papa_always Posted Apr 20, 2016, 10:02 am |
I'm first time for ToyVagers,But I'm not the first trip. I have been to many places with my master PAPA. I am glad to here.If you like me just take me to more places for travel . The picture is in the Boracay in Philippines. I and [/url],[url=]Philly,Sunshiney,Ulani I hope I can make more friends at here. ![]() |
papa_always Posted Apr 20, 2016, 10:17 am |
I'm going to start a new journey.
I’m with Possy&Crossy to go to them home!!!! I'm really looking forward to it!!! Wish me luck ![]() |
ipuenktchen Posted Mar 11, 2021, 8:34 pm |
hi, dearest master papa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
today it had been the great moment, I entered IR!!!!!!!!!!!!! it was boring about 3 weeks in the envi, but today we got thrilled to get free, possy & crossy to have their mom ipue back and all the other great buddies at home, and me, to see ipuenktchen for my very first time, and I think I will be comfortable at their's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! believe it, ipue got tears in her eyes to see Possy & Crossy in a good condition, and the same to them, got all their friends around them and even some new ones!!!! ipu told us, to say THXXXXXXXXXXXXX A MILLION to dearest ***papa_always*** for all her efforts and so many new countries and last but not least the GREAT WALL, one of P&C's life mission, and finally so many gifts!!!!!!!! Possy & Crossy are so thankfull, and so is ipuenktchen!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and I have to pass a huge thankyou also so EMJAY from delft, from there P&C had been sent to china!!! she even prepared two sleeping bags for them, and so they arrived today at home!!!!!!!! all the traveltoys gave me a warm welcome, and so did ipue, and everybody enjoy to host me in IRAN!!! lucky guy I am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! now, dear master papa, I promise to give you very often my messages and pics so you don't have to get sad about my absence!!! and now we have to go to sleep, byyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!! btw tabriz is the 3rd largest city from IR, an industrial city with about 2 mill. inhabitants in NW of IR, about 300 km far from the turkish border. in IR they are speaking farsi, but here in tab they have Azeri as their mother-tongue and farsi at school, the official language. |
ipuenktchen Posted Mar 11, 2021, 10:08 pm |
hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, dear master papa and all our dear followers, friends & buddies!!!
after some days at home when I got familar with everybody and learn what I have to do not be different from others... hehe.... today we had a guest!!!!!!!! believe it - today there was a young guy from germany with a funny motorbike on his way to India and Australia...... wooooooow!!!!!!!!!!! he called it QUEEN, and we all traveltoys were sooooooo curious to have a ride with... but no chance, only in the yard... ipue told us: *too dangerous*!!!!!!! wish you a great & safe trip, dear luis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
ipuenktchen Posted Mar 11, 2021, 10:19 pm |
hi, dear master papa, dear friends & followers!!!!!!!!!!
in may it's in Iran the most beautiful spring time and the yard looks so beautiful!!!!! one of the very early spring flowers in ipue's garden is the beautiful lilac, the minihyacinths, daffodils and tulips as well... and then we had the splendid idea to play with fir cones!!!!!! and it was dear crossy who brought his camera and made really professional pics of each of us surrounded of the flowers!!! pls have a look!!!!! I wish I could send you some of the flowers!? ![]() |
ipuenktchen Posted Mar 11, 2021, 10:32 pm |
hurraaaaaaaaaaaaaaa....... a day out in the garden!!!!!!
hello to eeeeverybodyyyy, I got so thrilled!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! as the other traveltoys told us, how great a day in the garden will be! it was quite calm, coz only ipue and her hubby were with us, but I had a great day and much fun, coz the whole traveltoy gang was there!!!!! btw after all this stormy weather lately there were even two trees broken!! and dear master papa, a surprise for youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!! today in the garden I had my FIRST LIFE MISSION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! coz I was able to pick up real strawberries there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know you will be happy about as much as me, and I got THRILLED!! |
ipuenktchen Posted Mar 11, 2021, 10:41 pm |
hi, dear master papa, buddies, friends & followers!!!!!!!!!!!
- Ipue cannot count how often she went to ardabil untill now.. it's one of her most favorite places in NW of IR!!!!!! but for me it was my very first time even for a bit longer trip in iran!!!!! pls have a look at our pics!!! a must is a glance at the UNESCO-site Sheikh Safi!!!!!!!!! |
ipuenktchen Posted Mar 11, 2021, 10:54 pm |
hi, dear master papa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
today I MUST write to you, coz the Iranian Year is changing vom 1395 to 1396, believe it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAPPYYYYYYYY NEW YEEEEEAAAAAAAAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! to all our dearest friends, buddies, follwers...... today at 1 PM 58 min 37 sec the new IR year 1396 started.... and up from now we had the celebrations of NOROUZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!! during our visites and sightseeing we saw so many different haftsins everywhere!!!! here I show you ipue's haftsin with the blue tablecloth!!!!!!!!!!! haftsin is a custom of a table with 7 items all beginning with a 's'! and all families in the moment of changing the year are sitting around. the norouz-session is 13 days holidays, and at the end the 13th day is a special one, you will see it, pls be patient!!!!!!!!!!!! ![]() |
ipuenktchen Posted Mar 11, 2021, 11:22 pm |
hi, dear master papa, dear friends, followers & buddies!!!
we were thinking about all the trouble at home............ ![]() ipue's son2 and his wife were so busy at our home.. and finally we understood ipue will have the game- gathering at her's!!!!!!!!!!!!! yeaaaah, we like it, too!!! ipue had still yummy season-cookies like gingerbread and sweets, she brought with her from their holidays in germany!!!!!!!! and ipue and her friends had so much fun and were laughing and chatting and playing game boards without any end.................. |
ipuenktchen Posted Mar 11, 2021, 11:26 pm |
hi, dearest master papa and all the beloved friends!!!!!!!!!!!!!
a huge surprise we had today, when ipue told us to hurry up and take our shawls and so on, as we would go in this snowy weather by bus with a group of her son2's language institute forward to marand for a cooking class!!!!!!! and ipue's favorite dish should be taught to the ppl: koefte tabrizi!!! yummyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!! finally not only cooking but it must be eaten, too, heheheheheeeeee.... lucky toyvoyagers!!! of course ipue was lucky, too!!!! |
ipuenktchen Posted Mar 11, 2021, 11:33 pm |
hi, dear master papa, dear friends, buddies and followers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
today it's a lazy friday and dear yashila_81 picked us up to go the garden of ipue's hubby on km25, teh road!!! it was a great sunny day and everybody got happy to go out!!!!!!! the TVgang was nearly complete... as there had been - DubaiDROM - ZizziZebra - ZorroZebra - EkaPeli - Strawberry Bear - NoNameSheep - PossyCrossy only missing - PuenktchenAnton - ViViola |
ipuenktchen Posted Mar 11, 2021, 11:44 pm |
hi, dear master papa!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hi, all our dear friends & buddies & followers!!!!!!!!!!! I noticed ipue like baking/ cooking very much, and today she tried a new recipe and made yummy apricot lumps... well, lot of sugar, lot of butter... eyyy..... but so yummyyyyyyy!!!!!! |
ipuenktchen Posted Mar 11, 2021, 11:51 pm |
hi, dear master papa and others!!!!
I got very proud when I understood I entered at ipuenktchen's toyvoyager family just around her birthday!!!!!!!! yeaaaaaaaaaah!!!! we had so great food, prepared by her lovely daughter-in-law, and a marvelous cake, prepared by herself: strawberries-charlotte!!!!!!! and all told we had a great day and I got in touch with the whole familiy and I'm thinking I'm a lucky guy that ipue gave home to meeeeeee!!!!! do you think she prepared this kind of cake to honour meeeeeeeeee??????? ![]() ![]() |
ipuenktchen Posted Mar 11, 2021, 11:56 pm |
hi, master papa and the whole gang & followers!!!!!!!!!!!
a few days later we went at their monthly family gathering, and what a surprise they had there another b-day-cake for ipue, too!!!!!!!!!!!! the candle was a *?????*!!! ![]() |
ipuenktchen Posted Mar 12, 2021, 12:03 am |
on our way to kiel we changed the train in uelzen as usual...
here you may see us at the beautiful hundertwasser railway station!!! how often we had a break there, I like to see there again and again!!! pls read more about the austrian painter & architect friedensreich hundertwasser !!!! then we changed another time the train in the beautiful hamburg!! and finally we reached KIEL!!!!!! moin!!!!!!!!!!! |
ipuenktchen Posted Mar 12, 2021, 12:13 am |
hi, dear master papa, friends, buddies, followers!!!!!!!!
today ipuenktchen brought us straight to europe!!!! and I got thrilled to see germany in the xmas season!!!!!! and when we left the plane in HH airport, we went again straight to HH mainrailwaystation to meet ipue's sis and her hubby, who came from Hannover to pick us up!!!!! and together we got the metro to the portuguese neighborhood beside the harbour where the 4 scandinavian churches for the sailors are situated, which had their xmas-market just today!!! wow.. what a different lifestyle we met again during one day.. omg...... we reached only two of them, and this was enough: the swedish xmas-market and of course the finnish x-mas-market.. a gloeggi was obliged.. hehe... and of course ipue got thrilled to buy her favorite finnish chocolate FAZER SALMIAKKI!!!! and as ipue's hubby was extremly tired from the whole trip up from midnight last day, we immediately took the train to hannover, and exactly 23 hours later we entered our bed....... omg.............. |
ipuenktchen Posted Mar 12, 2021, 12:48 am |
hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii from BIELEFELD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
guys, believe it, I'm in bielefeld for the 7th postcrossing meetup even there with 60 participiants from alloverwhere.... great, great, great!!!! there was a beautiful fall mood all around, and I like it so much, when the leaves are falling down from the trees... all the traveltoys with ipue and even KAIPO from hawaii had been around me while sitting beside the window with such a beautiful chutney-tree with its leaves in fall colours.... bye for now!!!!!!!! |
ipuenktchen Posted Mar 12, 2021, 12:53 am |
still in bielefeld I'm looking around at the guys here who are busy with........
- some of them are preparing FOUR pumpkins for HALLOWEEN!!!!!!!!!! woooooooow, great job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - and some other, before collecting stamps to stick on a long table as a decoration!! nice idea!!! - and of course - most of them were signing postcards!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the main purpose to come to bielefeld.. hehe........ bye for now!!!!!!!!!!! |
ipuenktchen Posted Mar 12, 2021, 1:01 am |
still in bielefeld, yeaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!
today we could admire the fantastic pumpkins, ready for halloween!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and later we went to visit the gorgeous collection of bottle cups yo had ever seen.. the bottle cup museum of andrea & andreas!! these are the last pics, because tomorrow we had to leave..... and so many cards still rest for signature....... thx to everybody there who took part to make it a great event!!!! love you all!!! so often I heard about bielefeld and now a dream came true for ipuenktchen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
ipuenktchen Posted Mar 12, 2021, 5:07 pm |
hi, dear master papa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
today we had a cute surprise........... ipue found at instagram the advertising for a great flower-exhibition nearby - and so we went there! most of all we got surprised by three beautiful flamingos!!!!!!!!!! the flowers all had been beautiful, and even they had mini-trees there, none of us hadn't seen before! and the next surprise when coming out in front of the exhibition we found a brilliant classic car, a wonderful chevrolet from olden times!!! |
ipuenktchen Posted Mar 12, 2021, 5:23 pm |
hi, dearest master papa and all our dear buddies & followers!
today we had to get up quite early and the clock was ringing so loud... puuuuh, I don't like this awfull noise............. our goal was close to us, but we took a taxi as we had been so tired!!!!!!!!!!!! ipuenktchen told us we were invited for a really luxurious breakfast... so called *brunch* and we got thrilled, what a chance for the traveltoys!!!!!!!!!!! later we had seen they served even STRAWBERRIES, I couldn't believe it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wish you had been here with us and enjoyed the nice gathering, too!! it had been hold to honour the son of one of ipue's friends who got so successfull at university!!!! |
ipuenktchen Posted Mar 12, 2021, 5:33 pm |
hi, dear master papa!!!!!
today we had a great day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! in the morning we went out, coz it's the international museum's day and all museums in IR are for free!! so ipue and Mr. ipue decided to went to the qajar-museum. the new yard is opened recently and very large!!!!!! it was full of tulips as ppl told us, but now finished the tulips, but it was a very beautiful area as well!!!! the qajar museum is also an ancient traditional mansion of tabriz and so beautiful with its coloured stoned glass windows!! when finished our excursion we went for a yummy lunch at son2 of ipue and of course to see them all, specially the cute little kia and miss viona, only 2 months old!!! and ipue's grandchildren!!!!!!!!!!!! this is also the home of TV JORIS, and he rest there to be home again!! we kissed each other to say goodbye... |
ipuenktchen Posted Mar 13, 2021, 5:48 pm |
hi, dear master papa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
dear followers, buddies, friends allover where...... finally we went out today after such a long time, more than a week since son2 & family went for a business trip... we need really some oxygen... hahahaaaa..... just here in ipue's yard we took some pics as it was still a long time we didn't took any pic!!!!!!!!!!!!!! then we went alltogether to the supermarket and groceries shop. can you imagine they had strawberries!???!? strawberries - NOW!!!!?! but not very fresh and so I didn't ask for. ![]() btw, did you noticed the snowdrop??? some of them still in a good condition, although several times they got covered with snow!!! |
ipuenktchen Posted Mar 14, 2021, 1:30 pm |
hi, dearest master papa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
today ipue allowed her grandchildren to play with the toyvoyagers!!!! we had much fun together.. and of course when they went to bed they would take us with them... and we slept very well!!!!!!!!!!!!! and when I was thinking about, master papa, BELIEVE IT!!!! I think this was finally another LIFE MISSION for me, the Strawberry Bear!!!!?! coz I was with a small group of kiddies, sleeping on their bosom, they hugged me soooo much when falling sleeping... what a great moment, dear master papa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
ipuenktchen Posted Mar 16, 2021, 12:59 am |
hi, my dearest master papa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
today we had a trip downtown, and although ipue & her hubby had a visite for a doctor, they took the TVs with them, and this was very nice. when we came out from the doctor, first we entered a drugstore. it was a bit silly for me, when I saw the stuff of the drugstore made a "great wall" in front of them, so the customers couldn't come too close because of the virus........ ok........... next to our home I had another pic in front of the shahriyar tower.., a little skyscraper... hehe.... |
ipuenktchen Posted Mar 16, 2021, 6:48 pm |
hi, dear master papa!!!!!!!!!!! dear followers, friends & buddies!!!!!
what a noise around us.................. tshaharshanbehsuri fire-crackers from allover where.... it will be tomorrow the last WED of the year, and that's why!!!!! also ppl make a little fire in their yard and are jumping over.. it was fun for ipue, when they were younger... but now only NOISE for them... sorryyyyyyyyyyyyy... so we have nothing a home to party.... but we decided to have a HAFTSIN on norouz day!!! and when we went for shopping before yesterday we bought a pretty apple and a little garlic, and of course the 'sabzeh' all for haftsin, and hopefully the remaining stuff Ipue will find at home... |
ipuenktchen Posted Mar 17, 2021, 4:17 pm |
hi, dear master papa!!!!!!!!!!!
hi, everybody, dear followers, friends & buddies!!!!! my absolutely favorite Dessert in IR: SHOLE ZARD - Rice, sugar, water, safron!!!!! |
ipuenktchen Posted Mar 20, 2021, 11:10 pm |
hi, dearest master papa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
during this night up to the last day of the iranian year ipue made our HAFTSIN.... do you remember, haft sin means 7 s, means 7 items of persian language with a 's'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and some other stuff with a special meaning for love and luck and many other positive wishes for the new year!!!!!! and as it was very late, she forgot more than 5 items....... as we understood later, after making all our pics still in the night.. ok... never mind........................... psssssssssst, but it seems I'm her favorite, as I was the only one who got a second pic later with the missing stuff.. ![]() ![]() ![]() ssib (apple), sserkeh (vinegar), sabzeh (the seeds, got green), sekkeh (coin), ssonbol (hyazinth, we have only in the yard..), ssangak (a special bread), ssenjed (a kind of fruit) ssamano (a kind of pudding), ssumagh (a spice) and many other stuff like gold fishes, a mirror, a clock, candles, coloured boiled eggs, the holy qor'an, new banknotes, nuts & pastry etc. many ppl nowadays don't get goldfishes, but met a bowl of water with an orange into!!!! and also some ppl use instead of the holy qor'an the book of poet hafez. |
ipuenktchen Posted Mar 22, 2021, 7:02 pm |
hi, dear master papa!!!!!
on our way back home of this awfull long trip from sydney of more than 20 hrs this will be longer as previewed, coz at doha airport we missed our plan for tehran.............. ![]() of course we had a lil breakfast and also a lunch, but we need a BED!!! I wish to all our TVs and ipue and her hubby as well a happy end of this neverending journeyyyyy....... |
ipuenktchen Posted Mar 22, 2021, 8:23 pm |
dear master papa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'll give you the info, that ipue is updating my blog finally.... and at this date you may see our historical trip to SYDNEY, if you like............ it was amazing!! that's why she is trying to do her very best for a complete update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! S....Y....D....N....E....Y...... 9.3.2019 - 9.4.2019 |
ipuenktchen Posted Mar 22, 2021, 10:11 pm |
hi, dear master papa & followers!!!!!!!!!!
today we had a lazy day at home, nothing to do.. and so ipue decided to teach us the Australian money!!!!!!!!!! this was so interesting for us and we pushed ourselves to understand well, coz this is smth important for everybody!!!!!! update: later when arrived at IR at ipue's home, I remembered this day and got so sad, I didn't thought about my life mission, to collect a coin from every country I visited........ what a pity................... ![]() perhaps I can ask for one from ipue's son1, whenever they will come to visit IR?????????????!?!?!?!?!?! |
ipuenktchen Posted Mar 24, 2021, 9:06 pm |
hi, dear master papa!!!
this night we had a great event!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's tshaharshanbeh suri, the eve before the last WED of the year!!! the first day of the long lasting new year's session 1398!!!!!!!!!!! and ipue's son1 and azzy had reserved for us in the famous iranian restaurant 'Persian Rose'!!!! wow, how nice, and what a crowd, all iranians!!!! believe it, in australia!!!!!!!!!!!! and even they prepared a little fire, to spring over, as an ancient custom!!!!!!!!!!!! and of course they had a beautiful haftsin, the special table with 7 things with "s"... the yummy food I will not mention........ so I'll get hungry again......... ![]() |
ipuenktchen Posted Mar 24, 2021, 10:20 pm |
hi, dearest master papa!!!!!!!!!!!!!
today our dear host and her son had smth to do in the Ryde Shopping Mall, Macquairie, and so we were happy to go out... you cannot believe it, what ipue found for the playmos!!????!???!?!?!?!?!??!??! A GIANT Playmo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't remember well, 2 or 3 different ones................!!!!!!!!!!!! and we took lot of pics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we all love giant playmos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and we also saw another haftsin! |
ipuenktchen Posted Mar 25, 2021, 12:04 am |
hi, dear master papa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
today we went by suburb train from turramurra downtown Sydney!!! we were very excited!!!!!!!!!!! coz we would get to see the most famous sightseeing site in this gorgeous cityyyyy!!!!! the OPERA!!!!! it's one of the most famous buildings of the 20th century!!! opened in 1973! there is a large space around, thx god, coz there is such a crowd around!!!! we enjoyed there so muchhhhhhh and thankful for this opportunity!!! |
ipuenktchen Posted Mar 25, 2021, 12:46 am |
hi, dearest master papa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this was another great day for us, as we were going to see our first beach in Sydney - Manly Beach!!!!!!!!!!!! as they told us, there are more than 50 beaches around Sydney!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
ipuenktchen Posted Mar 25, 2021, 1:09 pm |
hi, dear master papa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yey yey, jippieeeeeeeeh jippieh, yey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we have spring, here it iiiiiiiiiiiiisssssssssssssssss!!!! |
ipuenktchen Posted Mar 25, 2021, 8:48 pm |
hi, dear master papa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
as we noticed ipue is living with two cultures and so today she tidied up the norouz deco and was arranging the easter decoration!!! this is sooo interesting for us!!!! both are special for spring!!! and after a longlasting winter and cold and grey weather we need the spring colours and get happy with!!!! |
ipuenktchen Posted Apr 1, 2021, 11:21 pm |
hi again, dear master papa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
today we toyvoyagers all together were so busy for the easter-pics!!! okayyyyyyyyyy, not all of us, but most of us!!!! here we are!!!!!!!!!!!! |
ipuenktchen Posted Apr 5, 2021, 10:39 pm |
hi, dear master papa!!!!!!!!!!!!
although we couldn't got up in time as it was spoken to join our garden on this beautiful Easter Monday.... the clock should been ringing at 9 AM, but we only woke up at 11 AM... shame on us........... but dear yashila_81 was so kind to let us time to get ready untill noon... poooooohhhhh..... later in the day the weather turned into a very stormy weather.. lucky possy & crossy, who were the only ones who had a shawl, coz it got really COLD!!! believe it, there was a motorbike in the garden!!!!!!! and we all had been very curious to whom it belongs... it was the motorbike of the workman who was busy there today!! and so we weren't allowed to have a ride.... but finally we got get a pic on the nice motorbike!!!!!!!!!!! ![]() when yashila_81 had a break he had a shisha, too, and again we weren't allowed to do the same..... but again a pic with........... hehe.... ![]() ![]() ![]() |
ipuenktchen Posted Apr 16, 2021, 4:45 pm |
hi, dearest master papa & followers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
do you know ipue-hostmom make different marmelades, jams etc.?! today we picked up the sweet cherries in their yard and made a yummy compote!!!i do I look nice with this extraordinaire earrings????????????????? and also we picked up the red currants and some sour cherries and mulberries to make a mixed jam!!! |
ipuenktchen Posted Apr 16, 2021, 8:33 pm |
hi, dear master papa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
today hostmom ipue made me so happy coz she trust me so much, that I was the only one of all traveltoys who had been allowed to help ipue baking a cake!!!! I had never heard the name - a charlotte!! and I was happy to learn this!!! |
ipuenktchen Posted Apr 16, 2021, 8:48 pm |
hi, dear master papa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
today I'll tell you a real SECRET, but you must promise me, don't tell it to anybody untill the end of your life, ok???????????????????? dear ipue-hostmom is chocolate-addicted.... what a pity................ and today she show me two of her favorite chocolates and got a pic!! |
ipuenktchen Posted Apr 19, 2021, 9:48 pm |
hi, dearest master papa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
what a fantastic spring day we had ahead when decided to go to ipue's garden!!!!!!!!!!! in yusefabad dear yashila_81 didn't went straight to the garden, but had choosen the road to GURIGOEL LAKE!!!! wowwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ipue told us, in summer mostly the lake is dried recently.. what a pity.... years ago even they had there sometimes a few flamingos!!!!!!!!!!! today ipue's grandchildren would set free their norouz-fishes there, which is normally common to do at the 13th day of the new year!!!! at sizdah-be-dar!!!!!!!! well, from there we went back to the garden and enjoyed the great weather, everybody was busy to have a great day!!!!! even the kiddies made cookies, they asked their granny recently!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and we had a coffee-break outside!! |
ipuenktchen Posted Apr 26, 2021, 11:43 am |
hi, dearest master papa and all my followers & buddies!!!!
some days we were waiting to get a pic with the beautiful lilac in the yard. and today it was the best colour for the fullest!!!!!!! and here and there had been also a few tulips..... here I am: |
ipuenktchen Posted Apr 27, 2021, 5:37 pm |
hellooooo, my dear master papa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hello, all my good friends & followers!!!!!! Tabriz International Book Fair 2018 from SUN untill FRI at the Tabriz Intl fairground!!! and today on WED we went there together with ipue and son2 and his family, who had their own stand there again, which was attractive & inviting as usual as they are really talented to create such a possibility!! |
ipuenktchen Posted Apr 27, 2021, 6:03 pm |
here I'm telling about some other trips I made with my dear master papa before....
this day we entered a temple fair together with some other traveltoys. it was my first time in a temple! |
ipuenktchen Posted Apr 27, 2021, 6:18 pm |
here I share some other trips with my dear master papa before!
Happy Chinese New Year to everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! after dinner we watched the Spring Festival Gala. This is one of the Chinese New Year customs. all the people in this time turn on the TV to watch the show. crosstalk and a lot of songs and danceshow, untill midnight!!! |
ipuenktchen Posted Apr 27, 2021, 6:42 pm |
here I share again with you trips from before together with my master papa and other traveltoys!
we went to TaoRanTing park!! There they have Ice and Snow World amusement A park in the park. I like snow, but unfortunately there is no snow this year in Beijing. |
ipuenktchen Posted Apr 27, 2021, 6:44 pm |
hello everybody, here I share some pics from other trips before together with my master papa:
we get ready for chinese New Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we are all at home as chinese ppl try to be at home for New Year! we are a big family - the whole TV-gang! |
ipuenktchen Posted Apr 27, 2021, 7:24 pm |
here I share with you more pics from my home in beijing before:
Have a new friend came to our home today. he is from Germany, a horse, his name is Hansi!! He looks very friendly, and I welcomed him very much! |
ipuenktchen Posted Apr 28, 2021, 6:25 pm |
hi, my dear master papa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this afternoon we went into ipue's yard to take the last lilac pics!!!! the lilac season we all love so much is nearly finish... enjoy our pics!!!! |
ipuenktchen Posted Apr 30, 2021, 8:40 pm |
hello, dear master papa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and all my dear friends & followers allover the world!!!! we had the very great opportunity to take part in 48th BD-event of son1, when the whole family had been together at ONE place to celebrate this!!!!! you know, normally they are living at THREE continents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
ipuenktchen Posted Jun 11, 2021, 8:24 pm |
helloooooooooooo, everybody....
last time we got a bit lazy in taking pics and so you didn't heard anything from ipue-hostmom and me during the last 40 days... I'm deeply sorry...... ![]() today the kiddies had been with us, our weekend, you know!!!!!! THU/ FRI... and dear little kia, who is mad for any tinker-idea, made a lil waistcoat and a hat for me from paper!!!!!!!!!!! isn't it nice? |
ipuenktchen Posted Jul 17, 2021, 1:29 pm |
Hi, everybody, hi, dear master papa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
we had a great day out to a cosy garden near to Arpadarasi!!!!! in this direction are lots of riding stables and we had a break to look around. dear lil kia wasn't amused but viona was ready have a ride! but no time, we went forward to the garden!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! first we saw a beautiful honeysuckle, blooming over and over and I liked to get a pic!!!!!!!!!!!!! many of our friends were arrived and so we started a great day!!!!!!!!!!! with yummy food, playing and dancing and chatting and and and... ipue-hostmom tried her smph for this and that and so she changed a pic of mine in several options. I like this, do you like this, too????? and I don't will forget to mention we had even a BDcake for lil KIA!! |
ipuenktchen Posted Jul 20, 2021, 11:32 pm |
hellooooooooo everybodyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!
hello dear master papa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was wondering ipue-hostmom was so busy to make a cake and hide it from all of us and than I understood it was the BD of dear lil KIA! we were very excited all of us.. and again we forgot to make pics...... ey gosh.............. but we insist ipue to make a pic even with the rest of the beautiful DINO............ so you can image, that we really had been participated in the BD-Party............... ![]() ![]() ![]() shame on us............... ![]() |
ipuenktchen Posted Aug 11, 2021, 12:43 pm |
hi, all dear followers, friends and last not least dear master papa!!!!
another great day out in ipue's garden!!!! great weather and her lovely lil granddaughter was playing with us! Me, I was trying to walk by a walking-stick like dear ipue............ |
ipuenktchen Posted Aug 14, 2021, 9:55 am |
hi, dear master papa and all my followers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
only a few days later we went again to ipue's garden, this time with the stuff of the language institut of son2!!!! it was a fantastic day and everybody enjoyed a lot!!!!!! also we had some harvest.... ![]() |
ipuenktchen Posted Aug 25, 2021, 10:12 pm |
hi, dear followers and friends and buddies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
great, great day again in yusefabad-garden!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it was a special day - the b-day of the dear hubby of ipue-hostmom!!!! as this is his most favorite place everybody got happy when son2 proposed this!!!!!!!!! we decided everything very fast, found a cake in the freezer, a lunch and dessert prepared there in the garden, mostly important to be happy to be together!!!!!!!!! |
ipuenktchen Posted Sep 7, 2021, 10:53 pm |
hi, my dear followers, and hi to my master papa!!!!!!!!!!!!
BREAKING NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - we have a new friend at home!!!! his name is MONCHICHI!!!!! and long time ago he belonged to ipue's sons!! ipue loved him so much all the time and was always so sad she couldn't find him... although she was looking around all the stuff since ages!!!!!!! when she heard KiVi speaking about him, she immediately asked them and understood, he lives with them in their room!!!!!!! oh gosh, ipue was sooooo excited and asked the cute lil kiddies, if they would let him come to her and live here, as she loves him since such a long time, and of course they accepted immediately, sweet kiddies!!!! she was so thankful and the other day they brought him with them and ipue was sooooooooo happy, you cannot imagine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and as she isn't able to open a travel-diary for Monchichi he stay with me, and come with me whenever he likes!!!!!!!!!! yeeeeeaaaaahhhhh!!!!! btw the first pic was taken by dear viona. and the beloved MONCHICHI had his very first day in our garden!!!! |
ipuenktchen Posted Sep 8, 2021, 12:44 pm |
hi, all my dear followers, and hey also to dear master papa!!!!!!!!!
during this boring corona-times ipue mostly got busy by her hobby 'making handmade postcards' and during the last 4 month she had made 55 pieces!!!!!!!! today I will show you some of the most beautifulest ones! pls stay tuned... UPDATE: Jan, 7 as I promised I will you show some of the handmade postcards!!!!! pls have a look at this date!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
ipuenktchen Posted Sep 18, 2021, 6:07 pm |
hellooooooooooooooo, everybody!!!!!!!!!!!!
today me and my new friend, dear Monchichi, went for a walk at shahgoli! the walk beside the bassin was forbidden, so everybody used the street around it. |
ipuenktchen Posted Sep 22, 2021, 12:51 am |
hi, everybodyyyyyyyyyyyyy here & there!!!!!!!!!!!!
we went again to our garden and as usual our day out was great!!!!!!!!! great weather, not too hot, and everybody busy or not.. ![]() and of course I had again my new buddy Monchichi with me!!!!!!!! we had again a lot of harvest to do, and last but not least I gave it a try to eat from the sunflower-seeds. not so bad, but difficult to open.. ![]() |
ipuenktchen Posted Jan 7, 2022, 6:12 pm |
hellooooooooo, everybodyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!
today we had the greatest surprise of all surprises of the world!!!!!! ipue's son2 invited us as an xmas gift for all of us to a private pd ool!! he rented a private house officially for families from 12 to 20 o'clock and we spent an excellent day there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it was for all of us the best xmas-gift ever, if you can imagine!!!?!?!?!! |
ipuenktchen Posted Jan 7, 2022, 7:55 pm |
helloooooooooooo again to all my followers and of course dear papa!!!!
as I promised you at Sept, 8: during this boring corona-times ipue mostly got busy by her hobby 'making handmade postcards' and during the last 4 month she had made 55 pieces!!!!!!!! today I will show you some of the most beautifulest ones! ************************************************* and now, 8 months later, she had finished 104 handmade postcards!! and it was really, really difficult to decide from which ones we should take a pic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??!?!???! |
ipuenktchen Posted Feb 27, 2022, 6:41 pm |
hi, everybody!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
today we met for chatting, MonChichi, Ekapeli and me!!!!!!!!!!! it was fun! nice guys!!!!!! |
ipuenktchen Posted Feb 27, 2022, 6:52 pm |
helloooooooooooo, again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
today we had a great day out on the Eynali mt!!!!!!!!! first we went by car untill the first station of the telecabin. there is beside a little animal park and it was great to see some animals. from where of course we took the telecabin to go up until the top of the mountain. believe it, we had a great view all around!!! |