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To see a live panda bear.

To be photographed with at least 10 other black and white things.

To snuggle with a baby.

To eat fried green tomatoes.

To dress up in costume.

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Travelog for: Myka

Oklahoma City, OK, USA - 20th October 2012

By: klubwerks

We held a TV memorial for KCrawfish who passed away. We are all wearing pink flowers for Breast Cancer Awareness. Also, Dulac the Tarantula hangs out at work with our host during Halloween and he made a lovely pink flower memorial wreath for Kate too. We will miss you Kate! Our love and best wishes to all of your family!


* Posted Oct 25, 2012, 6:45 pm [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Oklahoma City, OK, United States - 31st October 2012

By: klubwerks

Happy Halloween!


* Posted Nov 23, 2012, 6:41 pm [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Oklahoma City, OK, United States - 22nd November 2012

By: klubwerks

Happy Thanksgiving Day!


* Posted Nov 23, 2012, 6:42 pm [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Oklahoma City, OK, United States - 25th December 2012

By: klubwerks

It snowed on Christmas day! We watched A Christmas Story which plays in a marathon every year since my host was a little girl, Hogfather by Terry Pratchet, and the Doctor Who Christmas special. My host drew some reindeer parts for her poses, parts, and how to gallery. We also ate some dinner and had a lovely holiday!

Merry Christmas!


* Posted Dec 29, 2012, 1:50 am [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Oklahoma City, OK, United States - 30th December 2012

By: klubwerks

This Holiday was sad for our hosts. Eight years ago they lost a close friend, named Greg, on Thanksgivings day. Greg was the most generous guy they had ever known. He played a big part in how my hosts became the coupld they are today. Greg was so sweet and kind, and he was an amazing friend.

So Thanksgiving is always a little sad. However, this year, a second good friend died in an accident on the same day... Thanksgivings Day. A long time ago, my host Michelle got really sick and almost died. She had two emergency surgeries. Her fiance (now husband) lost his job while trying to be with her in the hospital. It was a mess and their friends Chazz and Carrie offered to help them. They moved from Ohio to Oklahoma, which is way up north to down south (a long distance). At that time, Chazz and Carrie was struggling financially too, but they took care of our hosts. There was no rush or pressure to get a job or help out... it was all about helping Michelle recover. It took months to recover and she did eventually get on her feet. My hosts helped clean the house and cooked and did whatever they could to make things eaiser for their friends while they were there. Today, my hosts are healthy, on their feet, and doing so very well! When Chazz passed away this Thanksgiving, it made November 22nd extra sad.

Our hosts is thankful for everything Greg and Chazz (and Carrie, who is still alive and well) they did for them.

In early December, our hosts moved into a nicer apartment. Wally, my hosts fish, died during the move. She was very upset about this. Wally may have just been a pleco fish, but Michelle loved him very much. It was just hard loosing a pet on top of losing a good friend.

Closer to Christmas, there was another loss. One of Michelle's childhood friends had a little sister named Dannielle. Back then, as Michelle and Rachel were growing up as teens, Dannielle was 10 years younger. My host remembers babysitting with her group of friends. At the age of only 22, Dannielle died in an accident. Rachel was her friend, but Dannielle was still a part of their childhood memories. Michelle mournes with her friend from so far away.

Despite all this sadness, our hosts did enjoy the holidays. They went to a live perforance of Dralion (Cirque Du Soleil) and then had a lazy dinner around the house on xmas day. Unfortunately, they are really super strict about taking photos at the show and we couldn't even have our phones. So no photos... it was a great show though!

So, here's some pictures of the new apartment! When you first walk in the door, there is Toki's house (and Toki's family), and the cat stuff. The livingroom is nice and comfy. They like to bring out different toys every week or so to hang out on the coffee table and couch (Chelle has a lot of toys). That's Brambles (ox) and Shayla (owl) on the coffee table. There's Dottie (ladybug pillow pet), Guy (pirate skull pillow), Chico (mouse), and Cuddlewitz (bear) on the douch. Chico is Chelle's first and oldest toy that her mother gave her. The original Cuddlewitz was lost a long time ago and was a xmas gift from her grandmother. It took my hosts over 7 years to track down a bear this new Cuddlewitz. The bear was called a Wurble in the 1980's - her nose lights up and she makes noises. You can still find Wurbles, but this particular color of wurble is extremely difficult to find. So, Chico and Cuddlewitz are always out in the livingroom. They also have a big old recliner.

There's the pretty hang bag that we toyvoyagers ride in when she takes us out anywhere. Chelle keeps a little lent roller in the bag so we can clean ourselves up before taking photos. Isn't that thoughtful?


* Posted Dec 30, 2012, 9:14 pm [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Oklahoma City, OK, United States - 26th January 2013

By: klubwerks

My host has a Projector that they watch on the wall, instead of a TV. They also have a media player called a Boxee Box that they can watch stuff on. It's pretty neat! They can even watch netflix on it.

Also, I had some vanilla icecream with shell chocolate on top!


* Posted Jan 27, 2013, 4:42 am [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Oklahoma City, OK, United States - 2nd February 2013

By: klubwerks

We celebrated my hosts' birthday on Groundhog's Day. It's a folklore holiday that says if the groundhog sees his shadow, we'll have 6 more weeks of winter. He did not see his shadow this year. Anyways, we had cupcakes and Chinese New Year goodies. We didn't like most of the Chinese candies, but it was fun to try and funny to see each others reactions! The cupcakes, on the other hand, were fantastic!

I met Clara the tentacle kitty and Tonakai the custom reindeer, whom are the newest toys in the house. Clara is a very unique softie and she's super cuddly. Tonakai was colored and brought to life that night. They were both pretty cool toys.

We also eat dinner from Buffalo Wild Wings, played cards, and watched a UFC match on tv. We didn't pictures of all that because we were having so much fun we didn't think about it! It was a lot of fun.


* Posted Feb 17, 2013, 10:22 pm [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Oklahoma City, OK, United States - 2nd March 2013

By: klubwerks

I went to the Underground Monster Carnival, which was a one day event. In the past there were old low-budget movies that were badly made, poor props, and usually bad acting... but they were fun! These movies are called B-Movies, and there were a lot of horror B-Movies. The event was horror themed and very B-Movie! I had a lot of fun!


* Posted Mar 10, 2013, 1:36 am [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Oklahoma City, OK, United States - 17th March 2013

By: klubwerks

For St. Patrick's Day, I went to the Museum of Osteology. It's a museum filled with bones. It was a small museum but it was pretty cool! I got to see panda and bear skeletons.


* Posted Mar 24, 2013, 11:05 pm [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Oklahoma City, OK, United States - 31st March 2013

By: klubwerks

My host helped me make a tiny green panda for Easter! I love it <3


* Posted Apr 4, 2013, 3:09 am [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Kansas City, MO, United States - 6th April 2013

By: klubwerks

I went to Planet Comicon in Kansas City MO. It was a fun convention. We actually got stuck 5 hours from Oklahoma City, in Emporia Kansas, because the car died. The car had to be junked completely. We rented a car home and then got a new car. It was very frustrating, but at the same time, we have more comfortable car to travel in now!


* Posted Apr 26, 2013, 4:13 am [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Lake Charles, LA, United States - 19th April 2013

By: klubwerks

My host was born and raised in Lake Charles, Louisiana, which is where Cyphacon was held. It was really nice seeing my hosts home town. It was a beautiful place! The food was fantastic! The convention was also a lot of fun. It was a small convention with very friendly people.


* Posted Apr 26, 2013, 4:17 am [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Lake Charles, LA, United States - 21st April 2013

By: klubwerks

These photos are from the home of my hosts father. Isn't it beautiful here?


* Posted Apr 26, 2013, 4:18 am [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

New Orleans, LA, United States - 22nd April 2013

By: klubwerks

We stopped by the New Orleans french quarter before heading back to Oklahoma, too!


* Posted Apr 26, 2013, 4:20 am Last edited Apr 30, 2013, 3:53 am by klubwerks [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Oklahoma City, OK, United States - 10th May 2013

By: klubwerks

My host is part of a Steampunk crew called Airship Horizons, and they make stuff to sell. She worked for months on figuring out how to make Steampunk toy goggles. She went through a lot of prototypes and finally got one that worked. She made a mold of the goggles in the regular size and in a tiny size - so they'll fit us smaller toys! She paints them and wraps them in a fabric to finish them. Mine are gold painted with velvet green fabric.


* Posted May 10, 2013, 7:09 pm [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

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