeremy
Posted Oct 16, 2011, 5:28 pm
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Half Moon Bay, California, United States of America - 16th October 2011
By: amb167
Hi, Mom! Today Maggie and her mom decided we would all go to the Half Moon Bay pumpkin festival. At first the ride was going nicely, and there was very pretty scenery. But as soon as we got to the two lane section, traffic came to an almost complete stop!! A drive that should have taken us one hour took us more than two and a half! Thankfully everyone stayed in good spirits, so with great music and great company we were able to enjoy the long long ride. Maggie's mom decided to take some silly pictures of us while we waited to get there. There is a picture of the speed limit sign, and then a picture of our speedometer to show how fast (or slow) we were actually going, haha. Next there are some photos of a pumpkin patch we passed, and in the second pumpkin picture you can see the loooong line of cars behind us in the mirror. And the last picture is of me at the pumpkin festival. We finally made it and found parking a half hour before it was over. But, I got to have my photo taken in front of the giant pumpkins that Farmer Mike had carved earlier in the day. I hear he is world famous!
Hope you had fun at the postcrossing event. Considering how our trip went, we probably should have gone to that instead!
Love, Jeremy
Posted Oct 18, 2011, 12:12 am Last edited Oct 18, 2011, 12:16 am by amb167
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