Ipswich, England - 9th May 2006
By: Hedgetrimmer
Me and some friends have decided its time to hold a zoo break. Frankly Im a bit bored of being played with by toddlers and its time to see the big wide world.
I wonder who I will meet first............
Posted May 9, 2006, 8:54 pm
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Aldeburgh, England - 14th May 2006
By: Katie & James
Saw Lofty this afternoon, he was a good mate, but the cheeky giraffe is just trying to follow me now. I last saw him admiring 'The Shell' on Aldeburgh beach, but then he disappeared. Hope you're alright mate! Let me know how you are.
Your fellow zoo mate,
Posted May 14, 2006, 6:11 pm Last edited May 14, 2006, 6:12 pm by Katie & James
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Ipswich, England - 14th May 2006
By: Hedgetrimmer
Went to Aldeburgh today with Clarence and Gruff. They both made it out with new friends but me?....
I got mauled by a dog and ignored by about 300 people out for a sunny days walk.
Unluckily Hedgetrimmer returned I was "rescued" and have been put back in the zoo. I hope to make a new escape attempt very soon
Posted May 14, 2006, 6:39 pm
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