Lawrence, KS, USA - 24th July 2012
By: MamiTig
We liked the new water saver look for the fountain at Legend's Drive Dental!
Posted Jul 28, 2012, 4:42 am
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Iola, KS, USA - 25th July 2012
By: MamiTig
Greeny delMonte is on his way to his next host! Happy travels!
Posted Jul 28, 2012, 4:56 am
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Orem, UT, USA - 11th August 2012
By: crashtestrider
Hi there! I haven't written for a while, and just wanted to let you know that I'm still doing well and seeing lots of great places. crashtestrider's computer died on her, and so she is borrowing a computer and having trouble getting my photos to upload, but hopefully we will find a solution soon!
Posted Aug 12, 2012, 2:33 am
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Salt Lake City, UT, u - 22nd August 2012
By: crashtestrider
All right! Now I'm ready to show you everything I have been up to! A little while back, we had a reason to go into Salt Lake City for business, and while we were there, we checked out a couple of places. First, we visited the Salt Lake City and County Building on Washington Square.
Then, we walked to the next block over to visit the Salt Lake City Public Library. Since the children were with us, we rode a glass elevator all the way down to the lowest level, where the Children's section was located.
This was such a fun library! They had an outdoor court with a great waterfall sculpture and a tunnel with Native American cave paintings like are found on real rocks down in southern Utah.
There were also a few different rooms for children to read in: a "crystal cave" room...
...and an attic room- wow, it's kind of dark in here!
It was getting kind of hot, so I decided to take my scarf off- it is summer, after all!! crashtestrider told me she'd keep it safe and help me to put it back on when the weather gets chilly. As we left, we turned around and noticed this giant "spider" on the ceiling- what's called a "daddy long-legs" Yikes!
We also went to the Utah National Guard headquarters in Draper for business. The sign said we weren't allowed to photograph the building, but I did get my photo taken in front of the American flag and this cool airplane!
Later, Peculiar introduced me to In-N-Out burgers! He has been here before and says they are some of the freshest, tastiest burgers in the US!
Look how huge these cheeseburgers are! They are called "Double-Doubles" because they have two big patties.
Um, I think I'm going to need a little help...
Posted Aug 22, 2012, 7:35 pm
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Utah, USA - 20th September 2012
By: crashtestrider
Has it really been a whole month? Wow. Time has gone by so fast. With summer ending and the children starting school again, there has been so much to do. We still don't have a real permanent computer at the house, but we are making do, and hopefully it won't be long.
Let's see....
We went bowling:
And we went to the local mall. Not only did we get to play on the dinosaur- and treehouse -playground, but we also got a free Pretzeldog! It's a hot dog wrapped in pretzel dough, get it?
We went to the Ikea store, where I saw lots of great furniture and places to play hide-and-seek.
We stopped to eat in the Ikea restaurant and met a tiny moose. He wanted to come home with us, and crashtestrider said yes!
We are still thinking of a name for him.
One day, we visited the Museum of Ancient Life at Thanksgiving Point, where we saw lots and lots of scary dinosaurs and ocean creatures!
Hey, look- I glow in the dark! (Not really)
Thanksgiving Point is also known for its beautiful gardens, and we walked through a few of the ones that were free to visit. Isn't this waterfall pretty?
I went to the small town of Payson early one morning to cheer crashtestrider on in the Onion Days 5k race. She told us to stay in the car so we wouldn't get lost, but we watched from the window. This is where the finish line was.
So much going on! I hope to have more adventures to write about very soon!
Posted Sep 21, 2012, 12:46 am
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Salt Lake City, UT, USA - 15th October 2012
By: crashtestrider
A new voyager arrived recently, Columbus! He accompanied me and Peculiar on a quick trip up to Salt Lake City. Here we are at Temple Square, in front of the Mormon Temple. The pioneers from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints built it way back in the 1800s when they settled the valley. It is so white and sparkly!! The grounds were beautiful, too, with lots and lots of flowers.
Across the street was a new shopping mall, called City Creek. It covers two blocks of downtown SLC, has a creek running through it, and a retractable glass roof! There are lots of fancy shops that can't be found anywhere else in Utah. Here we all are, resting our feet on the bridge that connects the two blocks and spans Main Street.
Well, I had a great time in Utah, but it looks like it's time for me to head home. I put my scarf back on since the weather has turned chilly again, and will be on my way!
Posted Oct 16, 2012, 3:29 am Last edited Oct 16, 2012, 3:34 am by crashtestrider
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Starnberg, Germany - 4th November 2012
By: kassiopaya
Hi Mummy,
it's good to be back home.
Today we made a great walk.
We went to the "Starnberger See". There we had a great view. Wie could see the mountains! That was beautiful.
Posted Nov 5, 2012, 7:15 am
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Munich, Germany - 12th November 2012
By: kassiopaya
Hi Mummy,
today a new TV arrived.
It's Isidore! She's really nice!
We showed her the flat and she felt comfortable very soon.
Posted Nov 12, 2012, 9:27 am
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Munich, Germany - 17th November 2012
By: kassiopaya
Hi Mummy,
today we made the first cookies for christmas. They are called "Kokosmakronen" (coconut macaroones).
Hmmm, tasty!
Posted Dec 6, 2012, 3:15 pm
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Munich, Germany - 18th November 2012
By: kassiopaya
Hi Mummy,
today we made another cookies for christmas.
They are called "Butterplätzchen" (butter cookies).
All the cookies are so sweet, mhmmm. Love it!
Posted Dec 6, 2012, 3:24 pm
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Nowra, NSW, Australia - 11th December 2012
By: sararingham
Hi mum! I've made it to Australia!
I'm glad I made it in one piece my packaging was a little bit mangled (looked like I may have been crushed and stepped on a little bit - so at least there was padding)... but I'm here!
You would never know it was Summer down here - it was cool and cloudy today, my host was even about to wear a jumper (a sweater in Aussie lingo) because she was so cold... she says we've had a few scorchers so far though... I wonder what it'll be like!
So I've arrived to a town called Nowra, it's 30 minutes in-land from some of the most beautiful beaches in the world - including Hyams Beach which is the whitest sand beach in the world. Sara says we've not taken a trip there so we definitely will - however, because of the tourism, probably not before Christmas... until then though, I'm going to go rest with the other toyvoyagers that are staying with Sara - at least I'll have someone to update me on the comings and goings of living in Australia (at least temporarily)... I'm so excited!
Update again soon with photos! 
Posted Dec 11, 2012, 9:53 am
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Huskisson Beach, Australia - 15th December 2012
By: sararingham
Well, sorry for not updating for a long time... Sara was incredibly busy for a while - then became not busy at all... but kept forgetting us at home (naughty!) and was fearful of getting us lost since she was spending much of the time in the ocean... however, I'm okay, and I recently visited one of Sara's favourite beaches - called Huskisson Beach - nicknamed "Husky beach"... it's recently been named one of the nicest and cleanest beaches in New South Wales... awesome! There's so much more to see, and I'll be seeing more - Sara guarantees that very soon! Write again soon!
Posted Jan 2, 2013, 9:50 am
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Kiama, NSW, Australia - 31st December 2012
By: sararingham
Well, you may ask... how did I spend my Christmas... cooped up with everyone under blankets - it was a nice cool Christmas (probably not as cool as you would have experienced) but it was very cold and overcast, raining off and on... definitely not a day for beaches and BBQ's which is what Sara hoped it would be... it was nice to experience some cool days though, since we've experienced some scorchers...
On New Years Eve, we went out to a place called Kiama, it's a town with a few surf beaches, big waves and a fun holiday destination for a lot of people - when driving around we found a nice view and we got out of the car (it was VERY windy) and took a few photos... we then went down to the beach but were warned of the "blue bottles" that are in the water... pretty much electric blue jellyfish which really sting if you get them on you... we found one on the beach that Sara took a photo of...
Afterwards we went to Huskisson to watch some fireworks, and went home in time to watch the Sydney fireworks on the TV... not too adventurous... we were all pretty tired by the end of it all... I hope you enjoy the photos... I will tell you the photos don't do justice to how blue the water was... gorgeous! There is more to see in Kiama though, so we will be taking another trip up there in the near future to explore further...
Write again soon!
Posted Jan 2, 2013, 10:01 am Last edited Jan 2, 2013, 10:04 am by sararingham
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Sussex Inlet, NSW, Australia - 12th January 2013
By: sararingham
We have had a few absolute scorcher days already... Monday (the 7th), a bush fire was lit around 30kms away from us... no real concern, however on Tuesday... it was 45'c (117'f) outside at the lowest... some areas got up to 48'c... like inside our house. The fire started on the eve of a day we were having a catastrophic fire warning around the Shoalhaven and Illawarra area... so, Sara was a bit disturbed by this. We lost a few mice (pets) from the heat in the house - even though we were doing our best to keep it cool...
Not only that, but there was a MASSIVE amount of wind... so the fire that was contained by Tuesday morning, was out of control by 2pm on Tuesday... and stayed that way for about a week. It crossed the Princes Highway and completely burned out all areas around the Princes Highway... thankfully no houses have been burned, and no lives have been lost... but even now, it's still burning, and has burned 9,102 hectares (91 kilometers squared)... it hasn't rained much this year so it's not a good thing and it means the fires are a lot harder to contain...
The area that the bush fire was most affecting was called Sussex Inlet - a town at the bottom of the bay... only a small town, but it actually was evacuated to an evacuation centre - thankfully the town wasn't evacuated at any point... the day the roads were opened back up, we went to Sussex Inlet... and saw that their fire danger rating was still "catastrophic" because of the proximity of the fire to their town... only about 6 kilometers away...
After we went to Sussex Inlet, we went up to Huskisson beach and got in the water to cool down... Sara noticed some floating black bits in the water and when she caught them she realised they were actually ash from the fire that would have been blown over... crazy!
Posted Jan 20, 2013, 8:55 am
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