Grandma's home, England - 25th February 2011
By: miapearl
It's party time! It is Captain Caramel's birthday.
There's a candle on the cake.
After the cake, we played with these balloons!

Posted Mar 3, 2011, 5:05 pm
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Home, Wales - 22nd March 2011
By: miapearl
Today, Royal Mail issued some nice stamps and my mummy went out and bought some.
Do you like them?
Posted Apr 6, 2011, 4:47 pm
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Home, Wales - 23rd March 2011
By: miapearl
Today, mummy got two parcels in the post
I wonder who our new visitors will be!
The new visitors are Belka and my brother, Rendolph
Posted Mar 30, 2011, 8:57 pm
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Home, Wales - 31st March 2011
By: miapearl
Some of the toys are going away on their travels tomorrow, so we thought we'd have a game of Cluedo playing in teams
However, we spent far too much time chatting instead of concentrating on the game and we all drew the 8th clock leaving the crime unsolved.
Posted Mar 31, 2011, 9:34 pm
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Post Office, Wales - 2nd April 2011
By: miapearl
Yippee. Some of my siblings went travelling yesterday, and today I am off to see the world. Bye mummy, miss you.
Posted Apr 6, 2011, 5:15 pm Last edited Apr 6, 2011, 5:15 pm by miapearl
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Calgary, Canada - 29th August 2011
By: eeyore_witch
This is so exciting....we got to do to the Glenbow Museum.
This is from the "Treasures of the Mineral World" Part.
Glenbow's mineralogy exhibition, Treasures of the Mineral World, offers a colourful glimpse into the depth and diversity found in the mineral world. The gallery is a popular stop for geologists, rock hounds, and visitors of all ages. You can see minerals that glow in the dark, find out what Fool's Gold really is, look at a piece of the earth's oldest rock, or just enjoy the sheer natural beauty of rock crystals in every colour of the rainbow.
More Rocks....
These ones glow in the dark...
Where Symbols Meet: A Celebration of West African Achievement explores how achievement is recognized and rewarded in five major cultural groups from over a dozen West African countries.
In addition to an orientation area which offers an introduction to the land and peoples of West Africa, the exhibition is divided into four major sections: Community, Diviners, Rulers, and Artists.
This is a kewl part about Warriors....
Almost every society has engaged in warfare at some time during its history. Warriors: A Global Journey Through Five Centuries compares cultural approaches to war and to the people who do the fighting. First Nations of the Plains, Maoris, Samurai, Medieval Europeans, and contemporary society are featured in this eclectic and stimulating presentation.
There's a large part of the museum dedicated to the first people in Canada....the Blackfoot Indians.
There's even art in this Museum!!
This part is called "Many Faces, Many Paths: Art of Asia"
Posted Aug 29, 2011, 6:43 pm
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