ipuenktchen Posted May 10, 2015, 2:48 am |
wooooow.... I cannot believe it, after a sad and boring life in a carton downstairs in the cellar today I had a great day in eka's garden and finally I was given as a gift to her sis ipuenktchen, who got thrilled about as it was her dream since years to have a cute little pelikan like me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ipuenktchen was so happy that she even forgot to take a pic of me!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - well, and so I was given a new home and as I understood we'll go by plane to a far country!!!!!?!?!?! but for now ipue's fam is on their europe-trip and I will be with them - juchuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
ipuenktchen Posted May 10, 2015, 3:06 am |
what a lucky guy I am - just the next day they had a trip by bus to berlin, the capital of germany!!!! and I had the great opportunity to see the so called Reichstag and for the next day we got tickets to enter even the dome!!!
and I wasn't even the only TV, but there are also ZIZZI_Zebra, ZORRO_Zebra home at ipue's and Poschti as a guest!!!! so we have a great time!!!! |
ipuenktchen Posted May 10, 2015, 3:23 am |
today will be the great day we'll enter the new dome of the ancient reichstag-building!!! I was really excited, and not only me!!!!!! and honestly it was REALLY impressing!!!!! and because of the airplane-crash of a german plane the flags are flown at half-mast!
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ipuenktchen Posted May 10, 2015, 3:34 am |
on our way to KIEL at the baltic sea we had to change the train in UELZEN, and woooow, the railway station is restored by friedensreich hundertwasser - I like his lively colours too much and got happy to see one of his works, as I heard a lot about!!!! |
ipuenktchen Posted May 10, 2015, 3:49 am |
today we had a hard job, to pick up all our stuff for going home step by step to southern germany, and later to istanbul and tabriz....... we took a train in hannover and only 4 hours later we arrived at regensburg!!!! our friends came to pick us up for their home for a little break and in the afternoon we joined a postcrossing-meeting at NEUFAHRN!!!!?!?!
boah, so many postcards we had to make our signature?!!?!?!!! but the meetup was in an ice-cafe and for sure we had a huge ice each of us!!!!!! had you seen how many cards ipue has written, and we signed not only these but from all other participiants, too!!!! everybody was in a hurry, coz the meetup took only two hours, and later there was a slide show, made by friends of ipue about their bicycle trip named *from bavaria to india by bicycle*!!!! can you imagine such a long trip by bicycle???? well done, dear sonja & olli!! http://www.abenteuer-radler.de |
ipuenktchen Posted May 11, 2015, 9:29 am |
a big hug from regensburg, an ancient town, very beautiful, with an impressing cathedral - the historical innercity registered as a world heritage site!!!! ipue's friends brought us on a private citytour!!
pls have a look! |
ipuenktchen Posted May 11, 2015, 9:30 am |
in the early morning on our way to muenchen we made a detour to see the beautiful brewery in abensberg, a work from friedensreich hundertwasser!!!!!!!!! boah, it was soooooooooooo impressing, the lively colours he was using in all his artworks!!!!!! here you can see the tower which had been seen from far away!!
bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited!!! we are leaving for muenchen now!!! |
ipuenktchen Posted May 11, 2015, 9:31 am |
leutz, I cannot tell you, how thrilled we are, all of us!!!! in the early morning we started from our hotel from munich by train to fuessen, there we entered a bus to hohenschwangau and at 12 o'clock we arrived - and then it was a hard job to get up to the castle in time - the time written on our online-ticket... the bus, who pick up ppl normally, wasn't working and the carriages were toooo less for the some three hundred ppl waiting there to go up!!!!!!!!!!! well, finally we reached our ticket time, 4 PM at the castle.. and mom, it was sooooo great, a years old wish from all of us to see this romantic castle, got true!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
finally we had been back at our hotel at 11 PM and sooooooo tired, but happy!!!!!!!! I'm so proud had been with them!!! thx ipuenktchen, thx lili_6789, thx yashila_81; thx Trisa!!!!! |
ipuenktchen Posted May 11, 2015, 9:55 am |
hi, dear friends, today in the very early morning we entered tabriz international airport and I saw my second home town for the first time!!! although it was still dark.. but after a power nap and a great breakfast I explored the yard at ipue's!!! so beautiful flowers everywhere!!!! |
ipuenktchen Posted May 11, 2015, 10:06 am |
helloooooooo, everybodyyyy!!!!!
this morning at 8 AM we arrived at tehran terminal by bus and went straight to the azadi monument, the sign of tehran, for a photo session!! |
ipuenktchen Posted May 11, 2015, 10:17 am |
today we had a very busy day and our ppls got really tired!!!!! ![]() in the morning we went to the postoffice - what else????????????? then we entered the golestan-palace with its marble throne from qajar-era in southern tehran, registered as a worldheritage site! what a beautiful place in the middle of all the crowd around the tehran-bazar-area!!! the yard with all its tiles work is soooo impressing! in the early afternoon we went to admire the crown-jewelleries in the treasure of the IR centralbank, photos forbidden..... the by far world largest collection of precious stones and jewelleries!!!! and later we climbed up - by elevator!! the milad tower, the 6th talled telecommunication tower in the world!!! with an impressing view!! it was such a stormy weather, and dear kroete rescued our friend luigi in the last second to get lost through the lattice in the air................ in the eve we had a break at a nice little restaurant (with a heating!! so we could sit outside!!!!) and had some chicken and french fries.. |
ipuenktchen Posted May 19, 2015, 11:27 am |
helloooooooo, everybodyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!
today we had a trip downtown and visited the ancient pottery of our masters from about 50 - 60 years ago. now the son of one of the old masters is busy there!!! and just in the neighborhood is the potters house, where we had a glance, too!!! and yeaaaah.. they had again the beautiful hens in the bassin, created by miss nastaran khosrawi!!!!!!!!!!! |
ipuenktchen Posted May 19, 2015, 12:57 pm |
hi, everybodyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy,
a day out today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my first time to have a look outside of the city!!!!!!!!!!!! it was so impressing on the road, all the mountains everywhere!!! we passed even by a ski-resort as we went by taxi to marand, 70 km north of tabriz, where ipue's close friend is living!!! it's her birthday today!!!! first we had a look outside in the garden - it's spring finally and everywhere so beautiful!!!!! arrived there at noon, we had a great stew for lunch and later some ice-coffee, cake, muffins and watermelon and and an........... and profitted of the beautiful nature all around!!!!! it was a nice day!! bye for now!!!! |
ipuenktchen Posted May 19, 2015, 1:21 pm |
hello, dear followers and friends!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this FRI we had a day out in the garden!!! it was such a great day, full of fun, sun, nature, lively ppl, yummy meal and so on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and at the end of the day we had a football match at TV!!! ey gosh, and I was wondering why they brought the TV with them to the garden!!?!?!? it was an important match between tractor team tab and naft team teh and the ppl were sooooooooooooooo excited.... believe it, finally I had forgotten who made this match... hehe... necessary to say I'm not that interested in football...??!? |
ipuenktchen Posted May 19, 2015, 2:03 pm |
in the morning when the postman were coming, we had a huge surprise, as we got another TV-buddy with us at ipue's!!!! she is a beautiful purple girl and her name is viola!!!!
in the afternoon ipue took us with her and lovely lili_6789 and dear little kia all together to an international handicraft exhibition, 150 participiants from 35 countries.. we had been mostly interested in the IRsection from ceramics and glassware and some others from middle orient! pls have a look, dear mom and followers!!!!!!!!!! dear little VIOLA and the cute POSCHTI, traveltoys like me, had been with us!! |
ipuenktchen Posted May 24, 2015, 4:35 pm |
halloele, leutzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!!!!!
a very special regard for you: FROHE PFINGSTEN!!!!!! the special flowers, in germany called *pentecost-roses* (pfingstrosen), finished before the holidays by a heavy rain, storm and hail.. but the *schokoladenmaikaefer* arrived just in time!!! heheheheeeee.... *thumbup* |
ipuenktchen Posted May 28, 2015, 4:30 pm |
hey everybody!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
as ipue-mom is fond of flowers today we had a glance into her flowers in the yard!!! the white and the purple iris are flowering and also the pink paeonia; the wine-red one we had lately, do you remember?? see you soon!!!! |
ipuenktchen Posted May 29, 2015, 5:58 pm |
what a busy day today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
in the morning we went out for breakfast in shahgoli. the park is situated very close to ipue's home!!! we had a picnic in front of the bassin with the ancient pavillon together with ipue's friends! it was sooooo great! even not such a crowd as they told us, normally is very common there...... it was announced the weather will be quite bad, and so most ppl prefered to stay at home, although it's FRI today, the day ppl are free in moslemic countries. later we had a nice lunch at home and in the afternoon ipue's son1 and his family went back home, and ipue went with my TVbuddies to the international trade fair, there was the last day of an exhibition of flowers & plants!!!!! but in the meantime the weather changed into the announced sandstorm and it was a bit strange there on the hill outside of tabriz!!! so lucky me, I stood at home!!!!! btw they bought a great plant for ipue's yard - I'll show it to you later!! it seemed it was a hard job, to bring it home...... pls stay tuned!!!!!!! |
ipuenktchen Posted May 30, 2015, 11:15 pm |
helloooooooooooo, leutzzzzzzz!!!!!
it+s soooooooooo sad... I hate to say good-bye!!!! and todayyyyy we had a good-bye-party, coz dear buddy POSCHTI and dear purple girl VIOLA had to leave...................... well, the party was nice, we had even life-music, the playmo-clown cheered us up, but finally we had to say good-bye.......... :-(((((((((((((((((((( hopefully we'll have another TV-guest asap!!!!!! ooooooooor the cute playmo-couple I had seen not yet, only heard about, and we are home-mates, will come back sooooooooooooooon!!!!??!?!? ![]() ![]() ![]() |
ipuenktchen Posted Jun 2, 2015, 12:41 am |
helloooooooooo, everybodyyy!!!
in the morning we went out to have a look at ipue's flowers in the yard, and in the afternoon we took part in the ladies-gameboard-gathering, this time at ipue's!!! unfortunately JORIS the 2nd left ipue's home this eve, went back home with his mom & dad, coz he's missing our sweet KIA so much, when he's absent.... and so I'm the single TV at ipue's for now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
ipuenktchen Posted Jul 8, 2015, 9:41 pm |
as ipue-mom has a long history of pottery she was very interested to go downtown to join a pottery exhibition from one of her pottery-buddies from olden times!!! it was so impressing to see the handthrown and decorated art pieces from faribaVGh!!!!! thank you so much!!!!!
here you can see a beautiful candle holder and a vase!!! |
ipuenktchen Posted Jul 8, 2015, 10:20 pm |
wow... from kiel we went by train to LUEBECK!!!!!! also a free hanseatic city with a world heritage site, the holsten gate!!!!! great the guy who made soap-bubbles, he was fantastic!!!! but when we crossed the river trave in front of the salt ware houses ipue didn't allow us to come out from the the plastic bag, as it was still the same stormy weather with let fly poor poshti on the rails of railwaystation uelzen a few days ago.... wow, how strong she was with us!!!!!!!
and overwise we had a postcrossing meetup there!!!!! 5 girls and some traveltoys!! it was fun!!! and last but not least we had a look around the famous fuechtingshof!!!! |
ipuenktchen Posted Jul 8, 2015, 11:07 pm |
ipuenktchen remembered the olden times when her hubby every week once went to the car wash... poor car nowadays... well.. that's life...
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ipuenktchen Posted Jul 11, 2015, 9:51 pm |
hi, dear friends & followers!!!
today we had been at yasha's for the *opening ceremony* of the new terrasse!!!!!!!!!!! and I had been with them!!!!! it was great!!! yashila_81 had collected broken or damaged pottery and invited his friends for brain-storming and this is the result!!!! so beautiful!! everybody is impressed!!!! |
ipuenktchen Posted Jul 13, 2015, 9:13 pm |
hi, dear friends!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
we have still ramadan and same procedure like every year, as they told me... we got invited for eftari in the beautiful yard of potters-house, the live-museum in tab!!!! the girls there made so much efforts to serve tasty meal for about 100 ppl in the ancient mansion of qajar era!!!!!! here are some impressions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! btw - the hens are created by miss nastaran khosrawi (c) |
ipuenktchen Posted Jul 22, 2015, 12:01 am |
hi, everybodyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!
today ipue-mom told me to have a small trip to their supermarket in their township... first we had a stop in their yard coz of the beautiful flowers - but unfortunately you may have a look at the awfull new building which they are building just now... and will take a lot of our sunshine... then we went out, only a few alleys down to the roundabout, there is our supermarket, and beside I couldn't believe to my own eyes.... oh shocking.... well... after I thought it will be better to have a look at all the tall buildings around.... |
ipuenktchen Posted Jul 22, 2015, 12:23 am |
woooow, today we had a b-day-party!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
for the cute *K*I*A*, who turned to *1*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! nobody could imagine he finished one year of his whole life!!?!?!?! unbelievable!! ![]() ![]() ![]() and like very often in toytraveller's life - when ppl are busy, are thrilled or excited - they forget to have pics with MEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!??!?! and so there is no pic of the b-day-cake with me nor with sweet little kia and his birthday crown!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??!?!?!? ![]() ![]() ![]() but there are lots of pics taken with me and the garden ![]() |
ipuenktchen Posted Jul 31, 2015, 4:56 pm |
helloooooo everybodyyyyyyy!!!!!
as the wedding parties here are a MUST to be large and crowded they invite nearly 'everybody'... hehe... and so in this hot summer days we are invited FOUR times!!!! the first one we had yesterday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! woooow, what a luxurious event with about 300 guests.. done by a *wedding planner* of course!!!! and in a large garden!!!!! it's not that easy to decorate such a large place... for the very first time I heard in tab about the scarved melons as a wedding decoration, seen in internet from far east since years.. and it was sooooooooo beautiful!!!! and not only this.. they made lots of efforts to have an unic event!!!!! wish you had been there!!!! |
ipuenktchen Posted Aug 8, 2015, 2:26 am |
hellooooooooooo, everybodyyyyyyy!!!!!
on THU we went by car via sarab to ardabil, first some impressions on the road. in ardabil we were invited for the marriage of her younger bros of dear lili_6789!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wooooow!!!! it was great, I love wedding parties!!!!!!!!!!! pls have a look!!!! btw the banknotes had been fakes!!!!!!!!!! ![]() |
ipuenktchen Posted Aug 11, 2015, 3:16 pm |
today at noon we left germany forward to turkey, joined istanbul!!! |
ipuenktchen Posted Aug 11, 2015, 3:20 pm |
late eve we left istanbul, to join rainy tabriz in the very early morning!! |
ipuenktchen Posted Aug 24, 2015, 5:33 pm |
hi, dear friends & followers, what are you doing just now???
we get ready for the devils in k-town!!!!!!!!!!!! we are a fan of 1.FC Kaiserslautern, unfortunately at 2nd League...... we got ready to sit in front of the live-ticker at 22.45 Iranian local time - in fact up from NOW!!!.... as we are sooooo excited................ hopefully we'll not make a fool of ourselves..........!!?!?!?!?????????!?! pls keep your fingers crossed, too!!!! we need everybody!!!!!!!!! thank you all!!! kiss you all!!!!!!!!!!! EDIT: juchuuuuuuuu.... heimsieg!!! 1 : 0!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
ipuenktchen Posted Aug 24, 2015, 5:51 pm |
hi, dear buddies, friends & followers,
sorry for being late to update our trip to sanandaj, the capital of IR kurdistan!!! a great city with lots of traditional houses and modern places as well!! one day although they had an awfull temperature about 40 degrees, we went downtown for a sightseeing trip and entered first the *kurdish house*, khaneye kurd!!! wow, so beautiful stained glass windows, and they made lots of efforts to show us the family life in olden times!!! how nice!!!!! we had a break as they had so tasty ice-cream!!! and we found fresh pistacchio as well. later we went to see also the sanandaj museum and the main mosque, all nearby! the beautiful paisley we saw at the cross road beside!! |
ipuenktchen Posted Aug 24, 2015, 5:53 pm |
I got completely surprised when ipue-mom waked me up in the early morning and we took our backpack and went to the meeting point where two jeeps were waiting for us to go for the 3rd highest mountain in IR, the extincted volcano called sabalan, 4.811 m high, near ardabil!!!!
we had been a group of 8... and it was a hard job!!! we went by car to meshkin and started for hiking!! 5 h untill we reached the eastern mountain shelter at 3.500 m. what a crowd!!!!??!?! we hardly found a sleeping place in a new built house, still not ready.. slept very early at 8 PM to get up as early as well at 3 AM and started to climb on the mountain!!!!!!!!!!! we reached it a 10 AM!!!!!!!!!!!! what a feeling!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??!?! we got so happy although one of our mountaineer buddies couldn't support anymore and went back forward to the shelter at only 4.300 m, after taking pics of a very beautiful sunrising..... the group of now only 7 mountaineer and 5 traveltoys (lili's sweet little red heart was coming with yashila_81) had a break at the peak, beside the lake, 50 m diameters and 15 m deep, took some photos beside the lake, and later went back to the shelter, arrived at 5 PM, and now they all took the car to get back via meshkin to tabriz, arrived at 9 PM - enormous tired!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but soooo proud to get successfull!!!! (c) of the sabalan pics belongs to karfor, ankbod, yashila_81) |
ipuenktchen Posted Aug 25, 2015, 1:42 pm |
hi, all my dear friends,
ipue-mom told me, there will be a surprise later the same day......!!?!?! I'm so excited.... but first we had and have an awfull rain.. ok... we need rain, I know, but it's boring...... we had a good chance, as Possy & Crossy are absent, we got allowed to use their umbrella!!!!!!! I'm so happy, that Joris stays here with me for some days!!!!!! ![]() now we are waiting for the eve!!!??!?!?!?!!!!!!!!!!!?!?????! ![]() UPDATE: yeeeeeeaaaaahhhhhh.... HAPPY BIRTHDAY for ipue's hubby!!! we had a nice eve with yummy food and much fun and a nice birthday cake alltogether, kept busy to look a lot of photos of the FOUR wedding parties and of course the SABALAN!!!!!!!!!! |
ipuenktchen Posted Aug 27, 2015, 4:37 pm |
hi, everybody,
this morning when we had been back home from our wedding trip we got some letters and so on from our guests who brought this from DE for us, and what a surprise when ipue-mom opened the enveloppes and I saw ZIZZI_Zebra and ZORRO_Zebra for my very first time!!!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() and the next surprise in another enveloppe was a gift for POSSY & CROSSY from dear Trenker - they are still on their worldtrip from CN to US.... together with papa_always!! so we had seen the gift earlier than the cute playmo-couple, hehe....... |
ipuenktchen Posted Aug 29, 2015, 2:53 pm |
hello, everybodyyyyyyyyyy - specially ppl from tabriz!!!!!
huge congrats for your METRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! today it was the first public day to use the suburban train in tabriz!!! line 1 was opened with exactly six stations, and lucky me, the endpoint is nearby at our shahgoli park!!! I was thrilled when ipue-mom and her hubby decided to join there today and took me with them!!!! how interesting it had been!!!!!! it was for free, and also untill the end of the month, so ppl can get habitude!!!!! |
ipuenktchen Posted Sep 2, 2015, 9:15 am |
hi, dear friends & buddies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
today there was a funny programme, as ipue's son1 and schwieto invited their students for a touristic trip around their home town!!!! and for sure german speaking, each of us with a bottle of mineral water in their hands, like real german tourists!!!! hehehe..... ![]() ![]() the Azerbaijan Tourism Organization during the new year and summer holidays offers busses to have different sightseeing trips. and the meeting point is just nearby to ipue's home, so we met at 4 PM and started with a group of 10!!! first we entered the seghatoleslam house, a house from olden times, and they offered for the tourists handicraft from different regions of this province! later we went to the ancient citadel ARK, an impressing old building from about 800 years ago in the middle of downtown! from there we joined the constitution house, the meeting point of a kind of revolution about 100 years ago, with the sculptures of the famous local heroes sattar khan & bagher khan! the last goal of this trip should be the laleh park mall, but nobody of our group was in the mood for shopping and so on, better we decided for an ice-cream - and so we did!!!! a nice and funny day!!! |
ipuenktchen Posted Sep 3, 2015, 10:23 pm |
hi, all my dear friends allover the world!!!
today we had a kind of Harvest holidays and it was since a long time the great moment to get such a colourfull harvest from our garden. and more than 4 months of hard and professional work once a week brought such a great result!! here are some pics for you!!! ![]() |
ipuenktchen Posted Sep 4, 2015, 6:38 pm |
hi, all my buddies, friends and followers!!!!!!!!!!!
yesterday we got all the fruits and vegetables from the garden of ipue's hubby and today we went there to have a look at all the beautiful sunflowers!! |
ipuenktchen Posted Sep 15, 2015, 8:52 pm |
hi, dear friends, buddies, followers!!!!!
soooo great, today ipue-mom brought us to the 6th national handicraft exhibition to the international fairground up on the hill outside of tabriz! she likes a lot to go there, as it has a special flair there!!!! we saw a lot of interesting things of all kind of iranian handicraft!!!! |
ipuenktchen Posted Sep 23, 2015, 1:45 am |
hi, dear friends, buddies, followers!!!!!!!!!!!!
today so many things to do... and finally came lots of women and ipue hold their special gathering to strengthen their gray matters - the game board gathering!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we have had lots of fun and yummy sweets and fruits and chips........ |
ipuenktchen Posted Oct 7, 2015, 8:21 am |
hi, dear friends & followers!!
have you ever heard from the german artist Philipp Geist??? we got really thrilled when we understood we can be at the same time in tehran when he is celebrating the great project *gate of words*, a light installation at azadi monument, the famous sign of tehran, built in 1968!! pls have a look here: http://www.teheran.diplo.de/Vertretung/teheran/de/07__presse/Newsletter/Ank_C3_BCndigung__azadi.html http://www.tehrantimes.com/index_View.asp?code=249778 http://www.videogeist.de |
ipuenktchen Posted Oct 7, 2015, 8:51 am |
hi, my dear friends & followers!!!
the residence of the german ambassador had a garden party today at the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the German reunification - boah, what a crowd!!!!!! and we had been with!! juchuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!! me, as I'm a special pelican born in hannover, lower saxony, found a lot of buddies from my own county there!!! |
ipuenktchen Posted Oct 18, 2015, 4:29 pm |
hello, dear friends, buddies & follower!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
we have so beautiful dried sunflowers at ipue's, which she use for decoration and I asked her to take a pic with!! isn't it nice???? later ipue was thinking about a ride downtown or not.. coz it was raining, not that much but permanent... but finally we left home!!! |
ipuenktchen Posted Oct 29, 2015, 11:18 pm |
hello, dear friends!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
today we went downtown for a sightseing trip!!! it was nice as usual, blue mosque, ark, constitution house with the great heroes sattar khan & bagher khan, bazar as well... and its gotten fall... no blue sky for the moment... |
ipuenktchen Posted Dec 15, 2015, 11:28 pm |
hello, dear friends, buddies & followers!!
today we had breakfast at 4 AM and ipuenktchen told us we will be going for holidays to our neighbour-country to visit ipue's elder son!!! wooow, how surprising!!!!!!!!!!! we got too excited!!!!!!!!!!!!! the distance isn't more than the distance from tabriz to tehran.. but as there is the border, it tooks time... we entered the tabriz terminal at 6 AM and arrived at Erbil terminal at 7.30 PM, ipue's son1 was picking us up.. here you may see a pic on the border between the gate to IR and the gate to IQ!!!!! |
ipuenktchen Posted Dec 15, 2015, 11:34 pm |
hello again, dear followers and all my friends & siblings!!!
today we had a ride downtown erbil in the ancient city center! we were so excited, you cannot imagine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
ipuenktchen Posted Dec 15, 2015, 11:44 pm |
it's me again from erbil, dear followers, friends & buddies!!!!
today ipue's son1 tought us money from iraq, so if we like to go out to buy some souvenirs before leaving.........!!?!? in the eve while coming back home into the beautiful *park view* we had a look at all the beautiful fountains allaround before leaving the next day in the early morning back home to tabriz!! |
ipuenktchen Posted Dec 28, 2015, 12:02 pm |
hi, everybodyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!
I love baking, I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! today ipue-hostmom announced the annual x-mas-baking at home!!!! it was so great and I love to do it!! the dough is hard to do, but *we* have a special mashine for!!! and we had much fun!!!! and the cookies finally were sooooooooo goooooooooood, yummy!!!! |
ipuenktchen Posted Dec 28, 2015, 12:51 pm |
hellooooooooooo, leutzzzzzzzzzzzz!!!!!
ipue has invited the foreign-ladies-gathering at her home today!!!!! and she started her season-decoratings today, too!!!!!!!! it's st. niklas day everywhere!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
ipuenktchen Posted Dec 30, 2015, 1:10 pm |
helloooooooooooo, dear friends allover there!!!!!!!
leise rieselt der schneeeee...... a german christmas carol.... How lucky we are!!!!!! great, it's snowing finally!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it remembers me my hometown, where I saw snow quite often... in dear old hannover.... waiting to get more snow to have a great snowballfight with the kids!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ![]() |
ipuenktchen Posted Dec 30, 2015, 4:37 pm |
Merry Christmas and Peace allover the World!!!!!!!!!!!
and thx for your interest in my travellog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
ipuenktchen Posted Jan 13, 2016, 6:48 pm |
hi, dear friends!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wish you all our best for a happy & healthy 2016!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! today is the last day of the year, yeaaaaaaaaahhhhh!!!!!!!!! we had a nice eve with yummy SAUERBRATEN and much fun!!!! |
ipuenktchen Posted Jan 17, 2016, 5:23 pm |
hi, folks, today is the wedding day, the goal of our trip to sanandaj!!!!
we were all very exciting, to get ready in time and to be able to find the wedding-saloon!!!! the kurdish ppl are famous for their great wedding parties!!!! so here we are!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
ipuenktchen Posted Jan 26, 2016, 6:15 pm |
helloooooo, everybodyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!
finally we had SNOWWWWWWWWWW!!! 3 times during the whole day.. and it was so nice, playing in the snow!!!!!! and because of the snow we asked ipue-mom to bring dear playmoSanta out, too, and so she did!!! |
ipuenktchen Posted Mar 3, 2016, 1:15 pm |
hi, everybodyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!
I got really thrilled when ipue-mom told us our goal, to go to see ESFAHAN.. I heard about, it must be the most beautiful city of IR... and also they call it *esfahan - nesfe jahan*, means, when you had seen esfahan, you had seen half of the world!!!!!!!!!!!??!?! we started our sightseeing tour around the armenian cathedral in jolfa-esfahan, a great bookstore, khaju-bridge, bazar, emam square, a cosy cafe beside, and last but not least the so called zur-khaneh for traditional sports!!!! in which yashila_81 took part, too!!!! it was so fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and the guys made a lot of efforts and finally got pretty tired with all the heavy stuff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
ipuenktchen Posted Mar 3, 2016, 1:17 pm |
hey, dear friends & followers!!!!
our 2nd day in esfahan we met at 33-arcs-bridge and started with a view of the beautiful yard of the *****hotel abbassi, a former carvansary... but what a pity, it wasn't like before, coz they were working at the teahouse and no service....... for sure will be opened for norouz holidays!!!! - ok, no prob... instead of this we profitted from the beautiful toilet.. hehe... from chahar bagh we went again to bazar to admire the great *industrial monument* the ancient oil press!!!!!!!! really speechless!!!!!! but to take photos was too difficult.... we are so sorry!!! from there again a glance at the bazar and another chilling out at the cosy cafe roozegar - and GOOD-BYE, ESFAHAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! back home to tabriz by bus, 12 and half hours on the road again!!! |
ipuenktchen Posted Mar 16, 2016, 6:19 pm |
hi, dear friends & followers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
believe it, it was snowing the whole dayyyyyy!!!!!! and the same day when we finally decided to have a ride down town.. what a pity for the beautiful spring flowers.. it was still great spring.......... and ppl are soooooooooooo busy for IR New Year after a few days!! well, we are busy, too.... but not only for Norouz, but there will be a greeeeeeeaaaaaaat challenge, when dear little kia will get a dear little sis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we are soooooooooooo thrilled!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and will let you know asap!!!!!!!!!!!!! pls stay tuned!!!!!!! *smile* well, so finally we went to bazar and everywhere!!!!!!!!!! it was soooo crowded and we got really tired... 5 hours by foot!!!!!!!!!!! puuuuuhhhhhhhhhhh........ |
ipuenktchen Posted Mar 21, 2016, 11:05 pm |
hi, all my dear friends!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the whole IR is celebrating NOROUZ... the new year arrived on 1st day of spring!!!!!!!! and the short snowy winter was again leaving after two days and so everything was ok with the weather and we have nice flowers.. in our yard we have even still violets!!!!! and downtown the flowers wasn't that much damaged.... do you remember HAFTSIN??? the table where IR families are sitting around in the moment when the year is changing!!!! and here you can se the whole tv-gang at lili's!!!!!!!!!! |
ipuenktchen Posted Mar 24, 2016, 4:08 pm |
hello, everyyyybodyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!
after the snowy winter by mistake last week, when we had about 15 cm and two days snow, these flowers could defense of themselves and we could take our spring-pic!!!! |
ipuenktchen Posted Mar 25, 2016, 6:45 pm |
*V*I*O*N*A*'s name was given today to her... *smile* ....and all the TV-gang was with her!!!!!!!!!!! do you remember the newborn daughter of dear lili_6789 and yashila_81??!? pls have a look!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and of course there was a great food, too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! all the siblings from ardabil were coming and we had a nice day!!!! |
ipuenktchen Posted Mar 28, 2016, 10:05 pm |
hi, dear friends & followers,
we should say our very best congratulations to all of you.. so busy during all the last time, that we even had forgotten two important bdays - and also this morning to say *H*A*P*P*Y***E*A*S*T*E*R* to all of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but better late than never!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Frohe Ostern - Happy Easter - Joyeuses Paques - Hyvää pääsiäistä!! |
ipuenktchen Posted Apr 4, 2016, 8:55 pm |
he, guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
since NOROUZ, our new year, we had today for the 3rd time SNOW!!!! mad mad world.... in spring!!!!! ok, we need water... but snow in spring?????? |
ipuenktchen Posted Apr 7, 2016, 5:14 pm |
hellooooooooooo, guyyyyyys & gaaaaaaals!!!!!!!!!!!
we all got thrilled when the postman brought the parcel vom china and we saw, POSSY & CROSSY made it safely back home!!!!!! although I hadn't seen them before, coz they left home in the same time, when I joined it!!! I understood it was really a historical day at ipue's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and believe it, they came back home with new friends!!????!?!?????? yeaaaaaaaaaaah, there was the pink bear and a playmo-child with him.. we are very curious how they will be named later!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?!?!?! and for sure we all will be a cool gang!!!!!!!!!! and a warm WELCOME for the cosy STRAWBERRY-Bear came to IR as a guest and we like to host him to cheer up dear papa_always!!!!!!! |
ipuenktchen Posted Apr 8, 2016, 4:17 pm |
exemption from liability - haftungsausschluss
Mit Urteil vom 12. Mai 1998 - 312 O 85/98 - "Haftung für Links" hat das Landgericht (LG) Hamburg entschieden, dass man durch das Setzen eines Links die Inhalte der gelinkten Seite ggf. mitzuverantworten hat. Dies kann - so das LG - nur dadurch verhindert werden, dass man sich ausdrücklich von diesen Inhalten distanziert. Hiermit distanziere ich mich ausdrücklich von dem inhalt der verlinkten Seiten in diesem meinem blog sowie auch in allen anderen i-net-postings, die ich, wo immer auch jemals schrieb od noch schreiben werde, fuer heute, bisher und in alle ewigkeit. *smile* I.M. |
ipuenktchen Posted Apr 22, 2016, 10:04 pm |
hey, everybodyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!
sometimes a bad thing brings a good thing for us, and so it happened today, when ipue's TV got out of order and it was a boring FRI for mr. ipue..... and so ipue proposed to have a walk in shahgoli park beside their neighbourhood, as she hadn't see yet all the thousands of tulips everybody is talking of!!!!!!!!?!?!? and so we did!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! woooooooooooooooow, so beautiful colours... we forgot all the crowd there, while admiring the great tulips in so many different colours!!!!!! |
ipuenktchen Posted Apr 23, 2016, 12:18 am |
hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, everybodyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!
believe it - today there was a young guy with a funny motorbike on his way to India and Australia...... wooooooow!!!!!!!!!!! and we all traveltoys were sooooooo curious to have a ride with... but no chance, only in the yard... ipue told us: *too dangerous*!!!!!!! wish you a great & safe trip!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
ipuenktchen Posted May 10, 2016, 1:17 am |
hi, everybodyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!
today we had to get up quite early and the clock was ringing so loud... puuuuh, I don't like this awfull noise............. our goal was close to us, but we took a taxi as we had been so tired!!!!!!!!!!!! ipuenktchen told us we were invited for a really luxurious breakfast... so called *brunch* and we got thrilled, what a chance for the traveltoys!!!!!!!!!!! |
ipuenktchen Posted Jun 3, 2016, 10:58 pm |
hello, leutzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!!!!!
spring is the alltime best season in the gardens alloverwhere!!!!! and so it is in ipue's yard... different beautiful flowers enjoy us everyday!!! and still no need for watering.. means without any efforts!!!! pls have a look at roses and peonies!!!!!!!!!! |
ipuenktchen Posted Jun 4, 2016, 1:02 am |
hi, dear buddies, followers and friends!!!!!!!!!!!
one of the very early spring flowers in a garden is the beautiful lilac, the minihyacinths, daffodils and tulips as well... and ipuenktchen has some in her yard, too!!!!!!!! pls have a look!!!! |
ipuenktchen Posted Jun 19, 2016, 8:17 pm |
helloooo, everybodyyyyyyyyy!!!!
today ipue tried a new recipe and she made yummy apricot lumps... well, lot of sugar, lot of butter... eyyy..... but so yummyyyyyyy!!!!!! |
ipuenktchen Posted Jul 5, 2016, 1:41 pm |
hurraaaaaaaaaaaaaaa....... a day out in the garden!!!!!!
hello to everybody, we are so thrilled!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it was quite calm, coz only ipue and her hubby were with us, but we had a great day and much fun, coz we had the whole traveltoygang with us!!!!! btw after all this stormy weather there wer even two trees broken!! ipue was working the whole day on the berries they got yesterday from their yard at home.. but this was ok, we absolutely didn't got bored.. hehe........... btw the fruits here in yusefabad weren't ripened yet except of some strawberries! |
ipuenktchen Posted Jul 12, 2016, 7:52 pm |
hi, dear friends, siblings & followers!!!!!!!!!!!!!
today I'll introduce our favorite chocolate-type to you... ipue prefers cappucino and her hubby marzipan almond paste!!!!!!! yesssssss, and we traveltoys, we like both of them!!!!!!!!!!! but now in this hot weather all of us we prefer ice-cream.. and ipue and her hubby prefer cappucino-icecream again!!!!!!! |
ipuenktchen Posted Jul 13, 2016, 2:07 pm |
hellooooooooooo, everyyyybodyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!
wow..... today we had to learn some pastry at home.... ipuenktchen told us her idea, to make a red-berries-charlotte from all the mulberries, sour cherries, cherries and red currants we had from their garden at home!!!!! and so we did... honestly, so much efforts.... we got really tired but happy about the nice result!!!! pls stay tuned to have the cake all together!!!!!!!!!!! ![]() |
ipuenktchen Posted Jul 13, 2016, 3:22 pm |
hi, dear friends & followers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
what a surprise, just a few days later it was ipue's son2, who proposed to join the garden, and of course we all agreed immediately!!! even kia enjoyed a lot to play football with his grandfather!!! and it was so interesting to observe the woodpecker family to feed their baby-birds!!!!!!! but as ipue told us it was quite difficult to take pics of the parents!!!!! they were soooooo fast!!!! |
ipuenktchen Posted Jul 13, 2016, 4:16 pm |
hellooooooooooo, dear friends, buddies, siblings & followers!!!
missing a report of a great day in the snowy garden... pls keep in touch, coming sooooooooooon!!!!!!! s o r r yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy |
ipuenktchen Posted Aug 17, 2016, 12:57 am |
hellooooooooooooo, everybodyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!
rainy weather in the middle of summer in IR??????????? it must be fun.. it's impossible........ but it was true today... a light summer-rain, but rain!!! and we all liked a lot to go out under the rain!!!!!!!!!!! ![]() ![]() |
ipuenktchen Posted Sep 16, 2016, 3:24 pm |
hi, dear buddies, friends & siblings!!!!!!!!!!!
*Grouhe SARAY* was the reason we went again....... to ARDABIL, yashila_81 had a gig in sare'in (hot waters!!) every day untill end of summer holidays!!! - Ipue cannot count how often she went to ardabil.. it's one of her most favorite places in NW of IR!!!!!! but for me, it was my very first time!!!!! pls have a look at our pics!!! and last but not least we huged ipue's lovely grandchildren who spent some time with their other grandparents!!!!!!!!!!!!! and a must is a glance at the UNESCO-site Sheikh Safi!!!!!!!!! |
ipuenktchen Posted Oct 2, 2016, 10:23 pm |
hi, dear siblings, friends & followers!!!!!!!!!!!
yeaaaaaaaaaaaah, yeaaaaaaaaaaaah, yeaaaaaaaaaah!!!! ipuenktchen told us today we'll leave for holidays very soon and she prepared a good-bye-party for all the traveltoys, coz maybe the cute STRAWBERRY BEAR will leave back home to china............ and we'll be back home without him!!!?!?! ipue had requested all our tickets and we were THRILLED!!! ![]() ![]() |
ipuenktchen Posted Nov 10, 2016, 5:23 pm |
helloooooooo everybodyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!
the day before our arriving at tab they had SNOW!!!!! not that much and immediately melted... omg........ and so we are so lucky to announce still a beautifull fall weather in tabriz.. no rain, no low temperature, but sunshine as much as you like!!!!!! and we travelbuddies like so much to play and get hidden in the leaves.... *smile* |
ipuenktchen Posted Nov 10, 2016, 6:18 pm |
hiiiiiiiiiiiiiii from BIELEFELD, dear friends, travelbuddies and postcrossers!!!!!!!!!!
guys, believe it, I'm in bielefeld for the 7th postcrossing meetup even there with 60 participiants from alloverwhere.... great, great, great!!!! ipue brought me here, sitting in the car of dear KROETE, who was so kind and picked us up in letter!!! and I'm sooooooooooooo excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! there was a beautiful fall mood all around, and I like it so much, when the leaves are falling down from the trees... all the traveltoys with ipue and even KAIPO from hawaii and annapineapple had been around me her in 7th Bielefeld meetup, most of us sitting beside the window with such a beautiful chutney-tree with its leaves in fall colours.... |
ipuenktchen Posted Nov 10, 2016, 6:32 pm |
hi, dear friends, followers and siblings!!!!!!!!!!!!!
still in bielefeld I'm looking around at the guys here what they are busy with........ some of them are preparing FOUR pumpkins for HALLOWEEN!!!!!!!!!! woooooooow, great job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and some other, before collecting stamps to stick on a long table as a decoration!! nice idea!!! and of course - most of them were signing postcards!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the main purpose to come to bielefeld.. hehe........ |
ipuenktchen Posted Nov 10, 2016, 6:52 pm |
hellooooooooooo, dear travelbuddies, friends & postcrossers!!!!
today we could admire the fantastic pumpkins, ready for halloween!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and later we went to visit the gorgeous collection of bottle cups in downtown bielefeld you had ever seen.. http://www.asippel.de no more pics, because tomorrow we'll have to leave..... and so many cards still rest for signature....... pls stay tuned for the pics........... |
ipuenktchen Posted Nov 21, 2016, 9:10 pm |
hi, dear friends, siblings & followers!!!!!!!!!!!
today ipuenktchen had her monthly-twice-game-gathering at her's!!! oh yeahhhh... at the same time it's also a coffee-party!!!! and she served great cookies, all souvenirs from her holidays recently, from germany and even from belgium!!!! the women agreed a lot!!!!!!!!!! |
ipuenktchen Posted Dec 17, 2016, 12:49 am |
hellooooooooooooooo, everyyyyybodyyyyyy!!!!!
it's a long time I understand ipue-mom is a bit a kind of slow person... finally for the 3rd advent (4 sundays before x-mas!!) she had the matching deco ready.... shame on her... but well, she's a bit older than others... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
ipuenktchen Posted Dec 18, 2016, 9:50 pm |
hi, dear friends, followers & siblings!!!!
I couldn't imagine when we opened our eyes in the morning and I understood, it seemed we were in a hotel.. and when we went for breakfast I heard only foreign languages... later we went out for a walk around, had a ride with the famous tramway of lisbon, got out in an upper quarter and had a great view to downtown lisbon and at the other side to the castle!!!!! woooooooooooow!!!!!!! ![]() we are happy to be in LISBON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lisbon, we are coming!!!! pls stay in touch with us to read and see about our adventures!!! |
ipuenktchen Posted Jan 23, 2017, 7:57 pm |
hi everybodyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!
yeahhhhhhh, we had great holidays in a nice atmospher, coz we all TV-gang had been all together, even with our guest from the baltic coast, enjoying the yummy dish and cookies and so on... and of course the amazing tree, lightening the dark winter eves........ and we wish you all a MERRY X-MAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
ipuenktchen Posted Jan 23, 2017, 8:30 pm |
again S N O W ...... during this winter for the 6th time,
dear friends, buddies, followers and siblings!!!!!!!!!!!!! do you like snow?????????????????????????????? ![]() |
ipuenktchen Posted Feb 15, 2017, 6:14 pm |
hi, everybodyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
today because of Valentine's Day ipue-hostmom instisted we had to be clean and fresh and nice.. and so we had to take a bath!!!!!!!!!!! hehe... we ourselves decided to get a white-water rafting instead of chilling in a wellness-bath... yeaaaahhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!! and so we did!!!!! we jumped into the washing mashine!!!!!!!! it was soooooooooooo amazing!!!!! believe it!!!!!!!!!! we had fun, only fun!!!!!!!!!!!! and besides we are clean & fresh & so on... hehe...... and pls notice she asked only me and Luigi Palermo, coz we both are so courageous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ![]() |
ipuenktchen Posted Feb 18, 2017, 2:06 pm |
hi, dear friends, buddies, followers!!!!!!!!!!!
outside during the night sometimes I feared a lot, this will be the end of my life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it seemed to me to be like under an avalanche!!! but as I'm a robust and hard-wearing guy I was waiting for my chance to survive!! and so it happened!!!! in the afternoon I heard the voice of ipue's charmen, who came to clean the yard and as he is very clever and resonable, he found me immediately and I cannot tell you how happy I had been!!!!!! thxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx a loooooooooooooooooooot!!!!!!!!! what a chance!!!!!!!! thxxxxxxxxxxxx god!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (yes, yes, toyvoyager's life is dangerous!!! specially at ipue's - hehehe....) |
ipuenktchen Posted Feb 18, 2017, 2:53 pm |
hi, dear friends, buddies, followers!!!!!!!!!!!
again and again the never endling snow in this winter 2016/ 2017.. and so hard to clean the yard.... ey gosh.... ipue was so happy when she noticed the snow in the morning, went out to take some photos... and lost me in the snow... omg....... I rest under the snow like under an avalanche and even couldn't shout or cry or anything... waiting only I will get rescued!!!!! plssssss keep your fingers crossed!!!!!!!!!! |
ipuenktchen Posted Feb 22, 2017, 6:53 pm |
hi, all my dear buddies, followers and siblings!!!!!!!
today ipuenktchen invited me and our dear guest LUIGI to go downtown to the ancient mansion of qajar era so called potter's house and she took part in an assembly of the pottery lovers association of eastazerbaijan!!! this is such a great place kept seriously by mostly women, provided by the iranian cultural heritage organization, first of all as a live museum, doing pottery, and teaching everything what's nessecary for!!!!!!!! they have also a permanent exhibition to learn about pottery in this province!!!! btw ipue has also two of her workpieces there. last year in summer they celebrated their 10th anniversary as an association!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and last but not least we met the beautifel hens, created by miss nastaran khosrawi, which will move at norouz again outside into the bassin in the yard!!!!! great stuff!!!!!!!! I was so proud of all the girls and ladies and a few men... ![]() ![]() ![]() |
ipuenktchen Posted Feb 25, 2017, 2:56 pm |
helloooooooooooo, my dear buddies and siblings!!!!!!!!!!!
we got invited at lili's for a fairwell-dinner, as they are leaving soon for holidays!!!!!!!!!!!!! and we played a lot with dear little kia and the dear little viona!!!! and believe it!!! there was a sheep, living in a BOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???!! do you have ever seen such a crazy thing???? |
ipuenktchen Posted Mar 5, 2017, 3:58 am |
hi, everybodyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!
today another day out... ipuenktchen brought us downtown tab to see the silkroad-tower where dear yashila_81 has his language institute, and of course we met him!!!! it's a nice building with 18 floors!!! and some nice places around!! as there is the famous carpet mosaic and also the metro station under construction.. btw in this place had been the original father's house of mr. ipue, which must get destroyed as well as many other buildings to to let be space for the tower, metro station and the new cross road!! later we went to another ceramic exhibition not far from there and it was again beautiful and interesting!!!! and on our way to the exhibition we found an old house from qajar era with an impressing entrance!!!! |
ipuenktchen Posted Mar 7, 2017, 12:23 am |
hi from tabriz again to everybodyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!
today it was the last day of the stay of our dear Malaysian guests!! we had lots of sightseeing together!! and they had a sweet little son!! finally we had a group photo with all traveltoys at ipue's to say goodbye!!! |
ipuenktchen Posted Mar 16, 2017, 6:11 pm |
heyyyyyyyyyyyy, everybodyyyyyyyyy!!!!!
what a great day!!!!! we went together with ipue-oma to meet dear sweet VIONA and the great KIA in their kindergarden!!!!!!!!!!!! yyyeeeeahhh.... so great place to have fun and playing with other kids!! surprise, surprise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
ipuenktchen Posted Apr 5, 2017, 11:40 am |
hellooooooooooo, dear friends, buddies, followers and so on!!!!!
the last day of our IR new year celebrations is always *sizdahbedar*, the 13th day of the new year!!!! it's the custom everybody is going out for picnic and bring the sabze from haftsin back to the nature, best of all bring it into flowing water!!!!!! and we went out as well, to the garden of ipue's hubby beside lake gurigol at km 25 teh road!!! best weather, guys!!!! a bit cold, but fully sunshine!!! we were so happy and had lots of fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
ipuenktchen Posted Oct 29, 2017, 12:48 am |
hey, all my buddies, followers, siblings, friends!!!!!!!!!!!
today is easter sunday and ipue had decorated the trees in the yard and also we'll have guests for a coffee party!!! I like both!!!!!! ![]() |
ipuenktchen Posted Jan 25, 2018, 12:28 am |
helloooooooooooooo, dear friends & buddies!!!
we were thinking about all the trouble at home............ ipue's son2 and his wife were so busy at our home.. and finally we understood ipue will have the game- gathering at her's!!!!!!!!!!!!! yeaaaah, we like it, too!!! we had yummy season-cookies like gingerbread and sweets, ipue brought with her from their holidays!!!!!!!! and ipue and her friends had so much fun and were laughing and chatting without any end.................. ![]() ![]() btw - today is also the bday of dear ipue's sis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it was her dear sis who had given me home at ipue's!!!! I'm so thankful and will never forget this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
ipuenktchen Posted Jan 25, 2018, 12:32 am |
heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, dear buddies & friends!!!!
a huge surprise we had today, when ipue told us to hurry up and take our shawls and so on, as we would go in this snowy weather by bus with a group of her son2's language institute forward to marand for a cooking class!!!!!!! and my favorite dish should be taught to the ppl: koefte tabrizi!!! yummyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!! finally not only cooking but it must be eaten, too, heheheheheeeeee.... lucky toyvoyagers!!! |
ipuenktchen Posted Feb 26, 2018, 10:49 pm |
hi, dear friends, buddies, and siblings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
today it's a lazy friday and dear yashila_81 picked us up to go the garden of ipue's hubby on km25, teh road!!! it was a great sunny day and everybody got happy to go out!!!!!!! the TVgang was nearly complete... as there had been - DubaiDROM - ZizziZebra - ZorroZebra - EkaPeli - StrawberryBear - NoNameSheep - PossyCrossy |
ipuenktchen Posted Mar 10, 2021, 3:06 pm |
hi, everybodyyyyy......................................
I'm really sorry, it had been a long time without any posting.. there was a misunderstanding about the opening of the toyvoyager site. so sorryyyyyyyyyyyyy.. pls be patient to read again from us.... TODAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY even ipue found the special update-PW, and here I aaaaaaaaaaaaaam..................................... |
ipuenktchen Posted Mar 13, 2021, 6:44 pm |
hi, everybodyyyyyyyyyyy, all my dear followers & friends!!!!!
We need some OXYGEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-))))) after so many days at home we really want to go out, and so we went all together for the supermarket and groceries!!! and as we also since long time ago didn't took any pic, ipue decided to start to make some just here in the yard!!!!! btw, did you noticed the snowdrop??? some of them still in a good condition, although several times they got covered with snow!!! |
ipuenktchen Posted Mar 16, 2021, 12:49 am |
hi, all my dear friends, buddies & followers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
today we had a trip downtown, and although ipue & her hubby had a visite for a doctor, they took the TVs with them, and this was very nice. here you can see me not so far from our home in front of the shahriyar tower.., a little skyscraper... hehe.... |
ipuenktchen Posted Mar 16, 2021, 6:46 pm |
helloooooooooooooo, everybody, dear followers, friends & buddies!!!!!
what a noise around us.................. tshaharshanbehsuri fire-crackers from allover where.... it will be tomorrow the last WED of the year, and that's why!!!!! also ppl make a little fire in their yard and are jumping over.. it was fun for ipue, when they were younger... but now only NOISE for them... sorryyyyyyyyyyyyy... so we have nothing a home to party.... but we decided to have a HAFTSIN on norouz day!!! and when we went for shopping before yesterday we bought a pretty apple and a little garlic, and of course the 'sabzeh' all for haftsin, and hopefully the remaining stuff Ipue will find at home... |
ipuenktchen Posted Mar 17, 2021, 4:12 pm |
hi, everybody, dear followers, friends & buddies!!!!!
my absolutely favorite Dessert in IR: SHOLE ZARD - Rice, sugar, water, safron!!!!! |
ipuenktchen Posted Mar 20, 2021, 11:08 pm |
hi, friends, buddies & followers!!!!!
during this night up to the last day of the iranian year ipue made our HAFTSIN.... do you remember, haft sin means 7 s, means 7 items of persian language with a 's'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and some other stuff with a special meaning for love and luck and many other positive wishes for the new year!!!!!! and as it was very late, she forgot more than 5 items....... as swe understood later, after making all our pics still in the night.. ok... never mind........................... ![]() ![]() ![]() ssib (apple), sserkeh (vinegar), sabzeh (the seeds, got green), sekkeh (coin), ssonbol (hyazinth, we have only in the yard..), ssangak (a special bread), ssenjed (a kind of fruit) ssamano (a kind of pudding), ssumagh (a spice) and many other stuff like gold fishes, a mirror, a clock, candles, coloured boiled eggs, the holy qor'an, new banknotes, nuts & pastry etc. many ppl nowadays don't get goldfishes, but met a bowl of water with an orange into!!!! and also some ppl use instead of the holy qor'an the book of poet hafez. |
ipuenktchen Posted Mar 22, 2021, 5:14 pm |
hi, everybodyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!
on our way back home of this awfull long trip of more than 20 hrs this will be longer as previewed, coz at doha airport we missed our plan for tehran.............. ![]() of course we had a lil breakfast and also a lunch, but we need a BED!!! I wish to all our TVs and ipue and her hubby as well a happy end of this neverending journeyyyyy....... |
ipuenktchen Posted Mar 22, 2021, 6:25 pm |
hi, everybodyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!
I'll give you the info, that ipue is updating my blog finally.... and at this date you may see our historical trip to SYDNEY, if you like............ it was amazing!! that's why she is trying her very best for a complete update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! S....Y....D....N....E....Y...... 9.3.2019 - 9.4.2019 |
ipuenktchen Posted Mar 22, 2021, 10:15 pm |
helloooooooooooo, dear friends, buddies & followers!!!!!!!!!!
today we had a lazy day at home, nothing to do.. and so ipue decided to teach us the Australian money!!!!!!!!!! this was so interesting for us and we pushed ourselves to understand well, coz this is smth important for everybody!!!!!! |
ipuenktchen Posted Mar 24, 2021, 9:23 pm |
helloooooooooooooooooooo everybodyyyyyyy!!!!
this night we had a great event!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's tshaharshanbeh suri, the eve before the last WED of the year!!! the first day of the long lasting new year's session 1398!!!!!!!!!!! and ipue's son1 and azzy had reserved for us in the famous iranian restaurant 'Persian Rose'!!!! wow, how nice, and what a crowd, all iranians!!!! believe it, in australia!!!!!!!!!!!! and even they prepared a little fire, to spring over, as an ancient custom!!!!!!!!!!!! and of course they had a beautiful haftsin, the special table with 7 things with "s"... the yummy food I will not mention........ so I'll get hungry again......... ![]() |
ipuenktchen Posted Mar 24, 2021, 10:24 pm |
hi, everybodyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
today our dear host and her son had smth to do in the Ryde Shopping Mall, Macquairie, and so we were happy to go out... you cannot believe it, what ipue found for the playmos!!????!???!?!?!?!?!??!??! A GIANT Playmo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't remember well, 2 or 3 different ones................!!!!!!!!!!!! and we took lot of pics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we all love giant playmos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and we also saw another haftsin! |
ipuenktchen Posted Mar 25, 2021, 12:09 am |
hellooooooooo agaiiiiiiin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
today we went by suburb train from turramurra to downtown Sydney!!! we were very excited!!!!!!!!!!! coz we would get to see the most famous sightseeing site in this gorgeous cityyyyy!!!!! the OPERA!!!!! it's one of the most famous buildings of the 20th century!!! opened in 1973! there is a large space around, thx god, coz there is such a crowd around!!!! we enjoyed there so muchhhhhhh and were so thankful for this opportunity, me, too!!! |
ipuenktchen Posted Mar 25, 2021, 12:50 am |
helloooooooooooooo, dear friends, buddies & followers!!!!!
this was another great day for us, as we were going to see our first beach in Sydney - Manly Beach!!!!!!!!!!!! as they told us, there are more than 50 beaches around Sydney!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
ipuenktchen Posted Mar 25, 2021, 12:45 pm |
hi, everybodyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yey yey, jippieeeeeeeeh jippieh, yey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we have spring, here it iiiiiiiiiiiiisssssssssssssssss!!!! |
ipuenktchen Posted Mar 25, 2021, 8:42 pm |
hello, dear friends, buddies, followers and other pelicans!!!!!!!
as we noticed ipue is living with two cultures and so today she tidied up the norouz deco and was arranging the easter decoration!!! this is sooo interesting for us!!!! both are special for spring!!! and after a longlasting winter and cold and grey weather we need the spring colours and get happy with!!!! |
ipuenktchen Posted Apr 1, 2021, 11:35 pm |
helloooooooooooo, dear friends & followers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
today we toyvoyagers all together were so busy for the easter-pics!!! okayyyyyyyyyy, not all of us, but most of us!!!! here we are!!!!!!!!!!!! |
ipuenktchen Posted Apr 5, 2021, 9:37 pm |
hi, a very Happy Easter to all dear friends, buddies, followers & family!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
although we couldn't got up in time as it was spoken to join our garden on this beautiful Easter Monday.... the clock should been ringing at 9 AM, but we only woke up at 11 AM... shame on us........... but dear yashila_81 was so kind to let us time to get ready untill noon... poooooohhhhh..... later in the day the weather turned into a very stormy weather.. lucky Possy & Crossy, they were the only ones who had a shawl, coz it got really COLD!!! believe it, there was a motorbike in the garden!!!!!!! and we all had been very curious to whom it belongs... it was the motorbike of the workman who was busy there today!! and so we weren't allowed to have a ride.... but finally we got get a pic on the nice motorbike!!!!!!!!!!! ![]() when yashila_81 had a break he had a shisha, too, and again we weren't allowed to do the same..... but we got a pic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() |
ipuenktchen Posted Apr 26, 2021, 11:32 am |
helloooooooooooo, all my dear followers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
some days we were waiting to get a pic with the beautiful lilac in the yard. and today it was the best colour for the fullest!!!!!!! and here and there had been also a few tulips..... here I am: |
ipuenktchen Posted Apr 27, 2021, 5:07 pm |
hi, dear friends, followers and buddies!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tabriz International Book Fair 2018 from SUN untill FRI at the tabriz International fairground!!! and today on WED we went there together with ipue and son2 and his wife and kiddies, who had their own stand there again, which was attractive & inviting as usual as they are really talented to create such a possibility!! |
ipuenktchen Posted Apr 28, 2021, 5:44 pm |
hi, all my dear friends, followers & buddies!!!!!
this afternoon we went into ipue's yard to take the last lilac pics!!!! the lilac season we all love so much is finish... enjoy our pics!!!! |
ipuenktchen Posted Apr 30, 2021, 8:17 pm |
hi, dear other pelicans, all my dear friends & followers!!!!
we had the very great opportunity to take part in 48th BD-event of son1, when the whole family had been together at ONE place to celebrate this!!!!! you know, normally they are living at THREE continents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
ipuenktchen Posted May 4, 2021, 5:12 pm |
HELLOOOOOOOOOOO, dear traveltoys!!!!
We passed the MON in ipue's garden and had a great day!! as it's a bit colder there we had just the beginning of spring! of course we all had a photosession!!! and most of all we liked the poppies!!!!!!! btw the lilac here in yusefabad is in a much more beautiful colour than in tabriz although it's from the same plant. I think it's a matter of soil...... |
ipuenktchen Posted Jul 21, 2021, 12:01 am |
hi, dear friends, followers and other pelicans!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was wondering ipue was so busy to make a cake and hide it from all of us, and than I understood it was the BD of dear lil KIA! we were very excited all of us.. and again we forgot to make pics...... ey gosh.............. but we insist ipue to make a pic even with the rest of the beautiful DINO............ so you can image, that we really had been participated in the BD-Party............... ![]() ![]() ![]() (shame on us............) ![]() |
ipuenktchen Posted Aug 11, 2021, 12:32 pm |
hi, everybodyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!
another great day out in ipue's garden!!!! great weather and her lovely lil granddaughter was playing with us! |
ipuenktchen Posted Sep 7, 2021, 11:16 pm |
hello, everybody!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BREAKING NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - we have a new friend at home!!!! his name is MONCHICHI!!!!! and long time ago he belonged to ipue's sons!! ipue loved him so much all the time and was always so sad she couldn't find him... although she was looking around all the stuff since ages!!!!!!! when she heard KiVi speaking about him, she immediately asked them and understood, he lives with them in their room!!!!!!! oh gosh, ipue was sooooo excited and asked the cute lil kiddies, if they would let him come to her and live here, as she loves him since such a long time, and of course they accepted immediately, sweet kiddies!!!! she was so thankful and the other day they brought him with them and ipue was sooooooooo happy, you cannot imagine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and as she isn't able to open a travel-diary for Monchichi he stay with dear strawberrybear, and come with him whenever he likes!!!!!!!!!! yeeeeeaaaaahhhhh!!!!! btw the first pic was taken by dear viona. and so the beloved MONCHICHI had his very first day in our garden!!!! |
ipuenktchen Posted Sep 8, 2021, 12:46 pm |
hello, dear other pelicans allaround the world and all my followers!!!
during these boring corona-times ipue mostly got busy by her hobby 'making handmade postcards' and during the last 4 month she had made 55 pieces!!!!!!!! today I will show you some of the most beautifulest ones! pls stay tuned... UPDATE: Jan, 7 pls have a look under the a.m. date to see some of her cards!!!!!!! |
ipuenktchen Posted Jan 7, 2022, 8:09 pm |
helloooooooooooo again to all my followers!!!!
as I promised you at Sept, 8: during this boring corona-times ipue mostly got busy by her hobby 'making handmade postcards' and during the last 4 month she had made 55 pieces!!!!!!!! today I will show you some of the most beautifulest ones! ************************************************* and now, 8 months later, she had finished 104 handmade postcards!! and it was really, really difficult to decide from which ones we should take a pic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??!?!???! and like usual I had a pic also together with dear Monchichi! |
ipuenktchen Posted Feb 27, 2022, 6:47 pm |
Hi, everybody!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
today we had a little gathering, MonChichi, StrawberryBear and me!!!!!!!!!!! it was fun! nice guys!!!!!! |