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Member Profile: RikeH

Username RikeH
Email Address [ Private ]
Member Group Members
Member Title ToyVoyagers Freak
Joined Mar 17, 2009, 3:17 pm
Last visit Jun 15, 2021, 5:19 pm
Private Messages Private Messages

Homepage http://www.dickerkumpel.com
Birthday 6th November
Gender Female
Location Sülfeld, near to Hamburg
Country Germany
Interests I like travelling, postcrossing, meeting friends.... and of course cute toys :-)
Available for hosting Yes

My ToyVoyagers SunnyHH NiliHH UrselHH HolgiHH PinkyHH Tiger MrCoolHH BineHH Gitte Flecki TobiHH ThomasHH dicker Kumpel HelgaHH KalliHH GustavHH PieksiHH
ToyVoyagers hosted Carlisle Miily Polki Super Grover Cassandra Murph Lupus-Tigger Kunigunde Penny Bree Slummy Milala Ninni Meleca Pinkz Rhinono Nippy Michel Orpheus Mystery Blinchick Hugo King Tut Cilly Co Co Rabbit Lucan Marshall Kasper Mandy Sheep Twix Nasse Landroval Agatha Libbs S Snuttig Sam Squirrel Charlie B. Bart Apelsinas Squirt Klaus Abraham Lincoln Nori snakey Captain Caramel Tobbi Topple Bussi Pippi fai Sweet Mimi Peachy Chai Bernd The Bread Timothy III. Padi Dusel Krystal Frankie_Blue Hoots Henry the Adventure Hound Huhn Archer Bobi Inuk Archimonde Paddington Bear LewisHH Aura Stompy Ranil Aslan Lintilla Quentin Ducky Belka Moony DuDu DuDette Princess Sarah Flossie Henrik Clairchen Mirembe Toki Scritches MadBird Squizzle Bärndt Phillip O-Feld HömpfMömpf Ceylon B.o.B. Germanya Erol the Pirat Pink Charmin SammyFire Vriendje Hip & Hop Knut Yetta Bear Muggel Rainbow Mr. Stanley Spencer Winter Bear Druri Tiplitaps Lorca Dottie Mouse Leopoldi Sofia JUMP Lexie Hemming Claire Tamias Nayeli Gozer Nathalie HelmutBluepant Manganinnie Pepita Rocky Raccoon Sean Tommi Soeren Laika Djali Matcha Viola DottyCroc Charlotte Mefito Poschti Buderus Glenn Kevin Kiwi Nuru Lille Squab Henry Bowers Freya Lucky Hü Sally-Seal Dutchy the Lion Karakolak Simão IV SnakyLick*Pink LilMsBun*USA Sansone Dille Stoker Mephi Montgomery Minnilotta
Currently hosting Sansone Stoker Mephi Montgomery

Travelog updates 4,657 total, 0.81 per day
Last Travelog update dicker Kumpel - Feb 12, 2020, 6:50 pm

Signature My ToyVoyagers :
PieksiHH stays with HoBi.
HolgiHH visits windy62.
PinkyHH stays with goldmoon.
UrselHH has fun with natalina

GustavHH, SunnyHH, NiliHH, TobiHH, ThomasHH and HelgaHH are at home.

UrselHH  the Second was kidnapped by EuroMaus.
MrCoolHH is LOST in Poland at inidhil.
KalliHH was kidnapped by Oppenheimer.
BineHH is lost on the way to vunder

And finally dicker Kumpel stays at home with me. He just started his own website - look here : Dicker Kumpel's website

Montgomery, Mephi,Sansone and Stoker are with me now. 

If you want to host one of my TVs, please send a PM! This year I prefer TV-Swaps.


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