Leamington Spa, England - 17th February 2006
By: Will
I'm loving Leamington Spa nightlife, especially Rios. Would love this to be a theme for my adventures throughout the world - if you're going to a party or out for the night, take me with you and tell everyone what a great time we had...
Posted Feb 17, 2006, 5:10 pm Last edited Mar 12, 2006, 12:01 pm by Will
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Oxford, England - 1st April 2006
By: Will
Gladys has always been a bit random, and thought that a window ledge in Oxford would be a great place to get spotted by someone kind and discerning who could look after her for a while and take her for some lively days and nights out...
Well, who are we to argue with one so determined?
We assisted her to get up to a window ledge on Brasenose Lane - if you have found her, thank you for checking up on her. She's a bit wild, but has a heart of gold ... Please take her with you on your travels and help her to have a good time. If you can help her complete some missions that would be a real bonus.
And when the time comes to pass her on, please help her to go to someone who is as nice as yourself! Thanks
Posted Apr 1, 2006, 7:10 pm Last edited Apr 1, 2006, 7:20 pm by Will
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