Prairie Mountain, Canada - 1st August 2009
By: smaug
my name is Landroval and I am a young bald eagle (I am not really bald, not yet at least , it’s just some funny scientist who decided to call us bald; I actually like more being called an haliaeetus leucocephalus but I understand that it may sound like a tongue twister ).
I was born on the Rocky Mountains and until today I spent my life looking down from high peaks or fishing in one of the lakes around here. I actually really love looking at the world below from the top of a mountain and I love fresh fish too .
This morning I was standing on the top of a mountain when I saw a group of strange animals labouring their way up one of the smallest mountains...and there was also a bald eagle with them (obviously a stranger as I had never seen him before and I know all the eagles living in this part of the Rockies) so I decided to fly down and find out something more about them.
It turned out that they are Toyvoyagers and they travel around the world...I was actually quite intrigued by the idea of exploring the world out of my mountains and so I asked if I could be a TV too and I ended up here, looking for my first host . As I mentioned already, I particularly like high places, mountains, hills, bell towers, your bedroom window , anywhere from where I could check out what’s happening below.
If you wish to host me please send a pm to smaug who kindly offered to mentor me and to help me in organizing my trip...look forward to meet you .
Posted Aug 4, 2009, 4:14 am
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C Level Cirque, Canada - 8th August 2009
By: smaug
Yesterday Smaug told me that I have been invited to Germany by my first host, I am so excited .
So today I had my final look at the Rockies, in a place called C Level Cirque. First we stopped along the way because Smaug had a site visit to do. Unfortunately the visit was on Police land, so for security reason Smaug couldn’t take any picture of us to be posted here ...but we got a good look around . As a compensation we stopped at this Bridge on the Bow River in Cochrane to take a photo.
Later we reached our destination near Banff. Smaug explained us that in the early 20th century a town of more than 1000 miners was located here working on coal extraction. C Level was the highest part of the mining operation on the side of the mountain. Along the trail there are a lot of fenced holes in the ground that were the air vents for the mining shafts. Sully Monster was quite keen to jump the fence, go down and check the shafts but Smaug suggested that we needed some darkness experienced support.
Close to the abandoned mines we took this picture of Lake Minnewanka.
Then we reached the actual cirque. Cirque is French word used by geologists to define a semicircular, bowl-shaped depression created by an alpine glacier. In this case the glacier is long gone but a little depression is still there, fed by lot of rubble falling down by the surrounding rock walls.
We actually followed the trail a bit higher up to reach a good view point where we took some more photos.
We didn’t linger as flies and mosquitoes were a bit of pain . Smaug said they were a bit more aggressive than usual as they almost completely ignored the exposed skin, well covered with insect repellent, and instead happily drilled their way to the unprotected skin through the clothes ....luckily for us, it appears that they are not really interested in TV blood.
Once we were back to the car I had final look at the map (hmm, looks like Germany falls out of this map) and said goodbye to everybody as I will flight directly to my next host.
sammino came with me to the roof of that car to look at my take-off and en route he suggested that the trip might be easier using one of the flights to Frankfurt that leave Calgary Airport daily
It’s a long way but I think I can do it, Germany here I come
Posted Aug 9, 2009, 6:19 am
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Aach, Germany - 19th August 2009
By: Sissi
I now arrived in Aach, in southern Germany. It's very (!!) hot at the moment here!
I was warmly welcome by Majik, Lenny and ThomasHH. We just rest in the shadow cause in the sun it would be really to hot! But Sissi told me we will soon go out and visit cool places! Can't wait!
Posted Aug 20, 2009, 12:01 pm
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Aach, Germany - 4th October 2009
By: Sissi
I'm leaving Aach tomorrow. My new host lives in Remscheid, also in Germany so I think I won't have a long voyage 
Posted Oct 4, 2009, 5:00 pm Last edited Oct 4, 2009, 5:29 pm by Sissi
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Katja's sister's home, Remscheid, Germany - 15th October 2009
By: olgamaus
Hi Dad,
I just want to let you know that I'm going to spend a week or so with Katja's sister Ina. We'll travel to Helgoland, the only German island not in the immediate vicinity of the mainland. You'll have to go there by ship, the crossing will last about three hours.
Posted Oct 16, 2009, 9:54 am
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Cuxhaven, Germany - 17th October 2009
By: olgamaus
we are on our way to Heligoland, or in German: Helgoland.
We are in Cuxhaven now, we just entered the ship to Helgoland, the "Atlantis". In the background you can see the light vessel "Elbe 1". The passage will take about 2 1/2 hours.
Cuxhaven harbour ...
That's all for today.
Posted Nov 1, 2009, 7:56 am Last edited Nov 1, 2009, 8:18 am by olgamaus
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Heligoland, Germany - 18th October 2009
By: olgamaus
greetings from Heligoland!
Helgoland is a German archipelago in the North Sea. They are the only German islands not in the immediate vicinity of the mainland and are approximately three hours' sailing time from Cuxhaven at the mouth of the River Elbe, in the southeastern corner of the North Sea.
Heligoland consists of two islands: the populated triangular 1 km2 (0.4 sq mi) main island to the west and the dune to the east. The main island is commonly divided into the Unterland ("Lower Land") at sea level, the Oberland ("Upper Land), consisting of the plateau.
Today we are visiting the "Dune"
This seal is only made of stone, but they have real seals here.
I have a great overview from the top of this beach chair.
They also have a small lighthouse on the "Dune".
Here you can enjoy the Heligoland national dishes:
Knieper (claws of large edible crab)
Labskaus (a stew made of salted meat or corned beef, potatoes, herring, onion and beetroot)
Bald Eagle with french fries *haha*
I angled this gigantic fish, all on my own, and than I hauled it to land.
Posted Nov 1, 2009, 8:17 am Last edited Nov 1, 2009, 8:18 am by olgamaus
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