Kellinghusen, Germany - 17th October 2009
By: babyamy
After a very short trip I arrived safe at my next host. I crawled out ofthe envelope and was hugged by a red monkey called Hiro. He is from China and asked me a lot of questions about my journey.

Posted Oct 19, 2009, 8:26 pm
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Kellinghusen, Germany - 26th October 2009
By: babyamy
Hiro and I had a look out of the window. The colorful trees look nice, but it's raining outside again...
We went downstairs into the kitchen to have a hot tea. There was a huge selection and it was difficult to choose the right one: Loose strawberry tea, or black tea, or white tea, or jasmine tea, or green tea?
We chose the green tea and went back upstairs into Katrin's room. It was raining heavily outside and Katrin lit some candles which gave the room a calm and relaxed atmosphere.

Posted Oct 26, 2009, 3:09 pm
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Katrin's room, Germany - 30th October 2009
By: babyamy
Katrin is doing homework now, she says she feels a bit like in primary school when she learned how to write. But these letters don't look like the letters Katrin usually uses when she is writing.
This is Sütterlin, a widely used form of the old German blackletter handwriting which was only taught in all German schools from 1935 to 1941. Katrin has a class about the history of books and libraries thi semester and her teacher wants that all the students can wirte at least a bit Sütterlin. When you can write it, it's also easier to read.
Then Katrin wrote my name in Sütterlin. It looks interesting, doesn't it?

Posted Oct 30, 2009, 9:08 am
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an empty room..., Germany - 4th November 2009
By: babyamy
Hiro has left me today, he is travelling to Munich. He says it will be a short journey, just across Germany. I'm a bit sad, because I'll spend most of the time alone at home wil Katrin is at her university.

Posted Nov 4, 2009, 8:28 pm
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Kellinghusen, Germany - 7th November 2009
By: babyamy
Katrin has started to realize one of her "crazy" ideas she got during her summer break. She wanted to make self-made socks herself and since she can't knit she wanted to crouchet them. Now her boyfriend has looked for an instruction how to crochet socks on the internet and mailed it to her.
And what happened? Katrin bought some sock yarn and spend a lot of time during the weekend croucheting. The going-to-be-sock looks a bit like a sleeping bag for me...
But since a pair of socks is not enough Katrin has already new plans: From a friend from the US she got an insturction how to crochet mushrooms from Super Mario. "When I have enough..." Katrin's idea: Crouchet some mushrooms and release them as wild TVs. Sometimes she is a bit crazy, isn't she?

Posted Nov 9, 2009, 7:58 pm
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Kellinghusen, Germany - 9th November 2009
By: babyamy
Today I helped to dust the shelves. Katrin played a joke on me, because she let me crawl into the "dust glove" and then she let me zig zagging blind over the shelf. But she took care of me that I won't fall over teh edge.
Then I should clean the banister which was more fun. I started at the top and then I used the "dust glove" as a slide.
Getting ready....
...and here I go!

Posted Nov 9, 2009, 8:06 pm
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Kellinghusen, Germany - 12th November 2009
By: babyamy
Do you remember when Katrin wrote my name in Sütterlin? Today we are going to read a whole text on Sütterlin as homework. It's a bit like playing detective because you need to find out what the letters mean. Katrin wrote down the translation on a paper. The longer we read, the easier it was. This first text was about material people used to write on.

Posted Nov 15, 2009, 8:14 pm
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Kellinghusen, Germany - 15th November 2009
By: babyamy
Katrin has been away over the weekend and when she came home today I waited for her on this huge package. It arrived yesterday and is from Russia.
When we opened the package, Fed jumped out of it. He is Katrin's new guest - and he is huge!

Posted Nov 15, 2009, 8:17 pm
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Kellinghusen, Germany - 18th November 2009
By: babyamy
Do you remember the sock Katrin started to crouchet? It's finished now and it even fits! Now she needs to start the second one, but she is working on her boyfriend's present now...

Posted Nov 20, 2009, 7:24 pm
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