Calgary, Alberta, Canada - 4th October 2009
By: Lisag123
Hi! My name is Haggis, pleased to meet you! I am here at home waiting for my first big journey. I think I'll have myself a nice big dog bone!
Posted Oct 4, 2009, 10:41 pm Last edited Oct 4, 2009, 10:45 pm by Lisag123
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Tampere, Finland - 27th October 2009
By: arc-en-ciel
Hi Lisa, greetings from Finland! My journey was quite long but it went well. I arrived at Kaisa's (my host's) place today.
The first thing I did was help Kaisa write this update.
Me and Kaisa will get to know each other better later, because now she has to go to work. We will go out and do some sightseeing as soon as the weather gets a little better: at the moment it's raining.
I'll keep you posted!
Posted Oct 27, 2009, 10:53 am
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Tampere, Finland - 8th November 2009
By: arc-en-ciel
Kaisa took me to the city center to see the church of Aleksanteri. The church was originally built in 1881, but in the 1930's a fire destroyed most of it. It was restored in 1938 to look like it does now. I think the style of the building looks a little bit gothic.
Kaisa took me to a park for a little sightseeing tour. I finally got to play in the snow, although there wasn't much of it left.
Today has been a really foggy day, I'm sure you can see it yourselves in the pictures we took! Normally, you could see an amusement park on the other side of the lake in the picture, but now... only mist!
There was an interesting statue in the park. Kaisa didn't know what it depicted, and we went closer to see why the statue was there.
The statue of the lady and two kids appeared to have a very sad story behind it. In September 7th, 1929, there was a raging storm, and a steamboat called Kuru fell over in the lake Näsijärvi near the Siilinkari rock. 138 people perished in the waves. As an empathetic dog I couldn't help getting a few tears in my eyes.
To turn my thoughts towards happier things I went climbing on a little heap of snow.
At first I thought I saw a ufo in the park...
...but it turned out to be some kind of a stage! That's a shame, it would have been interesting to meet some Martians!
After my host had been to the gym, we took a bus home. I got to travel in her huge bag.
I already miss you Lisa! I'll keep you posted!
Posted Nov 8, 2009, 5:21 pm
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Tampere, Finland - 3rd December 2009
By: arc-en-ciel
Kaisa just told me that I'm going to the USA! To be able to continue my adventures overseas I have to take my passport with me.
I got the first foreign flag to my passport! I hope I can collect many more flags before going home. My host also put the rubber band she gave me in my souvenir bag.
Now it's time for us to say goodbye and head to the post office to start my journey to the States. I can't wait meeting my next host!
Posted Dec 3, 2009, 7:04 am
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Okinawa, Japan - 25th February 2010
By: JaymeC
Dear Mommy,
I'm sorry it took so long to let you know I was here, but I am here safe and sound and with many updates to write! We've been very busy. Here I am on the day I arrived! The other toys here right now are Tipu the chick, Tiger Lilly, Penny the kitten and Annie the doll. Hi everyone!
I almost didn't make it! Do you see the big tear in the envelope? Its a good thing it was such a thick envelope.
And here is the bag my envelope was put in after it was torn.
The bag reads:
"We Care. Dear Postal Customer, We sincerely regret the damage to your mail during handling by the Postal Service. WE hope this incident did not inconcenience you. We realize that your mail is important to you and that you have every right to expect it to be delivered in good condition. Althought every effort is made to prevent damage to the mail, occassionally this will occur because of the great volume handled and the rapid processing methods which must be employed to assure the most expeditious distribution possible. We hope you understand. We assure you that we are constantly striving to improve our processing methods in order that even a rare occurrence may be eliminated. Please accept our apologies. Sincerely, Your Postmaster."
Sounds serious doesn't it?
Jayme had just bought some cherry blossoms for her table, so I was able to go take a closer look at them, aren't they pretty? And she says we're off to many adventures soon so I'll have many more updates for you soon!
Much love,
Posted Mar 6, 2010, 11:43 pm
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Okinawa, Japan - 2nd March 2010
By: JaymeC
Dear Mommy,
The first day Jayme's parents visited we went to a place called the Peace Memorial Park. It was a very beautiful spot! Here you can see the cliffs at the edge of the memorial.
And here is one of the many memorial walls listing the names of all 200,000+ who died on Okinawa during World War II.
Behind me is a view of the memorial and the museum
More soon,
Posted Mar 10, 2010, 6:07 am
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