drakie Posted Jun 30, 2008, 7:49 pm |
Well mummy surprise surprise!!! here I am with drakie, I have met Dawsun and Miss E... how exciting. I will update with pictures as soon as I can. My hosts husband has shingles and is quite poorly so please bear with her this week. We will find exciting things to do....
Love and hugs Googly xxx |
drakie Posted Jul 14, 2008, 6:25 pm |
Well lets try again lost everything last time. Well here I am in Honiton, thought I would take a look round whilst my host was at work. I checked out the pretty lilies they were so pretty and very smelly... in a nice way. I then thought I was hungry and wanted to go for the tomatoes, I did try but my host pulled me away very quickly.... her very first tomatoe she had grown in my little belly, well nearly... she explained that it was not ripe and would have given me tummy ache, so I guess I will forgive her this time.
I met Chester from Tenerife he arrived from Estonia and I met my hosts first tv, Eddie Bear and he is off to Russia to Oskana... Then I decided I would investigate the white furball outside ... ha ha ha lol.... it was Snowy the bunny she had been running around like a mad woman. She talked to me, rather huge I thought..... then I think she saw me as dinner, H E L PPPPP Im being eaten but my host came to my rescue, I am sure it was because I was going to eat her tomatoe.... anyway I am safe mummy... We are going up to Nottingham (Robin Hood Country) and Nottingham Forest football ground to see my hosts husbands mother... she is going to be 75... so she is having a small party... |
drakie Posted Jul 26, 2008, 8:28 pm |
Well we went up to Nottingham, it took us 4 hours as the roads were quite busy. Its where my hosts both mummies live and their family.
Well first I went to see the trip to Jersusalem the oldest pub in England, I was too little to go in there. We then went to Wollaton Hall in Nottingham, a big big house, now I could get lost in there, We then went to see robin hood, my kinda guy i think he used to rob the rich to feed the poor, food I like that. Robin Hood is an archetypal figure in English folklore, whose story originates from medieval times but who remains significant in popular culture where he is painted as a man known for robbing the rich to give to the poor and fighting against injustice and tyranny. His band consists of a "seven score" group of fellow outlawed yeomen – called his "Merry Men".[1] He has been the subject of numerous movies, television series, books, comics, and plays. In the earliest sources portrayed as a commoner he would often later be portrayed as the dispossessed Earl of Huntingdon. There is no consensus as to whether or not Robin Hood is based on any historical figure and little reliable historical evidence to support either side of this debate. HOLME PIEREPOINT This is where the slalolm course is held. Very cold and dismal water, glad I didnt fall into it. It was very scary for a little boy like me..... |
drakie Posted Aug 16, 2008, 7:34 pm |
Well here I am in Sidmouth, and today it did not rain which is especially good as it always rains in England, yesterday we had gale warnings in Summer....
We went to listen to the music in Sidmouth at Connaught gardens, my host had friends to stay and we started the day with a good olde fashioned english breakfasty yum yum I love food. We listened to the music in the evening and went a walk along the beach. |
drakie Posted Aug 16, 2008, 7:38 pm |
Today we went to the English Riviera, we had a lovely day and it didnt rain which is really good.
We had food and mummy you should have seen it, a big big bowl of E V E R Y T H I N G, it was so big my little eyes spun round and nearly popped out ... yum yum, |
drakie Posted Aug 16, 2008, 7:49 pm |
We went to see my hosts husbands friend in Dover, Kent. It is where the white Cliffs of Dover are, we had a lovely time by the seaside.
Well we could see the ferries going to France as this is a ferry port it was from a distance so the picture is kind of fuzzy... I saw the White Cliffs of Dover where all the cliffs, are guess... white... We then saw the Battle of Britain memorial gardens they were very quiet so we had to behave which was quite difficult it was in Fern lea, if you click the link you can see the pictures where we were. I saw a very old big plane, my host told me it flew in the war, but to be honest it looked a little bit old for that lets hope I dont have to travel on one of them when I go home!! [url=http://www.travelbritain.com/England/battleofbritain/index.html[/url] We went to a place called Sandwhich we had no sandwhiches but we had a big CREAM TEA.... even better |
drakie Posted Aug 16, 2008, 7:58 pm |
Well I am back home, and today of all days with the weather as it is, yes you guessed torrential rain, no word of a lie, rain and more rain and floods and this is supposed to be summer here in the uk. My host tells me they wont get Summer this year can you imagine Mummy no sun... ooooohhhh
But what did I see Mummy I think I found my Daddy.... I think I have found him..... there he was in a car.... all big and blue like me Mummy..... you have to look close cos I hugged him tight, I sat in his mouth, and on his hand ... but there he was ... just like me.... but bigger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is also sad today because in 2 days I will be all alone, my host tells me there are other tv`s on the way but this is quite sad!!! because Chester and Miss E are going on their journeys, but I guess at least they will see the sun... We all had a group hug... |