Home, Wales - 11th February 2011
By: miapearl
I am a giraffe. I want to go travelling. Mummy says it is OK, she will miss me, and I will miss her, but she says that there are so many beautiful places in the world and that I should see them. Will you help me?
Mummy is going to help me come up with some life missions. Hopefully I will have some by the time I leave. Mummy will also help me fill out my profile, with vital statistics. Mummy says size doesn't matter but some people may find harder to host such a tall beautiful creature like me!
Posted Feb 11, 2011, 10:44 am
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Grandma's home, England - 25th February 2011
By: miapearl
It's party time! It is Captain Caramel's birthday.
There's a candle on the cake.
After the cake, we played with these balloons!

Posted Mar 3, 2011, 5:07 pm
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Home, Wales - 22nd March 2011
By: miapearl
Today, Royal Mail issued some nice stamps and my mummy went out and bought some.
Do you like them?
Posted Apr 6, 2011, 4:47 pm
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Home, Wales - 23rd March 2011
By: miapearl
Today, mummy got two parcels in the post
I wonder who our new visitors will be!
The new visitors are Belka and my brother, Rendolph
Posted Mar 30, 2011, 8:57 pm
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Home, Wales - 31st March 2011
By: miapearl
Some of the toys are going away on their travels tomorrow, so we thought we'd have a game of Cluedo playing in teams
However, we spent far too much time chatting instead of concentrating on the game and we all drew the 8th clock leaving the crime unsolved.
Posted Mar 31, 2011, 9:35 pm
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Post Office, Caernarfon, Wales - 1st April 2011
By: miapearl
Mummy, thank you so much for finding someone for me to go and visit. 3 of my siblings are also off on their travels.
I'll write soon, I promise 
Posted Apr 1, 2011, 3:23 pm Last edited Apr 1, 2011, 3:25 pm by miapearl
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Sacramento, California, USA - 7th April 2011
By: kcrawfish
Hi Mummy!
I arrived in beautiful sunny California. I had a comfortable ride here, so please don't worry about me. I met DuDette and Peach the Pooch and a cat and 3 bears and Crawfish and Mz. Kitty. They're all as nice as could be and admired my beautiful shimmery colors. (Who doesn't? )
I also met Miss Kate, who immediately whisked me and DuDette off to the river. I thought we were going to the American River, because that's where Hypno-dog and HolgiHH went (I remember reading their travelogues.), but we went to the Sacramento River ... after visiting with Miss Kate's friend and her monstrously big dogs (Miss Kate calls them the Brindle Babes. I don't get it.). I thought the YOU ARE HERE was funny, though! I get that!
Miss Kate says that Sacramento is called River City because it has a lot of rivers.
When we got home, Miss Kate told me our day wasn't over. We were going to see the Alvin Ailey dancers in Davis. Wow, nice pictures online. The men especially look so handsome in their yellow vests. I hope some day I'll meet a man in a yellow vest. Miss Kate told us that the dance we're going to see, Revelations, is 50 years old. She said that's a long time. We read online that "more people have seen Revelations than any other modern dance work, and it has been enjoyed by over 23 million people in 71 countries across six continents." Wow! I would like to visit 71 countries, too!
I can't wait till tonight!
(I told you I would write soon! )
Posted Apr 8, 2011, 8:29 pm Last edited Apr 8, 2011, 8:35 pm by kcrawfish
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Davis, California, USA - 7th April 2011
By: kcrawfish
Hi again Mummy,
Later that night we got all dolled up and went to the very fancy Mondavi Center in Davis. We had a seat in the orchestra box because it's easier for disabled people. The box was to the side (here's a picture of me pointing to it on the program), so Miss Kate was able to take a sneaky picture of me in the hall where no cameras should be. I like the blue curtains, don't you? (I spy with my little eye something blue! ) Oh, and the dancers were great, too! Especially the men in the yellow vests. But why yellow? Why not blue??
More later!
Posted Apr 9, 2011, 2:27 am Last edited Apr 9, 2011, 2:32 am by kcrawfish
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Capitol Park, Sacramento, Calif., USA - 15th April 2011
By: kcrawfish
Hello Mummy and friends,
Our host took DuDette and me on a long walk through the Capitol Park. The park has trees and shrubs from all over the world. It's 40 acres, which I guess means it was a longish walk.
We saw some trees that are very typical of California, like the Coastal Redwood tree. Miss Kate read the labels to us so that we could walk and learn.
We also found a few Giant Sequoias. Would you be surprised if I told you they're giant!?
Here's me, Mum, taking a rest at the base of another typical California tree, the California Fan Palm. What? Can't you see me??
Now you can see me!
What's this right next too the palm trees? An orange tree of course.
Close to the palm trees, there are also eucalyptus trees, too! This one is called an Iron Bark Eucalyptus. Its bark seems very tough.
This is a Silver Dollar Eucalyptus. It has nice round silvery leaves and soft bark.
This is a Scarlet Eucalyptus. Miss Kate says it has pretty red flowers at another time of year.
Aha! Look at that beautiful building!
Mummy, do you like it? It's the Capitol of California!
Oh, look someone else is getting her picture taken here.
What a pretty building and a pretty day. But it's time to head home ...
Posted Apr 20, 2011, 2:43 am Last edited May 12, 2011, 3:36 pm by kcrawfish
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Sacramento, California, USA - 19th April 2011
By: kcrawfish
Posted Apr 19, 2011, 4:27 pm Last edited Apr 19, 2011, 4:28 pm by kcrawfish
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Sacramento, California, USA - 22nd April 2011
By: kcrawfish
Hi Mummy and everyone else!
I want to show you a picture of me and the gang seeing off Crawfish. She's going on her first toyvoyage to Canada. She has been personally invited to a picnic. She didn't want to arrived empty-handed, so she brought some Peeps with her. Doesn't she look excited?
P.S. The whole gang from the left is Wavy Gravy, Aslan, Peach the Pooch, Vanilla, DuDette and Edelweiss. 
Posted Apr 25, 2011, 10:36 pm
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Sacramento, California, USA - 24th April 2011
By: kcrawfish
Happy Easter, Mummy and friends!
Posted Apr 26, 2011, 12:01 am Last edited Apr 26, 2011, 12:47 am by kcrawfish
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