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Travelog for: Sambu

Guargacho, Tenerife, Spain - 25th June 2009

By: katjaintenerife

Today I'm going to start travelling all over the world. I hope to see lots of different forests during my journey. My first destination is Grazz in Austria :)

I didn't have much time to see around Tenerife but at least we made a few photos with my cat friends Felix and Katie and some plants my mentor's got outside.

Felix, Ronnie and me

Katie, Ronnie and me

Some petunias

Some strawberry plants

And an aloe vera. Aloe vera is a very typical Canarian plant.

* Posted Jun 27, 2009, 5:30 pm [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Graz, Austria - 30th June 2009

By: marcie08

Hi Mom!
I arrived today here in Graz! (By the way, it's written with just one z  ;) ). I met another TV in the mailbox, Mr. S. And I found out that there are several other TVs already here:
They are Ling Ling and xiao xiong !

We had a nice get together on the balcony but unfortunately we had to cut it short as it started to rain again!
My host mom told me that it's been raining for quite a long time now, there are even floodings and high water in some places here in Austria. Luckily not in my new home-area!

Because of the weather we weren't able to do some exploring outside, so we decided to look at the newspaper if there was something interesting on tv.

Bye for now!

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* Posted Jun 30, 2009, 11:59 am Last edited Jun 30, 2009, 12:00 pm by marcie08 [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Graz, Austria - 3rd July 2009

By: marcie08

Hi Mom!

We TVs helped our host mom to tend her garden on the balcony. As you can see on the pictures there are many vegetables growing there. Just a few more days and we can harvest our first homegrown vegetables!
I can't wait to try how the tomatoes, zucchini and eggplant will taste! Maybe we'll cook something with them? You'll see!

Take care,

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* Posted Jul 3, 2009, 6:36 pm [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Graz, Austria - 6th July 2009

By: marcie08

Hi Mom!

I told you that we were going to cook something... but it had nothing to do with vegetables! We got a huge basket of apricots and so we decided on making jam!

You can see me as I stir the jam while it cooked! But we had to be careful because jam is really hot while cooking!
Now we have 9 jars full of delicious jam!

Later that day we decided on having home made burgers with french fries. That was really good too!

Look, how huge the burger was!

Unfortunately the weather is quite unstable and its raining almost every day, so we can't go on sightseeing. Keep your fingers crossed that the sun will come up soon again!

Bye Bye!

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* Posted Jul 7, 2009, 5:23 pm [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Graz, Austria - 8th July 2009

By: marcie08

Hi Mom!

We had so much fun today! My host mom received a lot of presents from her mom who has been to South Africa. There everyone is happy to have the Soccer World Championship there next year.

We decided to try soccer ourselves and play with the official merchandise!

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* Posted Jul 8, 2009, 8:12 pm [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Graz, Austria - 13th July 2009

By: marcie08

Hi Mom!

We had a lazy sunday yesterday, sleeping in and then we watched the Formula 1 GP. It was fun to watch and we had some chocolate - toyvoyager size of course!

Today we had to say Goodbye to Ling Ling, who is continuing the journey and going to Spain! We all waved bye bye!

I'm writing soon again!

abschied lingling.JPG

* Posted Jul 13, 2009, 7:19 pm [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Graz, Austria - 15th July 2009

By: marcie08

Hi Mom!

What a beautiful day it's been yesterday! So we decided on exploring and sightseeing and went to the Schloss Eggenberg. That's a castle in Graz which is surrounded by a huge, beautifully landscaped park! In former days a family lived there, but today it is a museum, mostly for very old things!

In the garden there are many peacocks, and they aren't shy. If you are patient, they eat out of your hands. Well, I decided no to get too close though, as they were huge compared to my small body! They also talk a lot, you can hear their cries through the entire park!

There is also a small gazebo, surrounded by a huge beech tree hedge. You can enjoy a cup of coffee in there!

Throughout the park there are many trees and sometimes you can also find ancient statues.

We then rested on a bench near a small pond! It was pretty hot yesterday but we had fun and enjoyed the beautiful day!

Enjoy the pics!

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* Posted Jul 15, 2009, 11:24 am Last edited Jul 15, 2009, 11:27 am by marcie08 [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Graz, Austria - 17th July 2009

By: marcie08

Hi Mom!

We did some shopping yesterday as there is still summersale and we need some things for our upcoming holidays in the Netherlands! I'm pretty excited! My hostmom will also go to the Burgenland first, which is a different Federal State of Austria. We'll go to a spa ressort there and I'm sure we'll have a wonderful time! So I won't update for a few days - but no need to worry. Maybe I'll get a massage there?  :rolleyes:

I just wanted to show you some pictures of the shopping trip:
First you see me eating at IKEA and of course I ate the signature meal: Swedish meatballs!

Then we went on to another Shoppingcenter, in the suburbs of Graz. There I found the old rail car of the funicular railway which leads up to the Schlossberg.

Next to it is the "shadow" of the Uhrturm/clock tower. This shadow was positioned next to the real clocktower up on Schlossberg when Graz was Cultural Capital of Europe in 2003. Now it's an attraction at the Shopping city Seiersberg.

All right mom- it's time to pack my luggage for the holidays!

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* Posted Jul 17, 2009, 9:50 am [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Graz, Austria - 18th July 2009

By: marcie08

Hi Mom!

Before we had left to Stegersbach, it was time to say farewell to Xiao Xiong!

He continues his trip through Europe now!

We'll sure miss him! And it's always sad to say goodbye to new friends!

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* Posted Aug 5, 2009, 11:36 am [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Stegersbach, Austria - 19th July 2009

By: marcie08

Hi Mom!

I'm back from my holidays! It was so exciting but I needed the last few days to unpack my luggage and sleep  a bit!

First, I have to show you pictures of the spa ressort. You can see me lounging in a chair on the balcony. From there you have a beautiful view of the surrounding hills.

Wow, look at this huge bed - that made me feel like a king!  B) And we had always fresh fruit in our room - just look at those huge apples!

We were very lucky with the weather and it was really hot!

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* Posted Aug 5, 2009, 11:30 am [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Stegersbach, Austria - 21st July 2009

By: marcie08

Hi Mom!

Wow, what a lazy day it's been today!  :D

I was lying on a deck-chair the whole day - but of course under a huge umbrella. I also applayed some sunscreen (you can see the bottle in the basket) and I borrowed my host mom's sunglasses.

When it became to warm outside, I fled to our hotel room to cool down in our mini-fridge!

Mmmmmhhh... I like doing nothing the whole day.... B)

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* Posted Aug 5, 2009, 11:48 am [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Stegersbach, Austria - 22nd July 2009

By: marcie08

Hi Mom!

Another lazy day! The guests in this hotel get a bath robe for the duration of their stay here, as most of them just go to the sauna or swimming pool or to spa treatments!
Of course they didn't have robes small enough for us TVs but we traveled in our host mom's robe. That was fun!

We also enjoyed some time in the garden (you can see the garden on the picture- it's beautiful, don't you think?).
But in the evening we were exhausted and fell in our huge bed!

Good night...

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* Posted Aug 5, 2009, 11:57 am [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Airport, Austria - 24th July 2009

By: marcie08

Hi Mom!

Today our travel to the Netherlands began. So we took the passport and the tickets and made our way to the Airport \"Thalerhof\" in Graz. We passed the security check and then went to the Duty Free Shop to buy some presents for my host mom's friends where we were going to stay in Amsterdam. As you are no longer allowed to have liquids or things similar to it in your hand luggage, we had to buy the wine there as well as the pumpkinseed-oil. You can see that the stuff had been sealed in a clear plastic bag and we were then allowed to board with it.
There arent't any pictures from the flight from Graz to Vienna as we had a lot of turbulances and all the pictures were wiggly...

When we arrived at the airport in Vienna we had to go through the security check again and then went to our gate to wait for the flight to Amsterdam. Unfortunately there was a delay and we had to wait some more but we've been upgraded to business class  B) Now that was a treat!

Shortly before midnight we finally arrived at the Amsterdam Schipol Airport and just wanted one thing: Sleep!

Good Night!

sa abflug graz.JPG
sa abflug amst.JPG

* Posted Aug 10, 2009, 12:25 pm [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Amsterdam, The Netherlands - 25th July 2009

By: marcie08

Hi Mom!

From our window we have a beautiful view over a canal with houseboats! Wow, can you imagine living on a boat yearround?

We had breakfast and learned a bit Dutch while drinking our tea: Can you see the cups? They have different things drawn onto it and you can read what the things are called in Dutch! What a great way to learn a language!  :rolleyes:

We then started sightseeing and bought the I amsterdam card, where you get a discount card, free entrance to a variety of attractions and a card for the public transport. We used our card for a free canal tour. You can see me in front of the boat, looking out of the boat and watching the pretty houses while cruising! We got a really nice first impression of Amsterdam.

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* Posted Aug 10, 2009, 12:46 pm [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

Amsterdam, The Netherlands - 26th July 2009

By: marcie08

Hi Mom!

Another day of sightseeing!
We started with the Van Gogh Museum and looked at the famous paintings! Pictures from the inside were not allowed, but you can see me in front of it!

We then went on to the Hermitage Amsterdam which has just opened in June. There you can see what it was like to live at the Russian court in the times of the tsar. Wow, we saw some pretty amazing dresses!

We also visited the Amsterdam ArenA, home of the football/soccer club Ajax Amsterdam. We were given a great tour through the museum and the stadium!

Back home we relaxed in front of a ship and imagined that we could just sail everywhere!

That was a pretty amazing day! My feet are hurting from all the sightseeing!

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* Posted Aug 10, 2009, 3:14 pm [Quote] [View just this post] Go to the top of the page

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