Casterton, Australia - 17th September 2008
By: gingermuggins
Hello World!
My name is Curio. I am a very pink, very friendly, super sweet hippo.
I wish to travel around the world so i can learn everything there is to learn. I am going to write travel books about my adventures and become a very famous hippo!
I love things that sparkle. Disco balls are my favourite. I like the colours spinning around when i am dancing.
I am really excited to start my travels, my mentors tell me i might get to take part in a challenge here on toyvoyagers, i do hope i can!

Posted Sep 17, 2008, 11:53 am
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Homburg, Germany - 30th October 2008
By: Apperveilchen
I arrived at my first destination. It was already dusk by the time I got out of my envelope. I was greeted by my host. I checked out my surroundings and found the laptop to go online.
Let me first tell you a bit more about the challenge I am part of:
The rules:
- send a little TV to the person i give you the adress off.
- keep in mind that this person also have to send the TV back to you, so don't send large TV's or notebooks.
- this challenge close at october 14th. You have to send your toy before october 21th to the adress i give you and you have to send the TV back to the mentor after having it three weeks. I don't write down a date here, because it depends on the country how long it takes a TV before arrive at someones home. It also means you have a week to send your toy after i gave you the adress.
- if you don't have a TV at home, you can ask the host your toy is with right now to send it to the adress i gave you before october 21th. Please make sure that this host is reliable and send the toy!
- If your TV have a password for updating, also pm it to me, so i can pm the password to the person who's gonna host your TV
- Your TV has to have a travellog, otherwise the host isn't able to show you the pictures
What to do?
- you have to send your tv to the adress i give you
- when the tv arrived at your house you have to make a picture of:
* local food
* at least two sites that are typical for your country. For example the mills in Holland, Eifeltower in Paris, Pralines in Belgium etc.
* if you have them, you can show your pets
* show your house. Keep in mind that your adress isn't showing on the picture and also don't show children on your pictures
* Show something you do a lot, like school, work, sport etc
Well, I already accomplished the first task:
Here's me meeting (left to right) Hugi, Loki and Eddie. I like the sparkly pearlz on the toy they have there... wonder if I can move in with them.
Posted Oct 30, 2008, 5:19 pm Last edited Nov 29, 2008, 5:54 pm by Apperveilchen
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Homburg, Germany - 1st November 2008
By: Apperveilchen
After all those Halloween sweets yesterday, we decided to make a helthy salad for lunch. I cleaned and cut the tomatoes, spring onions and radishes, added some fleur de sel, pepper, curry, dried & minced chilli and garlic and sprinkled apple balsamico and olive oil over it.
Posted Nov 1, 2008, 11:50 am
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Homburg, Germay - 4th November 2008
By: Apperveilchen
I got to try some typical breakfast foods today. There are different kinds of breadrolls, butter, jam and honey. raditionally Germans eat bread with jam or honey for breakfast and with cheese, sausages, ham etc. for dinner. Most now offer both alternatives for each meal, though, so there's also thinly cut chicken roulade and cheese.

Posted Nov 10, 2008, 10:58 am
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Homburg, Germany - 13th November 2008
By: Apperveilchen
Did I mention that I like thing that sparkle? Look at this moon and the clouds around it. They are just beautiful.
You can also see the hotel on the "castle-mountain". I could watch this scene change for hours.
Posted Nov 13, 2008, 5:03 pm Last edited Nov 13, 2008, 6:10 pm by Apperveilchen
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Homburg, Germany - 29th November 2008
By: Apperveilchen
Sorry for the bad quality of the picture (again). We were in a rush an the lighting was difficult. I hope you can still recognize us in a sandstome cave. It's part of one of the old houses (1700) in the town that are built directly into the rock that the castle was built one. Many of them used to be connected to the Schlossberghöhlen, the biggest manmade sandstone caves in Europe. It was a retreat and a safety measure. This one is now decorated for Christmas with a little "Krippe". If you touch the walls or ceiling they crumple a bit. Sandstone is pretty soft.
Posted Nov 29, 2008, 5:59 pm
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Homburg, Germany - 2nd December 2008
By: Apperveilchen
Another day, another picture:
The Venetian winged lion from the gable of the Basilica di San Marco.
A cloud in this one

Posted Dec 2, 2008, 9:20 pm
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