Orange, New South Wales, Australia - 23rd May 2008
By: sararingham
My name is Arthur Bear I'm an older bear. I was loved for many years then one day it seems I fell asleep and there was a short car ride and then I realised I was in a box with a lot of other stuffed toys. I realised I had been abandoned. I was so worried no one would love me anymore. Then I got picked up by my new mentor, Sara.
She asked me if I wanted to travel, she says she'd love to travel around the world but it's just better for me to go around the world and travel. I don't understand much about the world, but I'm very excited to learn. I'm a wise old bear and I'd love to put smiles on peoples faces and show my mentor, Sara, how happy I am that she literally gave me a new lease at life! I'm off now, love you mom, and I'll message again when I get to Germany! I cannot wait! :-)
Posted May 23, 2008, 4:25 am
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Schweinfurt , Germany - 11th June 2008
By: formyangelmatthias
Mom, "hallo". I made it to my new hosts today. My first stop was on the US Army base in Schweinfurt. The hosts are the Small family so this lil bear fits right in. Adam is a gentle giant coming in a lil over 6 ft and Sarah is 5ft2..small like me. Our first stop was in the Yellow Ribbon Room. It is a place where soldiers and family members can go and relax or use the computers and telephone and fax. I met the nicest lady there named Mrs. Davis and she is the reason why soldiers love the Yellow Ribbon Room because she is so warm and friendly, even to a bear like me. I rode in the front seat of a Mitsubishi Eclipse as well. It is a cool car. Don't worry, my seat belt was on. I took a short riding tour downtown. Right now they have the Euro Soccer Tournament or something like that and when Germany plays, downtown they have a big screen TV for all to see the game. I will be going when Germany plays again. Should be fun. The village I am in is called Durrfeld. It is very quiet here. Well it's been a long day so I am going to bed early. Sgt. Small gets up at 5am for PT on post and Sarah goes with him so means I'll be up early,too. I will get to take some pictures for you tomorrow so make sure you look at my travel log again soon. Oh I got a postcard for you but I forgot our address, can you please get it to my hosts so they can help me mail the postcard to you? I miss you.
Posted Jun 11, 2008, 6:33 pm
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