near Hannover, Germany - 24th December 2009
By: pegger
Today I have decorated the christmas tree with mummy. The needles stung quite a bit. But it was a lot of fun.
And my Christmas present was, that mummy told me my first host. It will be mondfalke
Posted Jan 4, 2010, 11:57 pm Last edited Jan 4, 2010, 11:57 pm by pegger
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Göttingen, Germany - 6th January 2010
By: pegger
Mummy has made a huge joy to me today
She showed me pictures of my idol Arthur Pauli (shows the german wikipedia, because the english one is bad) - she even named me after him. Only just spelled backwards. I wish so much that I meet him in person.
I wish so much that I meet him in person.
Posted Jan 6, 2010, 9:57 pm Last edited Jan 10, 2010, 8:35 pm by pegger
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Göttingen, Germany - 6th January 2010
By: pegger
Hello again to everybody out there
I am still a bit confused about what happen today... but read it on your own
Today is "Dreikönigstag" and traditionally the Four Hills Tournament ends on this day. So, I have followed with Tina, Bibi and Mummy the whole competition in Norwegian, because she does not like the German commentators. It was very exciting.
To watch the ski jumpers as they plunge down the hill was great. Mummy told us that today,the competition take part in Bischofshofen - an Austria city - on a natural hill called Paul-Ausserleitner-Schanze.
Here you have a little impression of that hill.
And Mummy also said that there is still much larger jumpinghills. So-called ski flying hills of which there are only 5 pieces in the world and in March Mummy will travel to Slovenia to the biggest one of these hills, since there is held the world championship.
And she promise me, that I will go there too – hopefully.
Throughout the transfer, I was hoping that they show Arthur. He took not part in the contest, but he was prejumper. Sometimes these are also shown, but unfortunately not today.
Here I am watching Wolfgang Loitzl. He had won the Four Hills tournament last season, and this without having ever win a World Cup before. He won his first World Cup during the tour. It was a very big surprise.
Oh and here it is Janne Ahonen. He is a great skijumper. In the next day I will read his biography before leaving to mondfalke on saturday. But one thing I must mention: he is the only ski jumper, who has already won the Four Hills tournament five times.
Here we just look at Hyun-Ki Kim how he makes ready on the jump bar to make his jump. Unfortunately, he did not qualify for the final round of jumping.
Ultimately the Austrian Thomas Morgenstern won this competition, but only with 0.7 points ahead of the Finn Janne Ahonen and Swiss Simon Ammann.
And now here: The winner of the Four Hills Tournament 2009/2010...
it´s also an Austrian. Andreas Kofler. It is first major individual success. But he was nevertheless already successful. So he has won - with only 0.1 points behind his teammate Thomas Morgenstern - at the 2006 Winter Olympics silver medal on the large hill and won the gold medal in team competition.
It was such a great competition I love this sport!
And now I will go to bed so I have enough energy tomorrow to read the biography of Ahonen Janne.
Bye Bye iluaP ruhtrA
Posted Jan 6, 2010, 10:44 pm
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Göttingen, Germany - 9th January 2010
By: pegger
I just wanted to say goodbye, because tomorrow I will dwell on Jänni. Mummy will get in touch again in my name, because we will have some visits by train so that we can make some photos.
Until then
Posted Jan 8, 2010, 11:27 pm Last edited Jan 8, 2010, 11:28 pm by pegger
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Göttingen, Germany - 9th January 2010
By: pegger
Today Mummy and I started very early in the day. And everything just to rush in to the Harz because we wanted to see the women's ski jumping competition in Braunlage.
The first train we used was a metronome, and as can be seen on the clock it was once just 6:07 when we drove off.
So I just decided to once again go to sleep in Mummy's jacket pocket.

Posted Jan 11, 2010, 11:08 pm
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Kreiensen, Germany - 9th January 2010
By: pegger
Along the way we should have some moves from ...
Just like here ...
As you can see, it was still dark outside. Furthermore, it was snowing terribly.
Oh, and here we were not the first time just on the tracks ...

Posted Jan 11, 2010, 11:10 pm
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near Goslar, Germany - 9th January 2010
By: pegger
So now it was time once again reach back into the pocket before Mummy gave me my new and first host - Mondfalke.
So, I am curios about what will happen next time...
bye iluaP ruhtrA
P.S. We never arrived Braunlage because of weather conditions
Posted Jan 11, 2010, 11:22 pm Last edited Jan 11, 2010, 11:24 pm by pegger
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Nindorf/Hanstedt, Germany - 16th April 2010
By: Mondfalke
Hello everybody!
Today we visited the Wildpark Lüneburger Heide.
They have many different animals there but I was naturally mainly interested in the racoons but I will tell you about it later.
First we came along these beautiful ducks. They were together with the stork, you can see it in the back of the second picture.
Then we saw this peacock, he was allowed to walk free in the park.
These were some special cranes, I don't remember their name but there were really nice to look at.
I really liked this chickens, they were somehow fluffy.
We saw many different animals, here are some more pictures with them and me!
This mountain cock was really noisy, perhaps he was looking for a female.
Then we entered the free part of the park. The deer could run freely there and the visitors can feed it with special food you can buy in the park.
If you have a really close look, perhaps you can see the capricorn on the rocks. But I think it is really hard to find!
We took a short vacation and then we explored the park again.
These pairie dogs were really cute. One of them was making funny noises all the time but the others just searched for food.
These moose was really impressing. It was much bigger than I thought they would be.
Ha, then we saw a sign which showed us the direction to the racoons!
But first we had to climb the "Drei-Ahnen-Berg", which is said to be the highest hill in that area with 110 m. It didn't sound very high but we got a look over the surroundings from up there.
Before we finally arrived at the racoon's, we saw the reindeers but they weren't very cooperative in taking a good photo.
And now the racoons! Well, I thought so but everything turned out a little different. This was undoubtedly the home of the racoons.
But as you can see, it was completely empty. No racoon was anywhere to be seen except of me.
All my calling was useless... I think we were a little bit early and they were in really deep sleep.
So we continued our walk and met these arctic foxes.
I was a bit afraid when we arrived at the brown bears. They are so much bigger than I am.
Fortunately they were safe in their area and we could get a great look.
Afterwards there were the wild pigs. It didn't smell very good but the little pigs were really cute.
In the park they try to teach the children a few things about the animals to be seen there and so I learned that the normal racoon has a weight about 12 kg.
After the coati we saw some owls. They were all asleep as it was still day but it wasn't less impressive so.
On the next picture you can see lots of bunnys and guinea pigs and also some birds. I think they were used as food for the animals in the park but they are cute anyway.
They also had a reptile house in the park. But we only saw the turtle as they were cleaning the other compartments then.
We had another short break. I thought it looked really scary!
The last animals we saw were the otters. They are really rare in nature and so I was glad to see them.
I was a bit disappointed because we didn't see any racoons but we met so many other fascinating animals that it was a great day anyway!
Posted Jun 1, 2010, 12:22 am
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