Mantel, Germany - 9th August 2012
By: WingedWolf
I played outside with my friends Lancel and ManuLi today! We had so much fun and the weather was great! 8D
See you,
Posted Aug 9, 2012, 1:19 pm
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Guestfamily , Germany - 21st August 2012
By: Knuddelhexe
Hi mom. Its very nice here. Today my guestmom gave me a funny yellow thing for breakfast. She called it a banana. It smells so delicious. And it tastes more better. After breakfast we went out and she allowed me with Jasper (its a little moose from switzerland) to climb a tree. It was really funny.
Posted Aug 21, 2012, 11:12 am
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at guestfamilys house, Germany - 29th August 2012
By: Knuddelhexe
Hi Mom. Here i'll show you where we sleep at night. Its very warm. We sit on the terrarium of host moms snakes. They are very cute. The cornsnakes are so small. I think they are about 40 centimetres. After breakfast we made a trip to the mall. Its very hot here in Nuremberg.
Write you back soon.
Lots of love, Brook
Posted Aug 29, 2012, 8:15 pm
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Bridges of Nuremberg, Germany - 11th September 2012
By: Knuddelhexe
Hi Family. Today its my last time with my new friend Jasper from Switzerland. We visited some interesting Bridges in Nuremberg. We started at the "Henkersteg". Near that is the House where in medievil times the hangman lived. After that we walked a way along the River Pegnitz. Behind us you see the Maxbrücke. A few minutes later we paused in a cute little hole in the wall at the Fleischbrücke. Its called Fleischbrücke because in middleage there was a slaughterhouse. At the next picture xou can see me at a nice fountain. I am a little bit sad because Jasper is going to America now but my guestmom told me that a new TV will arriving soon. At the end of our journey we met a big rabbit. can you see me on this picture?
Hope all is well at home. Love and hugs from yours Brook.
Posted Sep 11, 2012, 4:00 pm
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My Host's Home - Mönchengladbach, Germany - 3rd November 2012
By: Tom+Jerry
Hey Mom, I safely arrived at my new hosts and met my two new (and very nice) buddies - NoMi and Viola.
They helped me out of the envelope and gave me a biiiiig hug and a warm welcome
I really look forwards to a great time with them!!
Will update you later - take care! Love you :-*
Posted Nov 5, 2012, 2:08 pm
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Wickrath, Germany - 15th November 2012
By: Tom+Jerry
Hi Mum,
last week we went to a nice theatre and enjoyed a cabaret show.
Viola is going to leave soon to travel to her next host. Therefore I really enjoyed one of my last evenings with her.
Love you 
Posted Nov 19, 2012, 3:32 pm
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Karlsruhe, Germany - 5th December 2012
By: zauberaeffle
Hello mum,
I have well come in Karlsruhe and I am glad about the vacation.
I look forward for skiing
I have warmly been welcomed here by the other TV Bär Schär, Robby, Viola and Xiaoxia. Now I like it quite really well here.
There was another TV coming to host-mum. Zebra fr Hansen Zebra brought all the skiing things with her.
Today host-mum got a present from beelicious. She was so excited!! She is loving the small pink bear.
We have played hide and seek and when host-mum found us, we all sat on the illuminated reindeer and the sledge.
Greetings Brooke
Posted Dec 5, 2012, 8:53 pm
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Karlsruhe, Germany - 8th December 2012
By: zauberaeffle
Hello mum,
yesterday, we haven't gone to Strasbourg. It was the purest snow chaos in the streets. In addition, host mum is ill. We have postponed it until next week on Wednesday now.
We had nevertheless much fun. Since it has snowed so incredibly, we have a snowball fight made, a snowman built at once and zebra fr Hansen has his first ski attempts behind itself. He of course has fallen just to, however, hasn't hurt himself fortunately.
After that we have warmed ourselves up in the apartment. Host mum has built up a hayrack, this one looks really terrific!
Kind greetings
Posted Dec 8, 2012, 8:47 pm
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Strasbourg, France - 13th December 2012
By: zauberaeffle
Hello, mum,
today we (host-mums parent, here sister and her boyfriend, Xiaoxia, Viola, Robby, Zebra fr Hansen) were in Strasbourg on the Christmas fair.
It was wonderful. Everywhere it smelt of mulled wine, cinnamon, carnations, waffles, little cookies...
We have sauntered through the small lanes, have eaten something and have drunk.
We were also in the Strasbourger dome, but, unfortunately, there one was not allowed to fotograph. This would have become absolutely great pictures.
After we were again at home, we have celebrated resignation of Xiaoxia and Robby. It was nice with the two ones.
After we had celebrated, we packed our things for the ski vacation..... Soon it goes off!!!
I am excited
Dear greetings
Posted Dec 14, 2012, 11:47 am
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Wolkenstein, Val Gardena, Italy - 15th December 2012
By: zauberaeffle
Hello mum,
we (host-mum and her family, Viola, Zebra fr Hansen, Bär Schär and I) are good in Wolkenstein, South Tirol arrived.
The weather is not exactly the best. From the Dolomites we do not see a lot, because it is snowing so strongly.
Tomorrow I hope the weather becomes better.
I am dog-tired because we have driven off already at 3 o'clock in the morning.
Greetings Brook
Posted Dec 22, 2012, 12:18 pm
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