Ishikawa, Japan - 13th March 2007
By: yumi
A travel tag was arrived at last and I have registered this website now.
My traveling will start soon...I'm very excited and can't wait
Here is Taro's old travel list
He has visited:
Fam-united in Gernany
Drakie in England
ChristinaB in Austria
Mood in France
Aliah in Malaysia
BunTraveler in USA
Ondrejliska in Czech Republic
becka_kate in Australia
icitaiwan in Taiwan
I want to THANK all of you!!
~~Taro's new travel list~~
(This list will be changed sometimes)
Blackcat in Germany (Taro will visit her soon)
Szandra in Hungary
kristl in Russia
Artwyrd in UK
inkie1010 in The Netherlands
He is looking for new hosts!!
Posted Mar 12, 2007, 6:14 pm Last edited Oct 24, 2008, 8:27 am by yumi
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Post office, Japan - 28th March 2007
By: yumi
Finally I've started travelling!!
The first country I visit is Germany.
I can't wait to meeting fam-united and her family.
Posted Mar 28, 2007, 8:58 pm Last edited Apr 30, 2007, 2:26 am by yumi
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Bruchsal, Germany - 5th April 2007
By: fam-united
Hooray! Hurray! I'm out of my envelope. It was a long travel, but finally I'm here. On my first day on Tuesday I had a nice table soccer game with Eddy Bear and Björn Bangsi, two other toyvoyagers. Then we had a nice pillowtalk in the bed of the oldest son. Would like to know, what his friends would say about that, hahaha.
Let me tell you, who is there in the bed. From the left to right you see: Aaron's twin sister, me, Björn Bangsi, Eddy Bear and Cassiopeia's twin sister. All send greetings to Cassiopeia and kisses from her twin.
Posted Apr 5, 2007, 9:44 pm Last edited Apr 5, 2007, 9:50 pm by fam-united
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Bruchsal, Germany - 5th April 2007
By: fam-united
Today we went to the beautiful baroque palace of Bruchsal and took a lot of pictures there.
Rebuilt from the ruins of the bombing of March 1st 1945 the magnificent baroque residence serves many purposes today. The portrait of Maria Theresa, empress of Austria, looks upon the shining and gleaming Marble Hall from Cardinal Hutten. The crowning glory of the stairwell by Balthasar Neumann leads to the reconstructed halls and modern museums. In the south wing the parish of St. Damian and Hugo has its church with a modern interior.
First and second picture: the tower belongs to the church, both are connected by a dark hallway.
On both pictures I'm in front of the church, on the first picture the church is on the left side and the other building between church and tower is the hallway. The second picture shows the back side of the church.
At the front, on top and at the rear - baroque elements and shapes everywhere. THe palace's garden terrace was laid out in the eighties according to the original, unused 18th century blueprints.
Posted Apr 5, 2007, 9:47 pm Last edited Apr 9, 2007, 2:48 pm by fam-united
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Bruchsal, Germany - 5th April 2007
By: fam-united
On the second picture I'm sitting with Björn Bangsi and Eddy Bear with the Damianstor in our back.
The Damian's Gate forms the remarkable northern entrance to the palace area and the town. The splendid palace of Damian Hugo of Schönborn - bishop, sovereign and cardinal of the state of Speyer - with its numerous surrounding baroque buildings, is fenced off by walls and ditches to produce the impression of a baroque quarter of its own.
The other photos are taken in the palace garden on the backside of the palace. On one building I saw a sundial. I met some ducks at the fountain and one came really close to us, but didn't like to get on the photo.
Posted Apr 5, 2007, 9:51 pm Last edited Apr 9, 2007, 2:51 pm by fam-united
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Bruchsal, Germany - 10th April 2007
By: fam-united
Last Sunday and Monday I celebrated Easter with my host family.
On Sunday we went Easter egg hunting in the beautiful garden of my host mum's parents, but unhappily all pictures seem deleted. But my host told me, that she will try to find a program to maybe find the photos again.
Happily we had lovely weather yesterday, too. So we took photos in the garden and I like them very much. I hope, you love them too. I met a wooden Easter bunny in the livingroom and some Easter lambs out of biscuit on the table in the diningroom.
Posted Apr 10, 2007, 5:16 pm Last edited Apr 15, 2007, 6:33 pm by fam-united
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Mannheim, Germany - 12th April 2007
By: fam-united
Today we were in Mannheim. We visited our host's aunt and uncle. And my host showed us the Water-Tower of Mannheim. Her kids and we loved that place with all the tulips and other flowers. Can you smell them?
Mannheim is in the Rhine-Neckar triangle, one of the largest areas of industry in Germany. It's the second largest city in Baden-Württemberg with 325 349 inhabitants. It's 70 km south of Frankfurt a.M. and 140 km northwest of Stuttgart.
The Water-Tower is Mannheim's most famous landmark. It was built in 1886. The construction is made of yellow sandstone, has a height of about 60 metres, holds 2000 cubic metres of water and is built in the Roman monumental style.
The Christmas fair around the Water-Tower is very popular.
Posted Apr 15, 2007, 6:57 pm
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Mannheim, Germany - 12th April 2007
By: fam-united
I saw a big wall with a man, who had something like a bicycle at his side. It is of Carl Benz. It seems, that they aren't sure how to write it correctly, because I found Carl on that wall, but Karl on wikipedia. I saw that he was born in Karlsruhe, which is only about 20 km from Bruchsal.
Karl Friedrich Benz (December 6, 1844 – April 4, 1929) was a German engine designer and automobile engineer, generally regarded as the inventor of the gasoline-powered automobile. Other German contemporaries, Gottlieb Daimler and Wilhelm Maybach, also worked independently on the same type of invention, but Benz patented his work first and, after that, patented all of the processes that made the internal combustion engine feasible for use in automobiles. In 1886 Karl Benz was granted a patent for his first engine, which he designed in 1878.
Karl Benz (Related to the Benz family today) was born Karl Friedrich Michael Vaillant, in Karlsruhe, Baden (now part of Germany), to locomotive driver Johann George Benz and Josephine Vaillant. When Karl was two years old, his father was killed in a railway accident, and his name was changed to Karl Friedrich Benz in remembrance of his father.
Posted Apr 15, 2007, 7:13 pm Last edited Apr 15, 2007, 7:23 pm by fam-united
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Mannheim, in a private garden, Germany - 12th April 2007
By: fam-united
Finally we arrived at the garden, where we wanted to eat cakes and drink some juice and have some chat.
I was so fascinated by all the flowers around me.
We took a lot of photos and I will show some here. You see my friends and me in the forsythia and me in front of the appletree and cherrytree.
Posted Apr 15, 2007, 7:22 pm
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Schwetzingen, Germany - 15th April 2007
By: fam-united
On Friday the whole family was on a trip to Schwetzingen to show us the beautiful garden of the palace.
Schwetzingen Castle began as a simple aristocratic fishing retreat (much like Versailles which began as a hunting lodge) and had an eventful architectural history, in several phases of construction, especially during the reigns of the Electors Palatine Karl Philip (1716-1742) and Karl IV Theodor (1742-1799) who, as their answer to Versailles, embellished the castle gardens with some of the finest and most elaborate formal water parterres in Germany gardens.
As it evolved, the high central Baroque block of the Castle was extended to either side (from 1747 onwards) in matching curved ranges of glazed arcades that were punctuated by pavilions which followed the arc of the vast garden circle. They partly enclose the circle bisected by a wide gravel axis flanked by parterres which centers on a spring-fed water-basin inspired by the bassin of Diana at Versailles, but here expressing the more appropriately water-centered Greek myth of the poet Arion and the dolphins.
The Schwetzingen Castle is the most famous landmark of the city. The accompanying garden is also very famous as there are elements of French Baroque styles combined with the English gardening style, with statuary by Peter Anton von Verschaffelt. Also worth seeing are the theatre, the orangery, the bath, the Apollo temple, Mercury temple, the mosque (built 1778 – 1791), the Minerva temple and the fountain of Arion.
I'm sure, that you believe me, that I was so so tired, when I came home again.
Posted Apr 15, 2007, 7:30 pm
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Karlsruhe, Germany - 21st April 2007
By: fam-united
Wow, today evening I have been at a museum, where they showed different things of the Stone Age and I heard one man playing percussions and one woman telling Anatolian fairy tales. One man and another woman played guitar and Turkish guitar between the stories. I never heard such sounds, but I liked it. Unhappily we have no photo, only one, that isn't really good, but be sure, I really have been there. We came home at 11pm early, because the museum night ended at 1am. I was so tired.
You can see a photo of the palace of Karlsruhe, but without me.

Posted Apr 24, 2007, 9:15 pm Last edited Apr 27, 2007, 5:52 pm by fam-united
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Bruchsal, Germany - 22nd April 2007
By: fam-united
I met three guinea pigs today, but Sabrina my little host forgot to take a photo with me, although I was in the stable with them. Nevertheless I send you a photo.
Posted Apr 24, 2007, 9:17 pm Last edited Apr 27, 2007, 5:53 pm by fam-united
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Bruchsal, Germany - 22nd April 2007
By: fam-united
In the late afternoon, my two adult host drove with me to some other places in Bruchsal. They showed me a beautiful baroque church inside and outside, the Belvedere - a hunting lodge, the Damianstor. It is all so beautiful, especially with this blue of the sky and the sunshine.
Posted Apr 24, 2007, 9:18 pm Last edited Apr 27, 2007, 5:55 pm by fam-united
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Bruchsal, Germany - 22nd April 2007
By: fam-united
I saw a lot of asparagus fields, but still I haven't eaten some, because they are too expensive at the moment. Then you see a street, which is on the east side of the house, where I'm at the moment. On the left side of the picture you can see the swing in the garden.
Posted Apr 24, 2007, 9:19 pm Last edited Apr 27, 2007, 5:56 pm by fam-united
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Bruchsal, Germany - 23rd April 2007
By: fam-united
Later in the morning my host showed me some places I never would like to see from inside: the slaughterhouse, the jailhouse and one building - the oldest part- of the hospital . But my host told me, that she would like to show me the slaughterhouse, because she likes going there with her husband and older kids for listening to comedians - a funny place for that things, that's my opinion.
Then we visited the park of the palace of Bruchsal and we took a photo of me in front of one statue. I heard, that there is one statue for each season of the year and one statue for each of the four elements water, fire, earth, air. In another part of the park we took photos of me in front of a wisteria. You can't believe, how it tickled in my nose.
Posted Apr 24, 2007, 9:21 pm Last edited Apr 27, 2007, 6:05 pm by fam-united
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